KDE Releases Software Compilation 4.4.2 。。。
KDE Software Compilation 4.4.2 Out Now: Codename "Colibri"
KDE Community Ships Second Translation and Service Release of the 4.4 Free Desktop, Containing Numerous Bugfixes and Translation Updates
March 30th, 2010. Today, KDE has released a new version of the KDE Software Compilation (KDE SC). This month's edition of KDE SC is a bugfix and translation update to KDE SC 4.4. KDE SC 4.4.2 is a recommended upgrade for everyone running KDE SC 4.4.1 or earlier versions. As the release only contains bugfixes and translation updates, it will be a safe and pleasant update for everyone. Users around the world will appreciate that KDE SC 4.4.2 multi-language support is more complete. KDE SC 4 is already translated into more than 50 languages, with more to come.
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