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2011-06-23 16:11:49

1. 总线、设备和驱动

1.1 简单介绍

       Linux设备模型中三个很重要的概念就是总线、设备和驱动,即busdevicedriver。它们分别对应的数据结构分别为struct bus_typestruct devicestruct device_driver


       在系统中有多种总线,如PCI总线、SCSI总线等。系统中的多个设备和驱动是通过总线让它们联系起来的。在bus_type中两个很重要的成员就是struct kset driversstruct kset devices。它分别代表了连接在这个总线上的两个链,一个是设备链表,另一个则是设备驱动链表。也就是说,通过一个总线描述符,就可以找到挂载到这条总线上的设备,以及支持该总线的不同的设备驱动程序。

1.2 总线、设备与驱动的绑定

       在系统启动时,它会对每种类型的总线创建一个描述符,并将使用该总线的设备链接到该总线描述符的devices链上来。也即是说在系统初始化时,它会扫描连接了哪些设备,并且为每个设备建立一个struce device变量,然后将该变量链接到这个设备所连接的总线的描述符上去。另一方面,每当加载了一个设备驱动,则系统也会准备一个struct device_driver结构的变量,然后再将这个变量也链接到它所在总线的描述符的drivers链上去。     

       对于设备来说,在结构体struct device中有两个重要的成员,一个是struct bus_type *bus,另一个是struct device_driver *driverbus成员就表示该设备是链接到哪一个总线上的,而driver成员就表示当前设备是由哪个驱动程序所驱动的。对于驱动程序来说,在结构体struct device_driver中也有两个成员,struct bus_type *busstruct list_head devices,这里的bus成员也是指向这个驱动是链接到哪个总线上的,而devices这个链表则是表示当前这个驱动程序可以去进行驱动的那些设备。一个驱动程序可以支持一个或多个设备,而一个设备则只会绑定给一个驱动程序。

       对于devicedevice_driver之间建立联系的方式,主要有两种方式。第一种,在计算机启动的时候,总线开始扫描连接在其上的设备,为每个设备建立一个struct device变量并链接到该总线的devices链上,然后开始初始化不同的驱动程序,驱动程序到它所在的总线的devices链上去遍历每一个还没有被绑定给某个驱动的设备,然后再查看是否能够支持这种设备,如果它能够支持这种设备,则将这个设备与这个驱动联系起来。即,将这个设备的device变量加到驱动的devices链上,同时让struct device中的device_driver指向当前这个驱动。第二种则是热插拔。也即是在系统运行时插入了设备,此时内核会去查找在该bus链上注册了的device_driver,然后再将设备与驱动联系起来。设备与驱动根据什么规则联系起来,它们是如何被联系起来的代码我们将在后面的章节进行详细的描述。

1.3 PCI总线


1. PCI结构图


1.4 PCI设备与驱动

       PCI设备通常由一组参数唯一地标识,它们被vendorIDdeviceIDclass nodes所标识,即设备厂商,型号等,这些参数保存在pci_device_id结构中。每个PCI设备都会被分配一个pci_dev变量,内核就用这个数据结构来表示一个PCI设备。


       pci_driver中有一个成员struct pci_device_id *id_table,它列出了这个设备驱动程序所能够处理的所有PCI设备的ID值。

1.5 PCI设备与驱动的绑定过程


2. 将设备链接到总线描述符上


       drv->driver.bus = &pci_bus_type;

       drv->driver.probe = pci_device_probe;


3. 加载设备驱动


4. 不同的设备驱动


1.6 小结


1.7 参考文献





2. 网卡在PCI层的注册

2.1 数据结构



struct pci_device_id {

       __u32 vendor, device;           /* Vendor and device ID or PCI_ANY_ID*/

       __u32 subvendor, subdevice; /* Subsystem ID's or PCI_ANY_ID */

       __u32 class, class_mask;      /* (class,subclass,prog-if) triplet */

       kernel_ulong_t driver_data;    /* Data private to the driver */



struct pci_driver {

       struct list_head node;

       char *name;

       const struct pci_device_id *id_table;    /* must be non-NULL for probe to be called */

       int  (*probe)  (struct pci_dev *dev, const struct pci_device_id *id);       /* New device inserted */

       void (*remove) (struct pci_dev *dev);  /* Device removed (NULL if not a hot-plug capable driver) */

       int  (*suspend) (struct pci_dev *dev, pm_message_t state);      /* Device suspended */

       int  (*suspend_late) (struct pci_dev *dev, pm_message_t state);

       int  (*resume_early) (struct pci_dev *dev);

       int  (*resume) (struct pci_dev *dev);                  /* Device woken up */

       int  (*enable_wake) (struct pci_dev *dev, pci_power_t state, int enable);   /* Enable wake event */

       void (*shutdown) (struct pci_dev *dev);


       struct pci_error_handlers *err_handler;

       struct device_driver       driver;

       struct pci_dynids dynids;


       int multithread_probe;




static struct pci_driver e100_driver = {

       .name =         DRV_NAME,

       .id_table =     e100_id_table,

       .probe =        e100_probe,

       .remove =       __devexit_p(e100_remove),

#ifdef CONFIG_PM

       /* Power Management hooks */

       .suspend =      e100_suspend,

       .resume =       e100_resume,


       .shutdown =     e100_shutdown,

       .err_handler = &e100_err_handler,



#define INTEL_8255X_ETHERNET_DEVICE(device_id, ich) {\

       PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTEL, device_id, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, \

       PCI_CLASS_NETWORK_ETHERNET << 8, 0xFFFF00, ich }

static struct pci_device_id e100_id_table[] = {

       INTEL_8255X_ETHERNET_DEVICE(0x1029, 0),

       INTEL_8255X_ETHERNET_DEVICE(0x1030, 0),


       { 0, }




2.2 E100初始化


static int __init e100_init_module(void)


       if(((1 << debug) - 1) & NETIF_MSG_DRV) {

              printk(KERN_INFO PFX "%s, %s\n", DRV_DESCRIPTION, DRV_VERSION);

              printk(KERN_INFO PFX "%s\n", DRV_COPYRIGHT);


       return pci_register_driver(&e100_driver);



2.3 PCI注册




 * __pci_register_driver - register a new pci driver

 * @drv: the driver structure to register

 * @owner: owner module of drv

 * @mod_name: module name string


 * Adds the driver structure to the list of registered drivers.

 * Returns a negative value on error, otherwise 0.

 * If no error occurred, the driver remains registered even if

 * no device was claimed during registration.


int __pci_register_driver(struct pci_driver *drv, struct module *owner, const char *mod_name);


       drv-> = drv->name;

       drv->driver.bus = &pci_bus_type;

       drv->driver.owner = owner;

       drv->driver.mod_name = mod_name;



struct bus_type pci_bus_type = {

       .name             = "pci",

       .match           = pci_bus_match,

       .uevent           = pci_uevent,

       .probe            = pci_device_probe,

       .remove          = pci_device_remove,

       .suspend  = pci_device_suspend,

       .suspend_late  = pci_device_suspend_late,

       .resume_early = pci_device_resume_early,

       .resume          = pci_device_resume,

       .shutdown      = pci_device_shutdown,

       .dev_attrs       = pci_dev_attrs,


       然后再调用函数driver_register(&drv->driver);通过这个函数将这个PCI驱动中的struct device_driver driver成员变量注册到系统中去。




 *    driver_register - register driver with bus

 *    @drv:     driver to register


 *    We pass off most of the work to the bus_add_driver() call,

 *    since most of the things we have to do deal with the bus

 *    structures.


 *    The one interesting aspect is that we setup @drv->unloaded

 *    as a completion that gets complete when the driver reference

 *    count reaches 0.


int driver_register(struct device_driver * drv)


       if ((drv->bus->probe && drv->probe) ||

           (drv->bus->remove && drv->remove) ||

           (drv->bus->shutdown && drv->shutdown)) {

              printk(KERN_WARNING "Driver '%s' needs updating - please use bus_type methods\n", drv->name);


       klist_init(&drv->klist_devices, NULL, NULL);


       return bus_add_driver(drv);







 *    driver_attach - try to bind driver to devices.

 *    @drv:     driver.


 *    Walk the list of devices that the bus has on it and try to

 *    match the driver with each one.  If driver_probe_device()

 *    returns 0 and the @dev->driver is set, we've found a

 *    compatible pair.


int driver_attach(struct device_driver * drv)


       return bus_for_each_dev(drv->bus, NULL, drv, __driver_attach);






static int __driver_attach(struct device * dev, void * data)


       struct device_driver * drv = data;



        * Lock device and try to bind to it. We drop the error

        * here and always return 0, because we need to keep trying

        * to bind to devices and some drivers will return an error

        * simply if it didn't support the device.


        * driver_probe_device() will spit a warning if there

        * is an error.



       if (dev->parent)      /* Needed for USB */



       if (!dev->driver)

              driver_probe_device(drv, dev);


       if (dev->parent)



       return 0;



       if (!dev->driver)

              driver_probe_device(drv, dev);






 * driver_probe_device - attempt to bind device & driver together

 * @drv: driver to bind a device to

 * @dev: device to try to bind to the driver


 * First, we call the bus's match function, if one present, which should

 * compare the device IDs the driver supports with the device IDs of the

 * device. Note we don't do this ourselves because we don't know the

 * format of the ID structures, nor what is to be considered a match and

 * what is not.


 * This function returns 1 if a match is found, an error if one occurs

 * (that is not -ENODEV or -ENXIO), and 0 otherwise.


 * This function must be called with @dev->sem held.  When called for a

 * USB interface, @dev->parent->sem must be held as well.


int driver_probe_device(struct device_driver * drv, struct device * dev)


       struct stupid_thread_structure *data;

       struct task_struct *probe_task;

       int ret = 0;


       if (!device_is_registered(dev))

              return -ENODEV;

       if (drv->bus->match && !drv->bus->match(dev, drv))

              goto done;


       pr_debug("%s: Matched Device %s with Driver %s\n",

               drv->bus->name, dev->bus_id, drv->name);


       data = kmalloc(sizeof(*data), GFP_KERNEL);

       if (!data)

              return -ENOMEM;

       data->drv = drv;

       data->dev = dev;


       if (drv->multithread_probe) {

              probe_task = kthread_run(really_probe, data,

                                    "probe-%s", dev->bus_id);

              if (IS_ERR(probe_task))

                     ret = really_probe(data);

       } else

              ret = really_probe(data);



       return ret;






 * pci_bus_match - Tell if a PCI device structure has a matching PCI device id structure

 * @dev: the PCI device structure to match against

 * @drv: the device driver to search for matching PCI device id structures


 * Used by a driver to check whether a PCI device present in the

 * system is in its list of supported devices. Returns the matching

 * pci_device_id structure or %NULL if there is no match.


static int pci_bus_match(struct device *dev, struct device_driver *drv)


       struct pci_dev *pci_dev = to_pci_dev(dev);

       struct pci_driver *pci_drv = to_pci_driver(drv);

       const struct pci_device_id *found_id;


       found_id = pci_match_device(pci_drv, pci_dev);

       if (found_id)

              return 1;


       return 0;



#define    to_pci_dev(n) container_of(n, struct pci_dev, dev)

#define    to_pci_driver(drv) container_of(drv,struct pci_driver, driver)

       这两个宏在 3rd书上有相应的讲解,这里也就是找到E100pci_drivere100_driver以及该网卡设备的pci_dev结构。现在就要对它们进行比较以看它们之间是否能够联系起来。这是通过函数pci_match_device实现的。




 * pci_match_device - Tell if a PCI device structure has a matching PCI device id structure

 * @drv: the PCI driver to match against

 * @dev: the PCI device structure to match against


 * Used by a driver to check whether a PCI device present in the

 * system is in its list of supported devices.  Returns the matching

 * pci_device_id structure or %NULL if there is no match.


const struct pci_device_id *pci_match_device(struct pci_driver *drv,

                                        struct pci_dev *dev)


       struct pci_dynid *dynid;


       /* Look at the dynamic ids first, before the static ones */


       list_for_each_entry(dynid, &drv->dynids.list, node) {

              if (pci_match_one_device(&dynid->id, dev)) {


                     return &dynid->id;





       return pci_match_id(drv->id_table, dev);






       if (dev->bus->probe) {

              ret = dev->bus->probe(dev);

              if (ret)

                     goto probe_failed;

       } else if (drv->probe) {

              ret = drv->probe(dev);

              if (ret)

                     goto probe_failed;







static int pci_call_probe(struct pci_driver *drv, struct pci_dev *dev,

                       const struct pci_device_id *id)


       int error;

/*  省略  */

       error = drv->probe(dev, id);






2.4 函数调用流程图


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