1: Hardware should meet the requirements
2: CPU support VT
3: Memory size should >= 4G
5: To be as secondary storage, the disk size of NFS must be >= 100G
6: There is a bug in the ssvm-check.sh script on SSVM, but it's no matter to the whole system.
7: In oder to login the SSVM, you should do as following on hosts :
ssh -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa.cloud -p 3922 root@private-ip
here, the private-ip is Link Local IP
8: In order to get template and iso, you should change the global settings item :
configuration---> global settings: secstorage.allowed.internal.sites
9: You should grant the mysql's access right to all the hosts
mysql>grant all privileges on *.* to USER@IP identified by "PASSWORD";
10:close the iptables: service iptables stop
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