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2006-02-13 16:14:48

近来在做 HP OVO 的项目,下面是试验笔记
OVO for HP-UX 11.11 Installation

一、Kernel Parameters
# sam
WARNING: The parameter nkthread is currently set to 499
         It is highly recommended that it is minimally set to 7500.
         To modify the kernel parameter use sam(1m)
WARNING: The parameter max_thread_proc is currently set to 64
         It is highly recommended that it is minimally set to 1114.
         To modify the kernel parameter use sam(1m)
WARNING: The parameter maxdsiz is currently set to 0x10000000
         It is highly recommended that it is minimally set to 0x40000000.
         To modify the kernel parameter use sam(1m)
WARNING: The parameter maxdsiz_64bit is currently set to 0x40000000
         It is highly recommended that it is minimally set to 0x80000000.
         To modify the kernel parameter use sam(1m)
WARNING: The parameter maxfiles is currently set to 60
         It is highly recommended that it is minimally set to 256.
         To modify the kernel parameter use sam(1m)
WARNING: The parameter maxssiz is currently set to 0x800000
         It is highly recommended that it is minimally set to 0x8000000.
         To modify the kernel parameter use sam(1m)
WARNING: The parameter maxssiz_64bit is currently set to 0x800000
         It is highly recommended that it is minimally set to 0x40000000.
         To modify the kernel parameter use sam(1m)
WARNING: The parameter nproc is currently set to 276
         It is highly recommended that it is minimally set to 5120.
         To modify the kernel parameter use sam(1m)
WARNING: The parameter maxuprc is currently set to 75
         It is highly recommended that it is minimally set to 1204.
         To modify the kernel parameter use sam(1m)
WARNING: The parameter maxusers is currently set to 32
         It is highly recommended that it is minimally set to 316.
         To modify the kernel parameter use sam(1m)
WARNING: The parameter msgseg is currently set to 2048
         It is highly recommended that it is minimally set to 32767.
         To modify the kernel parameter use sam(1m)
WARNING: The parameter ncallout is currently set to 515
         It is highly recommended that it is minimally set to 7500.
         To modify the kernel parameter use sam(1m)
WARNING: The parameter nfile is currently set to 910
         It is highly recommended that it is minimally set to 7000.
         To modify the kernel parameter use sam(1m)
WARNING: The parameter nflocks is currently set to 200
         It is highly recommended that it is minimally set to 4196.
         To modify the kernel parameter use sam(1m)
WARNING: The parameter semmns is currently set to 128
         It is highly recommended that it is minimally set to 8192.
         To modify the kernel parameter use sam(1m)
WARNING: The parameter semmni is currently set to 64
         It is highly recommended that it is minimally set to 4096.
         To modify the kernel parameter use sam(1m)
WARNING: The parameter semmnu is currently set to 30
         It is highly recommended that it is minimally set to 4092.
         To modify the kernel parameter use sam(1m)
WARNING: The parameter semume is currently set to 10
         It is highly recommended that it is minimally set to 250.
         To modify the kernel parameter use sam(1m)
WARNING: The parameter shmmni is currently set to 200
         It is highly recommended that it is minimally set to 512.
         To modify the kernel parameter use sam(1m)
WARNING: The parameter shmseg is currently set to 120
         It is highly recommended that it is minimally set to 400.
         To modify the kernel parameter use sam(1m)
WARNING: The parameter vps_ceiling is currently set to 16
         It is highly recommended that it is minimally set to 64.
         To modify the kernel parameter use sam(1m)
二、Install OS Patches
# swinstall -s /patches_dir
PHCO_25569 libc cumulative header file patch - Oracle only (HP-UX 11.11)
PHCO_27037 libpam_unix cumulative patch (HP-UX 11.11)
PHCO_27950 tbl(1) cumulative patch (HP-UX 11.11)
PHCO_27958 mountall cumulative patch, Dev IDs enabler (HP-UX 11.11)
PHCO_28481 cumulative 10.20 libc compatibility support (HP-UX 11.11)
PHCO_29036 cumulative patch for syslogd(1M) (HP-UX 11.11)
PHCO_29109 Pthread enhancement and fixes (HP-UX 11.11)
PHCO_29269 user/group(add/mod/del)(1M) cumulative patch - Oracle only (HP-UX 11.11)
PHCO_29328 libc cumulative man page patch - Oracle only (HP-UX 11.11)
PHCO_29495 libc cumulative patch - Oracle only (HP-UX 11.11)
PHCO_29816 rc(1M) scripts cumulative patch (HP-UX 11.11)
PHCO_30000 ksh(1) cumulative patch (HP-UX 11.11)
PHCO_30269 cumulative sh-posix patch (HP-UX 11.11)
PHCO_30533 csh(1) cumulative patch (HP-UX 11.11)
PHKL_25233 select(2) and poll(2) hang (HP-UX 11.11)
PHKL_25468 eventport (/dev/poll) pseudo driver (HP-UX 11.11)
PHKL_25582 MO 4k sector size; FIFO panic; eventports (HP-UX 11.11)
PHKL_25993 thread nostop for NFS, rlimit, Ufalloc fix (HP-UX 11.11)
PHKL_25994 Thread NOSTOP, Psets Enablement, Ufalloc (HP-UX 11.11)
PHKL_25995 eventport syscalls; socket close(2); ufalloc (HP-UX 11.11)
PHKL_27094 Psets Enablement Patch, slpq1 perf (HP-UX 11.11)
PHKL_27316 Shared synchronization performance support (HP-UX 11.11)
PHKL_28122 signals,threads enhancement,Psets Enablement (HP-UX 11.11)
PHKL_28238 VxVM,EMC,Psets&vPar,slpq1,earlyKRS,CDUMP (HP-UX 11.11)
PHKL_28990 Cumulative VM patch (HP-UX 11.11)
PHKL_29537 iCOD,vPars,IPMI,PDCnbcall,OLA/R AB - Oracle only (HP-UX 11.11)
PHKL_29704 Psets Enablement, SCHED_NOAGE, FSS - Oracle only (HP-UX 11.11)
PHKL_29705 Psets Enablement; FSS iCOD; callback - Oracle only (HP-UX 11.11)
PHKL_29706 Core PM, vPar, Psets Cumulative, slpq1 perf - Oracle only (HP-UX 11.11)
PHKL_29707 detach; NOSTOP, Abort; Psets; slpq1 perf;FSS - Oracle only (HP-UX 11.11)
PHKL_29708 FSS cumulative patch - Oracle only (HP-UX 11.11)
PHNE_27796 libnss_dns DNS backend patch (HP-UX 11.11)
PHNE_28476 Cumulative STREAMS Patch (HP-UX 11.11)
PHNE_28895 cumulative ARTransport patch (HP-UX 11.11)
PHNE_28983 ONC/NFS General Release/Performance Patch (HP-UX 11.11)
PHNE_30068 Bind 8.1.2 patch (HP-UX 11.11)
PHSS_28676 CDE Base Periodic Patch (HP-UX 11.11)
PHSS_28677 CDE Applications Periodic Patch (HP-UX 11.11)
PHSS_28681 XClients Periodic Patch (HP-UX 11.11)
PHSS_28871 ld(1) and linker tools cumulative patch (HP-UX 11.11)
PHSS_29964 HP DCE/9000 1.8 DCE Client IPv6 patch (HP-UX 11.11)
PHSS_30788 CDE Base Periodic Patch (HP-UX 11.11)
三、Install Oracle
1. Run SAM as user root, and create the user oracle with the following attributes:
1.1. Create a UNIX group named dba.
  The group ID should be greater than 100.
1.2. Create a UNIX user named oracle.
  The user ID should be greater than 100.
1.3. Make the user oracle a member of the group dba.
1.4. As the home directory of the oracle user, use:
2. Set umask to allow users to access the Oracle binaries:
# umask 022
3. Create the directories required by the Oracle installation:
3.1. Create the Oracle home directory ORACLE_HOME:
# mkdir -p /opt/oracle/product/9.2.0
You can also choose a different directory for ORACLE_HOME but you
must use it consistently in all subsequent steps.
3.2. Create a base directory for the Oracle installation files:
# mkdir -p /opt/oracle/oraInventory
You can also choose a different directory. If you do so, use the new
directory consistently in all subsequent steps.
4. Change the ownership of the directories to oracle:dba by entering:
# chown -R oracle:dba /opt/oracle
5. Set the following Oracle-environment variables in the /home/oracle/.profile of user
# vi  /home/oracle/.profile
5.1 export ORACLE_BASE=/opt/oracle
This variable determines the location and the version of the
Oracle installation. The subdirectory prefix /opt is just an
example; replace it with the installation path you used for
5.2 export ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/9.2.0
This variable determines the location and the version of the
Oracle installation. This is the recommended setting. You can
choose a different setting, if needed.
5.3 export ORACLE_TERM=hp
This variable specifies the terminal definition resource file for an
hpterm terminal setting to be used with the Oracle installer and
other Oracle tools.
If you normally use dtterm, change the setting to
5.4 export PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/bin
This variable sets the directories through which the system
searches to find and execute commands.
6. During the Oracle installation, you will need to perform some steps as user root and some
as user oracle. Open two terminal windows and perform the following steps:
6.1. Log in as user root in the first terminal window, and as user oracle in the second.
6.2. Make sure that the Oracle-environment variable ORACLE_TERM is set correctly. If you use
an hpterm, use hp. If you use a dtterm,use ansi. To check the setting, enter:
6.3. Verify, and if necessary, set the ORACLE_HOME variable.
For example:
# export ORACLE_HOME
6.4. Set your DISPLAY environment variable, enter:
# export DISPLAY=:0.0
Where is the name of your system.
7. As user oracle, start the Oracle Universal Installer by entering:
# su oracle
# /SD_CDROM/install/hpunix/runInstaller &
四、Installing the OVO Software on the HP-UX Management Server
Before you start the installation script ovoinstall to install the OVO software on the HP-UX
management server do the following steps:
1. User root  - Log in as user root.
2. export LANG=C
3. umask 027 - Set the umask of user root: umask 027.
4. DISPLAY  - Set your DISPLAY environment variable, enter: export
5. Start the OVO installation:
Enter the following: //OVOCD1/ovoinstall –t
ovoinstall starts the installation procedure. It prompts you through the following sections:
OpenView Resource Calculation Section
OpenView Software Configuration Section
OpenView Database Configuration Section
OpenView Installation Section
In the ovoinstall terminal window, ovoinstall prompts you to either accept the default
settings or to customize the parameters. The default value is displayed below each setting,
for example [5]. Press [Enter] if you want to accept the defaults, or enter the desired
6. ‘OpenView Resource Calculation Section’.
6.1 In this section the following questions are asked:
For the lab please accept the default settings for the following questions by pressing
 Number of JavaGUI operators working simultaneously : [5]
 How many of these JavaGUI operators will use the ServiceNavigator : [5]
 Number of MotifGUI operators working simultaneously : [5]
 Number of nodes managed by HTTPS agents : [100]
 Number of nodes managed by DCE/NCS agents : [0]
The parameters set in the ‘OpenView Resource Calculation Section’ are used only for memory
and swap requirements and kernel parameters estimation. ovoinstall checks memory and swap
requirements and kernel parameters, and displays a warning if their values do not match the
required values.
6.2 ovoinstall checks for required HP-UX operating system patches and lists any missing
You are prompted to either continue or cancel the installation.
Please continue the installation unless a severe warning is shown.
7. OpenView Software Configuration Section
For the lab please accept the default settings for the following questions by pressing
In this section the following questions are asked:
Install localized version of OVO (y|n) :     [n]
Install OVO Developer Kit (y|n):      [n]
Install OSSPI for Unix platforms automatically (y|n):   [y]
Install OSSPI for the Windows platforms automatically (y|n):[y]
Install DCE/NCS agent software package (y|n):    [n]
Based on the decisions the script completes all necessary paths.
8. OpenView Database Configuration Section
8.1 In this section the following db related questions are asked:
For the lab please accept the default settings for the following questions by pressing
 Oracle Home :         
 Oracle base directory:      [/opt/oracle]
 Value for ORACLE_SID :      [openview]
 Oracle Data Directory:      [/u01/oradata/openview]
 Oracle index directory :      
 Database character set (NLS_LANG)
 Examples are presented, default is:    
 This will upload the english OVO templates using LANG=C
 Do you want to continue (y|n) :    [y]
 Oracle user ‘opc_op’ password
 (will temporarily be stored during the installation) : [po_cpo]
 Oracle user ‘opc_report’ password
 (will temporarily be stored during the installation) : [troper_cpo]
 Oracle user ‘system’ password
 (keep the default if DB doesn’t exist yet but change
  the password manually after the installation – also
  this password will temporarily be stored during
  the installation) :     [manager]
 Oracle DBA user :      [oracle]
 Enable automatic database startup (y|n) :   [y]
 If there is a current database – use it (y|n) :  [y]
 If there is a current database – clear and re-initialize
 the tables (y|n) :     [y]
 Oracle Service name :       [ov_net]
8.2 In addition it is asked:
Select ‘y’ for the first question and ‘n’ for the second question as we don’t have the
equivalent operating systems for the lab. The letters in [ ] below are just the defaults.
Install local HTTPS agent automatically (y|n) :   [y]
 Do you wish to install the OSSPI subproduct for
 monitoring * ([y]|n):     [y]
* This is asked for  SOLARIS, LINUX, AIX, TRU64, Veritas Cluster for SOLARIS, Sun Cluster
9. OpenView Installation Section
Do not abort the installation with Ctrl-C or kill, at anytime after the Network Node Manager
installation has started as this might corrupt your system. Ctrl-C or kill can be used up to
and including the file system requirements check.
A typical Network Node Manager installation takes about 25 to 35 minutes.
For more information on how to install NNM, refer to HP OpenView Network Node Manager Quick
Start Installation Guide.
In this section the following questions are asked:
 Do you want to start the installation now :    [y]
 Do you want Network Node Manager to discover your
 network automatically after installation? (y/n) 
Please select ‘y’.
 Please enter the SNMP community string for
 “” or
 enter “s” to skip and accept the default value
Please type ‘s’.
Do you want Network Node Manager Dynamic Views
 browsers to be started after the installation? (y|n):
Please type ‘n’.
The following might not appear in the lab, if it appears, press ‘s’.
(If no Web Browser can be found:)
 Please enter your Web Browser with full directory path
 or enter “s” to skip:
If you choose “s”: Warning
If you plan to install a Web Browser at a later time, you will need to create the
Ovweb.conf file after your browser installation. You need to add the following two lines to
the file:
Browser: %s
Port: 3443
This installation will put the following software on your system:
 HP OpenView Network Node Manager
 Do you want to continue with this installation? (y|n):
Press ‘y’.
… Installation of First CD-ROM is complete.
 Do you want to continue with this installation? (y|n):
Press ‘y’.
The installation continues without further user interaction.
At this point in time you can get for a coffee;-)
After the OV foundation components and OVO are installed ovoinstall will automatically start
opcconfig which configures the OVO management server.
ovoinstall saves all settings and parameters that you specified in the installation and
configuration sections. When opcconfig is started, it uses these specified values. You
cannot change them at this stage, however, you can re-configure your OVO software later, by
running opcconfig manually. See chapter “To Re-configure the OVO Software” in the
Installation Guide for information on opcconfig and configuration details.
Afterwards the selected OSSPI packages are installed.
… After installation is completed press enter to finish..
… Script ended..
Press RETURN to exit : [-]
五、Install agent manually on MS Windows system
To install the OVO HTTPS agent on a MS Windows system that you want to manage as an OVO
managed node, follow these steps:
Make installation packages available locally on the node.
Copy or ftp the OVO agent packages, installation script and package description to a
temporary directory on the managed node. The files on the OVO management server that you
require are:
The files are located in the following directory on the management server:
Enable the ftp service on the Windows Node
Select Start => Settings => Control Panel=> Administrative Tools => Internet Information
Double click the symbol of your Windows system.
Click on ‘FTP Sites’ and select ‘Default FTP Site’. Use right mouse button to open
In the ‘Default FTP Site Properties’ window select the tab ‘Security Accounts’.
Select ‘Allow IIS to control password’.  Unselect ‘Allow only anonymous connections’.
Select the tap ‘Home Directory’.
Under ‘FTP Site Directory’ use ‘c:\inetpub\ftproot’ as ‘Local Path’ and check ‘Read’
, ‘Write’, ‘Log visits’.
Click ‘OK’.
On the Managed Node create a temporary directory under c:\inetpub\ftproot, e.g.
On Management server change to var/opt/OV/share/databases/OpC/mgd_node/vendor/ \
Start ftp e.g. on the Management Server
Change on the Managed Node to the temporary directory, e.g.:
ftp>cd /temp/ovoagent (This way you are on c:\inetpub\ftproot\temp\ovoagent.)
Set binary mode:
To avoid any interaction use:
ftp> prompt
Copy agent packages to Managed Node:
ftp>mput *
Install the agent.
Go to the temporary directory to which you have copied the packages and start the agent
installation script by running:
cscript opc_inst.vbs –srv 
Verify installation.
Examine the logfile on the MS Windows Managed node:
C:\Program Files\HP OpenView\data\log\install_bbc.txt
Alternatively on Windows (XP), the logfile is at the following location:
C:\Program Files\HP OpenView\data\log\opc_inst.log
Check that private/public key pair is already generated and certificate request is pending.
Run from Command Prompt:
ovcert –status
ovcert -list
Check OvCoreId value. Run from Command Prompt:
Background info to these commands:
The ovcert (1) command is used to manage certificates on an HTTPS-based node via the
Certificate Client. You can execute tasks such as initiating a new certificate request to
the Certificate Server, adding node certificates and importing the private keys, adding
certificates to the trusted root certificates, and checking the certificate status.
ovcoreid(1) (OpenView Unique System Identifier) is command used to display existing OvCoreId
value and, in addition, create and set the new OvCoreId values on the local node.
Create and Distribute Certificate: Grant Certificates manually and Deploy Certificates
After the HTTPS-agent software is installed manually on the MS Windows system, the following
steps are already executed by OVO:
- A new public/private key pair is generated on the managed node system by the certificate
management client.
- The managed node system initiates a certificate request on the node system.
- The generated private key is stored in an encrypted file.
- The certificate request is encrypted with the secret key and sent to the Certificate
Server system (using a non-SSL connection as the system does not yet have a valid
- After the certificate request has been decrypted successfully on the Certificate Server it
is added to the pool of pending certificate requests.
Add node to OVO Node Bank via ‘OVO Node Certificate Requests’ window
If an agent is installed before it is added to the OVO management server node bank, a
certificate request is issued from the node, but the certificate request remains in the list
of pending certificate requests in the ‘OVO Node Certificate Requests’ window, because it
cannot be automatically mapped to any node from the node bank.
1. Open the ‘OVO Node Certificate Requests’ window via Actions -> Node -> OVO Certificate
2. Click on the line with managed node in the left pane.
3. Click on ‘Add Node to Node Bank …’.
4. The ‘Add Node’ window opens. After clicking ‘OK’ the certificate request is mapped to
this node. BTW the node is now in the Holding Area of the OVO Node Bank.
5. Open the Node Group Bank. Create a Node Group ‘Windows’ via ‘Actions’-> ‘Node Group
’ -> ‘Add..’.
With drag-and-drop put the managed node into the ‘Windows’ node group.
6. In the ‘OVO Node Certificate Requests’ choose the node in the left pane.
7. Click ‘Grant’.
8. Click ‘Close’.
9. Check in the Message Browser that appropriate message came saying that Signed certificate
has been successfully delivered to node.
If the request is granted, the certificate request is signed by the Certificate Server. The
signed certificate is then encrypted with the secret key and sent to the node system.
If the certificate request is denied, the server system sends a message to the node system
indicating that the request has been rejected and corresponding entry in the OVO Event
Browser is also displayed.
The Certificate Client on the node system receives the response. If the request has been
granted, it installs the new certificate and is now ready to use SSL for authenticated
If the certificate request has been denied, the Certificate Client stores this information
in order to prevent an automatic retry.
Verify certificates on the managed node.
10. Run on the MS Windows managed node from Command Prompt
      ovcert –list
11. Check that the agents are up and running. Call:
ovc(1) (OpenView Process Control) controls starting and stopping, event notification, and
status reporting of all components registered with the OpenView Control service, ovcd. A
component can be a server process, an agent, an event interceptor, or an application
delivered by an integrator.

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chinaunix网友2008-02-27 15:40:59

你好,看了你的文章很受益; 我想问个问题: OVO agent 安装在hp-ux 11.11是否也要打相关补丁?比如PHSS_29964之类的