==============F5 and NS===========================================================
b pool cal_trafficlim { monitor all udp member }
b virtual cal_trafficlim { destination profiles udp pool cal_trafficlim }
add route
rm ...
rm ns ip IPaddress
remove a route :
rm route network netmask gateway
Enabling RNAT
set rnat network netmask
verify F5 build up :
snmpwalk -public ...
ntpq -p
bigstart restart ntpd
inetadm - observe and configure services that are controlled by inetd.
svcadm - service administration, including enabling, disabling, and restarting services
svccfg - manipulate the contents of the repository, usually properties in a service
svcprop - observe property values in a read-only manner. outputs are formalized for easy use in
shell scripts.
svcs - observe the state of all the service instances on the system, and detailed views of
their dependencies, processes, etc
svcs | grep ftp
route del default
route add defautl gw ip_address
dig -q name
dig @host domain
dig -x address
useradd -d /home/junygu -g 1 -m -s /bin/ksh junygu
ssh-genkey -f filename -t rsa/dsa
ssh -i private.key root@destinationhost
echo "set nu">>~/.vimrc
==========================House keeping===========================================
du -h --max-depth=1 /ebay/half |sort -n # max-deth=n n的数字代表目录深度,0就是目前的目录
gzip -dc /some/where/squid-2.5.STABLE4-src.tar.gz | tar xvf -
disable 的是service
/ebay/dnstool/dnsupdate.pl -i filename -t CRno -u xxxx