2009-06-27 21:36:46
The following example describes a typical client initialization:
# ldapclient init -a proxyPassword=proxy \ -a proxyDN=cn=proxyagent,ou=profile,dc=suned,dc=sun,dc=com\ -a domainname=suned.sun.com System successfully configured
ldapclient命令会在/var/ldap目录下生成两个文件,但都是ASCII的文件,不容易阅读,常用ldapclient list来查看配置信息
NS_LDAP_SEARCH_SCOPE= sub Tell the clients the scope of search a naming
service lookup should perform. Is it just searching one level under the DN (one), or the entire subtree under the DN (sub)?
To unconfigure an LDAP client, use the ldapclient command with the uninit option. This command removes the client files from the /var/ldap directory and restores the previous /etc/nsswitch.conf file. The ldap_cachemgr process is also stopped. The changes to the client name service configuration are dynamic; therefore, no reboot is needed.