从昨天晚上重新再虚拟机中装了redhat后就一直试着安装vmware-tools,可是在/mnt/cdrom 目录下,怎么也安装不上那个rpm文件和那个tar.gz,的文件,因为上次安装的时候,都非常好使,这次不知道为啥像上次一样安装了,却怎么也装不上。这成了我心中的一块乌云啊!
非常好使! 根据提示的命令,逐一选择,过程繁杂,这些不重要的就不用多说了。
这时我们并没有真正的安装上了VMWARE TOOLS软件包,如果您点击菜单:DEVICES,您就会发现光驱的菜单文字变为:ide1:0-> C:Program FilesVMwareVMware WorkstationProgramslinux.iso,这表示VMWARE将LINUX的ISO映象文件作为了虚拟机的光盘
mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /mnt
加载CDROM设备,这时如果进入 /mnt 目录下,你将会发现多了一个文件:vmware-linux-tools.tar.gz。这就是WMWARE TOOLS的LINUX软件包,也就是我们刚才使用WINISO打开LINUX.ISO文件所看到的。
cp /mnt/vmware-linux-tools.tar.gz /tmp
将该软件包拷贝到LINUX的 TMP目录下。
umount /dev/cdrom
cd /tmp
tar zxf vmware-linux-tools.tar.gz
cd vmware-linux-tools
等待INSTALL运行完成后,这时键入 START 命令,是不是可以看到漂亮的LINUX图形界面了?***********************************************************************************
make command and makefile
PATH=$PATH:. //used to find the executing command in the current dir, but it
//is better to use the form of ./filename
(14)14:50 2008-4-6
service network restart //just restart the network
route add default gw //configuring the host`s gateway addr
In the Redhat Linux, you can use the netconfig command to set the net info.
比如我们用ifconfig 来调试 eth0网卡的地址
[font=NSimsun][root@localhost ~]# ifconfig eth0 down
[root@localhost ~]# ifconfig eth0 broadcast netmask
[root@localhost ~]# ifconfig eth0 up
[root@localhost ~]# ifconfig eth0
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:11:00:00:11:11
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:0 (0.0 b) TX bytes:0 (0.0 b)
Interrupt:11 Base address:0x3400
[b]注解:[/b] 上面的例子我们解说一下;
第一行:ifconfig eth0 down 表示如果eth0是激活的,就把它DOWN掉。此命令等同于 ifdown eth0;
第二行:用ifconfig 来配置 eth0的IP地址、广播地址和网络掩码;
第三行:用ifconfig eth0 up 来激活eth0 ; 此命令等同于 ifup eth0
第四行:用 ifconfig eth0 来查看 eth0的状态;
[font=NSimsun][root@localhost ~]# ifconfig eth0 broadcast netmask up
running the minicom:
minicom -s // configure the minicom
ps >> lsoutput.txt // writing the ps`s result into the rear of the
ls -l > lsoutput.txt // > redirection operator, if using the same destination
file as the output of the result, then the newer result will override the
previous result.
top // display specific info about the current processes and other status
rpm -qf file
rpm -qdf file // display which packages the file(the program) belongs to.
// Or even to see the specific info about a program.
whereis command //display the command`s dir
netstat -nr // display the kernel route table
route // display and modify the local IP routing table
finger //display the current users info logging in the system.
ps ax // list the current processes
ps aux|grep cupsd //looking up the process of cupsd
free -m // listing the memory status in the MB unit
df -h // listing the disk status
du -hs // just as the above
lspci -v //look up the hardware info in detail
dmesg // also display the hardware info
(12)uname -a //used to look up the system`s version
lspci -v // used to look up the hardware`s chips
(11)11:42 2008-3-15
findchip -v
findchip -v
能看到红外芯片类型,我们用的是nsc pc87338
(10)20:07 2007-11-22
command replacement:
echo "The date is `date`"
expr command: //arithmetic calculation
expr 4 + 5
echo "Hello girl." #This is a comment line.
Citing variables:
variable = ${variable2}
delivering a value when executing the route
$ read variableName //read from the standard input
$ read fname
export //the command points out the variable is global.
PATH variable:
: is used to islolate the path name;
PS1 variable:
echo "${LOGNAME}" == who
env //see all the enviromental variables table and themselves` value.
Example: It didn`t work.
echo "Please enter the total number of queres reported today."
read totalQueries
echo "Please enter the number of queryies answered ."
read answered
pending = $((totalQueries-answered))
echo "Number of calls pending = $pending"
chmod +x callpending
(09)14:06 2007-11-9
Shell Script
echo //display the info in the screen
cd /etc ls lilo.conf vi /etc/grub.conf
cd /etc
cd /local //install local software here
cd /usr
/usr/include //head files
cd /lib //it has the system storeroom library
passwd userName
adduser/useradd userName
bash //it is our shell,just our terminal
ls -l cdrom //
cd /bin //system tools
[root@xt root] // the first root means userName. xt means host name.
$ means general user / # means the super user
(08)19:44 2007-11-5
tar -xzvf lxt008.tar.gz
tar -czvf lxt008.tar.gz /home/lxt008
tar -tvf lxt008.tar
tar -xvf lxt008.tar //decompress a package
tar -cvf lxt008.tar /home/lxt008 //package a dir
rpm -ivh a.rpm //install a.rpm package
rpm -qi mysql*.rpm
rpm -qi z.rpm //query if the package is installed.
netstat > netstat.txt
ping //ctrl +c/d
ln directoryName destDir //create a hard link
ln -s dirName destName //create a soft link
ls -i fileName // display the index id of the pointed file
ls -i //display the index numbers in the current dir
chmod 777 a.out
chmod a+w a.out // a means all the users
chmod a-w a.out //remove the -w right from all the users
chmod o+w a.out // o means another user
chmod g+w a.out // g means group user
chmod u+x a.out // u means primary user
chmod u-x a.out //remove the -x right from user
ls -l /dev/cdrom
(07)16:23 2007-10-31
cat //ctrl+c / d
cat [<] 1.c // input redirection
rmdir kkk 2 > rmdir.txt
ls -l > ls.txt
ls -1 2 > ls.txt // let the error info output into the file ls.txt
//find the difference between two files
cmp 1.c 2.c // if no difference then it would be without notice
diff 1.c 2.c //compare 1.c with 2.c
cp file destDir // copy the file to the pointed dir
mv 1.c /root // move the file 1.c to the dir of /root
// display the content of the file
cat /etc/inittab
less /etc/inittab
more /etc/inittab
rm -r -f name //remove the file or dir without notice
rmdir name // delete the empty dir
mkdir name // create a dir
cd .. // go to the parent dir
cd . // curent dir
ls -l /etc/inittab
find /etc -name lilo.conf
fsck // repair the file system when shutting down the machine unnormorly
uname -a //display the version of the system
cd /home / du -sh //display the directory info
df -h //display the disk info
fdisk -l //display the partion info
info order
man order //q to exit
cat /etc/passwd
cat /etc/shadow
:q! // :wq
pwd // absolute dir
cd/ cd..
ctrl + c / ctrl + d
adduser/useradd userName
passwd userName
vi /etc/lilo.conf
vi /etc/profile
vi /etc/grub.conf
vi /etc/inittab
(05)14:08 2007-10-25
0 standard input file
1 standard output file
2 standard error output file
route -n
rpm -ivh rpmPackage // install rpm package
rpm -Uvh rpmPackage // update rpm package
rpm -e rpmPackage // delete rpm package
rpm -ql packageName //list infomation
rpm -qf 'which order' //display which package the order is.
rpm -ql packageName //display the file list in the package
tar cvf home.tar /home
tar czvf home.tar.gz /home
bzip2 filename -> filename.bz2
bunzip filename.bz2
zip unzip
(04) 15:50 2007-10-15
fsck [-f -N -r -p] //repair the disk, note: after uninstalling the filesystem
fsck -p -t ext2 /dev/hda2
ln -i
chown //change the owner of the file or directory
chgrp //change the owning group of the file or directory
diff [args] //find the difference between two text file
-w -i
(03) 21:50 2007-10-9
File operation command
more/less file //getting the content of the file
cat //display the appointed content
mv (move)
*mv [args]
cp (copy)
cp [args]
*-f //overlay the filedirectly
*-I //give a prompt of whether the dst file overlays the src
*-R //recursively
File Type
ls -l //It would show the type of the file
/etc/DIR-COLORS //File type`s corresponding color configuring file
(02)21:53 2007-10-4
loading the cdrom method:
mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
mount -t fileType deviceFile loadingDirectory
unloading the device:
umount /mnt/cdrom
man command //look up command`s handbook page
info command //look up the help of the command.
command -help
Know about the info of harddisk
mount 所挂载的分区
fdisk -l[/dev/had] //the status of the partition of the hard disk.
df -h //the status of the usage of partition of the hard disk
du -sh //the room occupied by the directory
uname -a //the version number of the using linux
Important file operation command:
mkdir //create a directory
rm -r -f //remove the directory recursively without any prompt
rmdir //remove the null directory
pwd //look up the current using directory
(01)8:10 2007-10-4
/etc/inittab ----//this file is used to initiate the system.
useradd username //create a new user
passwd username //add the password, moreover, it shouldn`t be too simple!
/home/username //directory
mkdir ---creating a director.
gcc --version
vi fileName
esc then :w
gcc -o destinationFile sourceFile
rm fileName //remove the specified file
rmdir directoryName //remove the specified directory
shutdown -h now //close the linux system recommended
shutdown -r now //restart the linux system recommended
reboot //restart quickly skipping the procedure of sync not recommended
init 0 //close the system
init 6 //restart the system
halt //stop the system ? not recommended
redhat-config-systemlevel //modify the firewall configuration
env //show the environment variables
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