This article describes how to convert from an Enterprise Edition
database to a Standard Edition database. This information applies to
all current Oracle releases.
Audience : Oracle DBAs
Use : Converting an Enterprise Edition database to a
Standard Edition.
Level of detail : Medium
Limitation on use: none
The Oracle Server exists in multiple variants, among others the Standard
Edition and Enterprise Edition. For a difference between both Editions,
see Note 1011449.7 and Note 112591.1.
Due to the differences between both versions when using the various
Options, you cannot simply convert from an Enterprise Edition to a
Standard Edition. The problem lies in the fact that the Enterprise
Edition contains lots of Data Dictionary objects which are not available
in the Standard Edition. When you just install the Standard Edition
software, you will end up with Data Dictionary objects which are
of no use (or perhaps even invalid) and possibly create problems
when maintaining the database.
When converting a Standard Edition to an Enterprise Edition, you can simply
install the appropriate software, and run the CATALOG.SQL and CATPROC.SQL
(and any other Data Dictionary scripts when using any of the Options such
as Advanced Replication on the EE version of the software) to upgrade the
Oracle Data Dictionary to the new Oracle flavor.
The only way to properly convert from an Enterprise Edition back to a
Standard Edition is through an Export/Import operation. This way you will
get rid of all Enterprise Edition specific Data Dictionary objects, as the
SYS schema objects are not exported. The Standard Edition EXP utility is
preferred to be used to export the data.
After the Import in the Standard Edition database, you only need to drop
all user schemas related to Enterprise Edition features, such as the MDSYS
account (used with Oracle Spatial).
--大体的思路是:用Standard Edition EXP utility 导出数据,排除所有Enterprise Edition数据字典对象。比如SYS schema对象不要导出。导入到Standard Edition database后,去除跟Enterprise Edition 特征有关的schema,比如MDSYS。
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