今天下午在检查ERP DB警告日志的时候,发现如下错误提示:
Tue Apr 29 15:35:32 2008
Errors in file /u01/oraprod/proddb/9.2.0/admin/PROD_erpdb/udump/prod_ora_258640.trc:
ORA-00600: 鍐呴儴閿欒?浠g爜锛屽弬鏁? [17113], [0x000000000], [], [], [], [], [], []
Applies to: Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version:
This problem can occur on any platform.
SymptomsGetting the following ora-600 error repeatedly in the alertlog.
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [17113], [0x000000000], [], [], [], [], [], []
CauseUsing incompatible version of pl/sql developer causes memory corruption by not properly
initializing heap descriptor.
From the trace file the ora-600 error is caused due to pl/sql developer.
Using older or incompatible version of the pl/sql developer can cause ORA-600 [17113] error.
SolutionInstall latest version of pl/sql developer.
ErrorsORA-600 [17113] "error getting an extent for a heap"
数据库的版本跟我们的一样。上面讲的引起错误的原因是PL/SQL DEVELOPER工具的不兼容版本或版本太老。按照日志的时间点询问了一下开发人员,果然在这个时间点上他们在用这个工具,并且在编译对象的时候出现了600的内部错误。
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