公司要在分析日志,但怎么样也见不到?后面的的内容查了很多资料,最后发现.squid的access_log缺省是不记url里”?”后面的内容的原来在.conf里有个叫”strip_query_terms“的,缺省是打开的(ON) 设成off即可 squid文档里是这么写的:
BSD爱好者乐园j-n ixOt%r9T)E/`2gTag Name strip_qury_terms
)@)oB#h?ls3mUsage strip_query_terms on|off
BSD爱好者乐园0{ P4O-zw;S:z U+kBSD爱好者乐园&\_,R Z.Q8sDescription Squid by default does not log query parameters. These parameters are however forwarded to the server verbatim. If we want to enable logging of query parameters, the strip_query_terms directive can be used . By default, Squid strips query terms from requested URLs before logging. This protects your user’s privacy
BpY2~-}rDefault strip_query_terms on
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