exp file=USER_A_BAK.dmp log=exp_USER_A.log
create user USER_B
identified by "USER_B"
default tablespace USER_B_DEFAULT_TABLESPACE
temporary tablespace TEMP
profile DEFAULT
quota unlimited on USER_B_DEFAULT_TABLESPACE;
grant connect to USER_B with admin option;
--grant dba to USER_B with admin option;
--grant resource to USER_B;
grant create any table to USER_B with admin option;
grant delete any table to USER_B with admin option;
grant insert any table to USER_B with admin option;
grant select any table to USER_B with admin option;
--grant unlimited tablespace to USER_B with admin option;
grant update any table to USER_B with admin option;
imp file=USER_A_BAK.dmp fromuser=USER_A touser=USER_B log=imp_USER_B.log
grant dba to USER_B with admin option;
grant resource to USER_B;
grant unlimited tablespace to USER_B with admin option;
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