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2008-05-27 22:05:54

PHP Documentation HOWTO



When you work on phpdoc XML files, you should stick to these conventions, to ease the team work in the module.

  1. Insert ID attributes in all major section tags such as part, chapter, sect1 etc. The HTML stylesheet will name the HTML files after these IDs.

  2. Function reference IDs look like this (case should be consistent with the rest of the function naming standards, i.e. lowercase): function.mysql-connect. Please note that since underscores cannot be used in IDs, they should be replaced by minus signs (-).

  3. Unlike function reference IDs method reference IDs are case-sensitive. Special operators ::, -> and underscores are replaced by the same minus signs (-). For example function.DOMCharacterData-deleteData is an ID for DOMCharacterData->deleteData and function.ArrayObject-constructor is for ArrayObject::__constructor method accordingly. Note an exception when operators :: and -> followed by two underscores are replaced with one minus sign (-).

  4. Function reference section IDs () look like this: 'ref.category', for example: 'ref.ftp'.

  5. Add PHP example code programlistings always with a role attribute set to "php". Never add any other programlisting or PHP output with such a role. It is reserved for PHP source code only. This role is used to detect PHP code and highlight it.

  6. The contents of examples with programlistings start on column 0 in the XML code. Indenting, bracketing and naming conventions in examples should adhere to the PEAR coding standards.

  7. All examples use the form instead of . Use for examples, since it eliminates the need to change < to <, etc. Examples look much better, and easily manageable.

  8. Deprecated aliases and syntax should not be used in examples.

  9. Use the when a function is not available in some special cases, or when the parameter list of a function has changed, but not for every little thing like mentioning that the function also can accept 'foo' instead of 'bar' as value to a parameter. Use notes with care.

    Make sure note elements are always children of the main element in a file, unless the note belongs to a specific item in the text, such as an example:

    <BR> <programlisting/><BR> <para><BR> The output is:<BR> </para><BR> <screen /><BR> <note><BR> <simpara><BR> This example only works on Unices.<BR> </simpara><BR> </note><BR> </example><BR> </para></PRE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> <P>If there is something dangerous to document such as the <STRONG class=function>chroot()</STRONG>, or when something can be seen as a weirdness in the language such as weird autoconversion of types, use the <caution> element. </P> <P>The <tip> can be used in cases where you might want to document a performance issue. </P> <LI> <P>For comments in example, use <VAR class=literal>//</VAR> for single line comments (preferable above the lines of code the comment comments on), and use <VAR class=literal>/* .. */</VAR> for multiline comments: </P> <TABLE cellPadding=5 bgColor=#e0e0e0 border=0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD><PRE class=xml><programlisting role="php"><BR>// This line execute foo<BR>foo();<BR><BR>/* The next few lines also execute foo, but in a<BR> * weird way */<BR>$var = 'foo';<BR>$var();<BR></programlisting></PRE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> <LI> <P>If an example uses arguments specific to a newer version of PHP, it is helpful to note this in the example: </P> <TABLE cellPadding=5 bgColor=#e0e0e0 border=0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD><PRE class=php>foo("bar", "baz"); // second argument was added in PHP 4.0.3</PRE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>New arguments are denoted in the main text of the entry using the form: <TABLE cellPadding=5 bgColor=#e0e0e0 border=0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD><PRE class=xml><note><BR> <simpara><BR> The second parameter was added in PHP 4.0.3.<BR> </simpara><BR></note></PRE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> <LI> <P>The language constants true, false and null should be written as <VAR class=literal>&true;</VAR>, <VAR class=literal>&false;</VAR> and <VAR class=literal>&null;</VAR>. There are other shortcuts, such as <VAR class=literal>&php.ini;</VAR>. These are stored in <TT class=filename><FONT face=NSimsun>global.ent</FONT></TT>. </P> <LI> <P>All English XML files should have a <VAR class=literal><!-- $Revision$ --></VAR> comment as the second line after the <VAR class=literal><?xml</VAR> tag. This comment is not necessary for non-English files. </P> <LI> <P>Whitespace changes in the English tree should be prevented as much as possible: it is more important to keep a good change-history of real changes, because of the translations. If a whitespace change is <SPAN class=emphasis><EM class=emphasis>really</EM></SPAN> needed, do it at least in a separate commit, with a clear comment such as 'WS fix' or 'Whitespace fix'. </P> <LI> <P>Never use tabs, not even in example program listings. XML should be indented with one space character for each level of indentation; example code uses four spaces. </P> <LI> <P>Always use LF (Line Feed) for the only newline character in files, this is the Unix standard. Never use CR LF (Windows) or CR (Mac) even, when editing Windows specific files (such as *.bat). It eases the editing works. </P> <LI> <P>In the docs, the types are denoted as: <VAR class=literal>boolean</VAR> (<VAR class=literal>bool</VAR> in prototypes), <VAR class=literal>integer</VAR> (<VAR class=literal>int</VAR> in prototypes), <VAR class=literal>float</VAR> (<SPAN class=emphasis><EM class=emphasis>not double!</EM></SPAN>), <VAR class=literal>array</VAR>, <VAR class=literal>object</VAR> (<SPAN class=emphasis><EM class=emphasis>not class!</EM></SPAN>), <VAR class=literal>resource</VAR> and <VAR class=literal>null</VAR> (all lowercase). For objects different from <VAR class=literal>stdClass</VAR>, use the class name instead of <VAR class=literal>object</VAR>. </P> <P>In prototypes, you can also use <VAR class=literal>mixed</VAR> (various types), or <VAR class=literal>number</VAR> (either integer or float). A callback is denoted as <VAR class=literal>callback</VAR>. </P> <P>Do not use <VAR class=literal>mixed</VAR>, if the return value is of a certain (not boolean) type, and FALSE only on error. Provide the primary return type as the return type of the function, and write down in the explanation, that it returns FALSE on error. Use <VAR class=literal>&return.success;</VAR> if the function returns TRUE on success, and FALSE on failure. </P> <P>If a function requires no arguments, use <VAR class=literal><void/></VAR> instead of <VAR class=literal><parameter>void</parameter></VAR>, since the former is the correct DocBook XML tag. </P> <P>If a function has an undefined return-value, use the word <VAR class=literal>void</VAR>. </P> <LI> <P>In a prototype, if there are multiple - really distinct - possibilities, simply make it two! See <VAR class=literal>en/reference/math/functions/min.xml</VAR> for an example. </P> <LI> <P>Aliases: in refpurpose, put: <VAR class=literal>Alias of <function>realfunc</function></VAR>. <SPAN class=emphasis><EM class=emphasis>Do not specify a function prototype synopsis, and nothing but simply the text:</EM></SPAN> <VAR class=literal>This function is an alias of <function>realfunc</function></VAR>. This way, people can go to realfunc straight from the <VAR class=literal></VAR> page. </P> <LI> <P>Document examples always with the following structure: </P> <TABLE cellPadding=5 bgColor=#e0e0e0 border=0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD><PRE class=xml><para><BR> <example><BR> <title /><BR> <programlisting><BR><![CDATA[<BR><?php<BR>echo "foo\n";<BR>?><BR>]]><BR> </programlisting><BR> <para><BR> The output is:<BR> </para><BR> <screen><BR><![CDATA[<BR>foo<BR>]]><BR> </screen><BR> </example><BR></para></PRE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><BR><BR></LI></OL> <DIV class=chapter> <H1><A name=chapter-what-to-document>Chapter 7. What to Document?</A></H1> <P></P> <OL type=1> <LI> <P>Only major functions should be documented; functions which are deprecated variants may be mentioned, but should not be documented as separate functions. They instead should be referenced in the parent function as an alias. Functions which have completely different names, however, should be documented as separate entries, for ease of reference. The <TT class=filename><FONT face=NSimsun>aliases.xml</FONT></TT> appendix is the place to store aliases not documented elsewhere. </P> <P>For example <VAR class=literal>mysql_db_name</VAR> and <VAR class=literal>mysql_dbname</VAR> will be documented as the same function, with the latter being listed as an alias of the former, while <VAR class=literal>show_source</VAR> and <VAR class=literal>highlight_file</VAR> will be documented as two different functions (one as an alias), as the names are completely different, and one name is not likely to be found if looking for the name of the other. </P> <LI> <P>Function names should be created, and documented, in lowercase format with an underscore separating the name components. Names without underscores are often only kept for backward compatibility. Document the function named with underscores separating components, and mention the old one as an alias. </P> <DIV class=note> <BLOCKQUOTE class=note> <P><STRONG>Note: </STRONG>It is up to the PHP developers to give names to functions. A PHP documentation writer only uses the name provided to document the function. If you think that a function name is not appropriate, open a discussion on the list, by sending a mail to that address. </P></BLOCKQUOTE></DIV> <P>Good: <VAR class=literal>mcrypt_enc_self_test</VAR>, <VAR class=literal>mysql_list_fields</VAR> </P> <P>OK: <VAR class=literal>mcrypt_module_get_algo_supported_key_sizes</VAR> (could be <VAR class=literal>mcrypt_mod_get_algo_sup_key_sizes</VAR>?), <VAR class=literal>get_html_translation_table</VAR> (could be <VAR class=literal>html_get_trans_table</VAR>?) </P> <P>Bad: <VAR class=literal>hw_GetObjectByQueryCollObj</VAR>, <VAR class=literal>pg_setclientencoding</VAR> </P> <LI> <P>Functions which are kept only for backwards compatibility should be listed under their current parent names, and not documented as separate functions. Backwards compatible functions and documentation for them should be maintained as long as the code can be reasonably kept as part of the PHP codebase. Also see the appendix <TT class=filename><FONT face=NSimsun>aliases.xml</FONT></TT>. </P> <LI> <P>Short but complete code examples are much more desirable than long ones. If a function is extremely complex, a suitable place to put a longer example is in the chapter introduction. This example can hold code for other functions in the same chapter. </P> <LI> <P>Brevity is appreciated. Long-winded descriptions of each and every function are not appropriate for the reference sections. Using the errata comments as guidelines, it's easier to tell when more documentation is needed, as well as the inverse, when too much documentation in one section has increased confusion. <A href="" name=AEN706><SPAN class=footnote><FONT color=#0000ff>[1]</FONT></SPAN></A> </P></LI></OL></DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> </div> <!-- <div class="Blog_con3_1">管理员在2009年8月13日编辑了该文章文章。</div> --> <div class="Blog_con2_1 Blog_con3_2"> <div> <!--<img src="/image/default/tu_8.png">--> <!-- JiaThis Button BEGIN --> <div class="bdsharebuttonbox"><A class=bds_more href="#" data-cmd="more"></A><A class=bds_qzone title=分享到QQ空间 href="#" data-cmd="qzone"></A><A class=bds_tsina title=分享到新浪微博 href="#" data-cmd="tsina"></A><A class=bds_tqq title=分享到腾讯微博 href="#" data-cmd="tqq"></A><A class=bds_renren title=分享到人人网 href="#" data-cmd="renren"></A><A class=bds_weixin title=分享到微信 href="#" data-cmd="weixin"></A></div> <script>window._bd_share_config={"common":{"bdSnsKey":{},"bdText":"","bdMini":"2","bdMiniList":false,"bdPic":"","bdStyle":"0","bdSize":"16"},"share":{}};with(document)0[(getElementsByTagName('head')[0]||body).appendChild(createElement('script')).src=''+~(-new Date()/36e5)];</script> <!-- JiaThis Button END --> </div> 阅读(522) | 评论(0) | 转发(0) | <div class="HT_line3"></div> </div> <div class="Blog_con3_3"> <div><span id='digg_num'>0</span><a href="javascript:void(0)" id='digg' bid='1723555' url='/blog/digg.html' ></a></div> <p>上一篇:<a href="/uid-20214278-id-1723554.html">中国的LAMP在成长</a></p> <p>下一篇:<a href="/uid-20214278-id-1723556.html">PHP手册翻译/编译指南[2]</a></p> </div> </div> <!-- <div class="Blog_con3_4 Blog_con3_5"> <div class="Blog_tit2 Blog_tit7">热门推荐</div> <ul> <li><a href="" title="" target='blank' ></a></li> </ul> </div> --> </div> </div> <div class="Blog_right1_7" id='replyList'> <div class="Blog_tit3">给主人留下些什么吧!~~</div> <!--暂无内容--> <!-- 评论分页--> <div class="Blog_right1_6 Blog_right1_12"> </div> <!-- 评论分页--> <div class="Blog_right1_10" style="display:none"> <div class="Blog_tit3">评论热议</div> <!--未登录 --> <div class="Blog_right1_8"> <div class="nologin_con1"> 请登录后评论。 <p><a href="" onclick="link(this)">登录</a> <a href="">注册</a></p> </div> </div> </div> <div style="text-align:center;margin-top:10px;"> <script type="text/javascript" smua="d=p&s=b&u=u3118759&w=960&h=90" src="//"></script> </div> </div> </div> </div> <input type='hidden' id='report_url' value='/blog/ViewReport.html' /> <script type="text/javascript"> //测试字符串的长度 一个汉字算2个字节 function mb_strlen(str) { var len=str.length; 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