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2008-05-11 21:52:24

HACMP 5.2中资源组策略简介

Document #: 2811025B28000

[标题]HACMP 5.2中资源组策略简介


随着HACMP 5.2 的发布,在用户定义资源组的特性时有了更多的选择,更加灵活了。这主要表现在定义资源组时, 通过为资源组设置 Startup, Fallover Fallback 使用策略,使其满足不同用户的实际需求。


HACMP 5.2 中资源组策略简介

    HACMP 的配置中,资源组的定义是非常重要的一部分。
    随着HACMP 5.2 的发布,在用户定义资源组的特性时有了更多的选择,更加灵活了。这主要表现在定义资源组时, 通过为资源组设置 Startup, Fallover Fallback 使用策略,使其满足不同用户的实际需求。
    HACMP 5.2 中,定义资源组的过程包括两部分:
    1 . 为资源组设置Startup, Fallover Fallback 使用策略。
    2 . 向资源组中添加各类资源。
    另外 HACMP 5.2 中不再支持之前版本中,系统预定义的资源组 - - 即没有了cascading, rotating concurrent 资源组这样的说法,所有的资源组的策略都是可客户化定义的。但可通过为资源组配置不同的策略,使其表现出与以前版本中预定义资源组一样的特性。

    HACMP 5.2 Startup, Fallover Fallback 可使用的策略见下表:
    Startup 可设置的策略有:
    Online on Home Node Only. The resource group should be brought online only on its home (highest priority) node during the resource group startup. This requires the highest priority node to be available.
    Online on First Available Node. The resource group activates on the first participating node that becomes available.
    Online on All Available Nodes. The resource group is brought online on all nodes.
    Online Using Distribution Policy. Only one resource group is brought online on a node, or on a node per network, depending on the distribution policy specified (node or network).
    Fallover 可设置的策略有
    Fallover to Next Priority Node in the List. In the case of fallover, the resource group that is online on only one node at a time follows the default node priority order specified in the resource group’s nodelist.
    Fallover Using Dynamic Node Priority. Before selecting this option, configure a dynamic node priority policy that you want to use. Or you can select one of the three predefined dynamic node priority policies.
    Bring Offline (on Error Node Only). Select this option to bring a resource group offline on a node during an error condition.
    Fallback 可设置的策略有
    Fallback to Higher Priority Node in the List. A resource group falls back when a higher priority node joins the cluster. If you select this option, you can use the delayed fallback timer. If you do not configure a delayed fallback policy, the resource group falls back immediately when a higher priority node joins the cluster.
    Never Fallback . A resource group does not fall back when a higher priority node joins the cluster.

    HACMP5.2 会对Startup, Fallover ,Fallback 使用规则进行有效性检查, 其只支持有效Startup, Fallover ,Fallback 组合的资源组。
    HACMP 5.2 有效的 Starup, Fallover , Fallback 组合是
    Startup 使用策略 Fallover 可使用的策略是 Fallback 可使用策略是
    Online only on home node for The resource group 以下任何一种:
    Fallover to next priority node in the list
    Fallover using Dynamic Node Priority
    Bring offline (on error
    Never fall back
    Fall back to higher priority node in the list
    Online using distribution policy 以下任何一种::
    Fallover to next priority node in the list
    Fallover using Dynamic Node Priority
    Never fall back
    Online on first available node 以下任何一种::
    Fallover to next priority node in the list
    Fallover using Dynamic Node Priority
    Bring offline (on error node only )
    Never fall back
    Fall back to higher priority node in the list
    Online on all available nodes Bring offline (on error node only) 以下任何一种:
    Never fall back
    Fall back to higher priority node in the list

    若进行HACMP 升级操作,请参照下表来进行资源组的设置。 从而了解如何将系统预定义资源组 -- cascading , rotating concurrent 移植到 HACMP 5.2 中,其对应关系为:
    HACMP5.2 以前资源组的定义 HACMP5.2 中资源组的定义
    Cascading resource group
    Inactive Takeover = False
    Cascading without Fallback (CWOF) = False
    Startup: Online on Home Node Only
    Fallover: Fallover to Next Priority Node in the List
    Fallback: Fallback to Higher Priority Node in the List
    Cascading resource group
    Inactive Takeover = True
    CWOF = False
    Startup: Online on First Available Node
    Fallover: Fallover to Next Priority Node in the List
    Fallback: Fallback to Higher Priority Node in the List
    Cascading resource group
    Inactive Takeover = False
    CWOF = True
    Startup: Online on Home Node Only
    Fallover: Fallover to Next Priority Node in the List
    Fallback: Never Fallback
    Cascading resource group
    Inactive Takeover = True
    CWOF = True
    Startup: Online on Fisrt Available Node
    Fallover: Fallover to Next Priority Node in the List
    Fallback: Never Fallback
    Rotating resource group .Startup: Online Using Distribution Policy
    Resource Group Distribution Policy: Network distribution
    Fallover: Next Priority Node in the List
    Fallback: Never Fallback
    Concurrent resource group Startup: Online on All Available Nodes
    Fallover: Bring Offline (On Error Node Only)
    Fallback: Never Fallback

    还可为资源组设置的属性包括:Settling Time, Dynamic Node Priority Fallback Timer ,以及资源组在节点间的分配策略。进一步满足用户对不同应用使用不同测略的需要。
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