7.1 检测调用挂勾
7.1.1 检测系统调用挂勾
7.2 检测 DKOM
7.2.1 查找隐藏的进程
7.2.2 查找隐藏的端口
7.3 检测运行时补丁
7.3.1 查找嵌入函数挂勾
7.3.2 查找代码字节补丁
7.4 小结
We’ll now turn to the challenging world of
detection. In general, you can detect a rootkit in one of two ways:
either by signature or by behavior. Detecting by signature involves
scanning the operating system for a particular rootkit trait (e.g.,
inline function hooks). Detecting by behavior involves catching the
operating system in a “lie” (e.g., sockstat(1) lists two open , but a port scan reveals three).
In this chapter, you’ll learn how
to detect the different rootkit techniques described throughout this
book. Keep in mind, however, that rootkits and rootkit detectors are in
a perpetual arms race. When one side develops a technique, the other side develops a countermeasure. In other words, what works today may not work tomorrow.
7.1 Detecting Call Hooks
7.1 检测调用挂勾
stated in Chapter 2, call hooking is really all about redirecting
function pointers. Therefore, to detect a call hook, you simply need to
determine whether or not a function pointer still points to its
original function. For example, you can determine if the mkdir system
call has been hooked by checking its sysent structure’s sy_call member.
If it points to any function other than mkdir, you’ve got yourself a
call hook.
sy_call 成员来确认mkdir系统调用是否已经被挂勾了。如果sy_call 成员指向了不是mkdir的任何其他函数,你知道它被挂勾了。
7.1.1 Finding System Call Hooks
7.1.1 检测系统调用挂勾
7-1 is a simple program designed to find (and uninstall) system call
hooks. This program is invoked with two parameters: the name of the
system call to check and its corresponding system call number. It also
has an optional third parameter, the string “fix,” which restores the
original system call function if a hook is found.
清单 7-1 是个简单的程序,它设计用来检测(和卸载)系统调用挂勾。这个程序调用时需要两个参数:需要检测的系统调用名称,以及它对应的系统调用号。它也有一个可选的第三参数,字符串"fix",如果发现了挂勾,它就恢复原先的系统调用函数。
The following program is actually Stephanie Wehner’s checkcall.c; I
have made some minor changes so that it compiles cleanly under 6. I also made some cosmetic changes so that it looks better in print.
提示 下面这个程序实际是 Stephanie Wehner 的checkcall.c。我对它进行了一些小修改,这样它可以在FreeBSD 6.1 下编译。我还做了一些修饰性的修改,这样它的打印比较好看。
main(int argc, char *argv[])
char errbuf[_POSIX2_LINE_MAX];
kvm_t *kd;
struct nlist nl[] = { { NULL }, { NULL }, { NULL }, };
unsigned long addr;
int callnum;
struct sysent call;
/* Check arguments. */
/* 检查参数. */
if (argc < 3) {
nl[0].n_name = "sysent";
nl[1].n_name = argv[1];
callnum = (int)strtol(argv[2], (char **)NULL, 10);
printf("Checking system call %d: %s\n\n", callnum, argv[1]);
kd = kvm_openfiles(NULL, NULL, NULL, O_RDWR, errbuf);
if (!kd) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: %s\n", errbuf);
/* Find the address of sysent[] and argv[1]. */
/* 查找sysent[] 和 argv[1] 的地址. */
if ( /*1*/ kvm_nlist(kd, nl) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: %s\n", kvm_geterr(kd));
if (nl[0].n_value)
printf("%s[] is 0x%x at 0x%lx\n", nl[0].n_name, nl[0].n_type,
else {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: %s not found (very weird...)\n",
if (!nl[1].n_value) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: %s not found\n", nl[1].n_name);
/* Determine the address of sysent[callnum]. */
/* 确定 sysent[callnum] 的地址. */
addr = nl[0].n_value + callnum * sizeof(struct sysent);
/* Copy sysent[callnum]. */
/* 拷贝 sysent[callnum]. */
if ( /*2/ kvm_read(kd, addr, &call, sizeof(struct sysent)) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: %s\n", kvm_geterr(kd));
/* Where does sysent[callnum].sy_call point to? */
/* sysent[callnum].sy_call 指向哪里? */
printf("sysent[%d] is at 0x%lx and its sy_call member points to "
"%p\n", callnum, addr, call.sy_call);
/* Check if that's correct. */
/* 检查它是否正确. */
/*3*/ if ((uintptr_t)call.sy_call != nl[1].n_value) {
printf("ALERT! It should point to 0x%lx instead\n",
/* Should this be fixed? */
/* 它应当被修正吗? */
if (argv[3] && strncmp(argv[3], "fix", 3) == 0) {
printf("Fixing it... ");
/*4*/ call.sy_call =(sy_call_t *)(uintptr_t)nl[1].n_value;
if (kvm_write(kd, addr, &call, sizeof(struct sysent))
< 0) {
fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: %s\n",kvm_geterr(kd));
if (kvm_close(kd) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: %s\n", kvm_geterr(kd));
fprintf(stderr,"Usage:\ncheckcall [system call function] "
"[call number] \n\n");
fprintf(stderr, "For a list of system call numbers see "
Listing 7-1: checkcall.c
清单 7-1: checkcall.c
7-1 first /*1*/ retrieves the in-memory address of sysent[] and the
system call to be checked (argv[1]). Next,/*2*/ a local copy of
argv[1]’s sysent structure is created. This structure’s sy_call member
is then /*3*/ checked to
sure that it still points to its original function; if it does, the
program returns. Otherwise, it means there is a system call hook, and
the program continues. If the optional third parameter is present,
sy_call is /*4*/ adjusted to point to its original function,
effectively uninstalling the system call hook.
清单 7-1
NOTE The checkcall program
only uninstalls the system call hook; it doesn’t remove it from memory.
Also, if you pass an incorrect system call function and number pair,
checkcall can actually damage your system. However, the point of this
example is that it details (in code) the theory behind detecting any
call hook.
提示 这个checkcall 程序只是卸掉系统调用挂勾;挂勾例程没有从内存中删除掉。还有,如果你传递的一对系统调用函数及调用号不配套,checkcall 实际上会破坏你的系统。然而,本例的出发点是它演示(以代码形式)了检测任何一个调用挂勾的理论。
the following output, checkcall is run against mkdir_hook (the mkdir
system call hook developed in Chapter 2) to demonstrate its
在下面的输出中,checkcall 被运行来对抗mkdir_hook(mkdir系统调用挂勾在第2章中开发) ,来演示它的功能
$ kldload ./mkdir_hook.ko
$ mkdir 1
The directory "1" will be created with the following permissions: 777
$ sudo ./checkcall mkdir 136 fix
Checking system call 136: mkdir
sysent[] is 0x4 at 0xc08bdf60
sysent[136] is at 0xc08be5c0 and its sy_call member points to 0xc1eb8470
ALERT! It should point to 0xc0696354 instead
Fixing it... Done.
$ mkdir 2
$ ls –l
. . .
drwxr-xr-x 2 ghost ghost 512 Mar 23 14:12 1
drwxr-xr-x 2 ghost ghost 512 Mar 23 14:15 2
As you can see, the hook is caught and uninstalled.
Because checkcall works by referencing the ’s
in-memory symbol table, patching this table would defeat checkcall. Of
course, you could get around this by referencing a symbol table on the
filesystem, but then you would be susceptible to a file redirection
attack. See what I meant earlier by a perpetual arms race?
因为checkcall 通过引用内核在内存中的符号表来工作,所以对这个符号表的修改将会击溃checkcall. 当然,你可以通过引用文件系统中的符号表来克服这点。但你又将容易受到文件的影响。明白我原前所说的,永久的军事竞赛了吧。
7.2 Detecting DKOM
7.2 检测 DKOM
stated in Chapter 3, DKOM is one of the most difficult-to-detect
rootkit techniques. This is because you can unload a DKOM-based rootkit
from memory after patching, which leaves almost no signature.
Therefore, in order to detect a DKOM-based attack, your best bet is to
catch the operating system in a “lie.” To do this, you should have a
good understanding of what
is considered normal behavior for your system(s).
NOTE One caveat to this approach is that you can’t trust the APIs on the system you are checking.
注意 关于这种方法的一个警告是,你不能信任被检测系统的APIs.
7.2.1 Finding Hidden Processes
7.2.1 查找隐藏的进程
from Chapter 3 that in order to hide a running process with DKOM, you
need to patch the allproc list, pidhashtbl, the parent process’s child
list, the parent process’s process-group list, and the nprocs variable.
If any of these objects is left unpatched, it can be used as the litmus
test to determine whether or not a process is hidden.
回忆第3章内容,为了用DKOM隐藏一个运行的进程,你必须修改allproc 链表,pidhashtbl, 父进程的子进程链表,父进程的进程组链表和nprocs 变量。如果这些对象有任何一个没被修改,它就可以用做确定是否有进程被隐藏的试金石。
if all of these objects are patched, you can still find a hidden
process by checking curthread before (or after) each context switch,
since every running process stores its context in curthread when it
executes. You can check curthread by installing an inline function hook
at the beginning of mi_switch.
但是,如果所有这些对象都被修改了,你依然可以通过检查每次上下文切换之前(或之后)的curthread 来查找隐藏的进程。既然每个运行的进程在它运行时都把它的上下文都保存在curthread中,你就可以通过在mi_switch前面一个内嵌函数挂勾来检测curthread。
NOTE Because the code to do this is rather lengthy, I’ll simply explain how it’s done and leave the actual code to you.
提示 因为实现这个目标的代码相当长,我将只是简单地解释它的工作方式,实际的代码留给你完成。
mi_switch function implements the machine-independent prelude to a
thread context switch. In other words, it handles all the
administrative tasks required to perform a context switch, but not the
context switch itself. (Either cpu_switch or cpu_throw performs the
actual context switch.)
这个mi_switch 函数实现了线程上下文切换的独立于机器的前期准备工作。换句话说,它处理执行上下文切换必需所有的管理任务,但它不是上下文切换自己本身。( 或者 cpu_throw 执行实际的上下文切换.)
Here is the disassembly of mi_switch:
下面是mi_switch 的反汇编:
$ nm /boot/kernel/kernel | grep mi_switch
c063e7dc T mi_switch
$ objdump -d --start-address=0xc063e7dc /boot/kernel/kernel
/boot/kernel/kernel: file format elf32-i386-freebsd
Disassembly of section .text:
c063e7dc :
c063e7dc: 55 push %ebp
c063e7dd: 89 e5 mov %esp,%ebp
c063e7df: 57 push %edi
c063e7e0: 56 push %esi
c063e7e1: 53 push %ebx
c063e7e2: 83 ec 30 sub $0x30,%esp
c063e7e5: 64 a1 00 00 00 00 mov /*1*/ %fs:0x0,%eax
c063e7eb: 89 45 d0 mov %eax,0xffffffd0(%ebp)
c063e7ee: 8b 38 mov (%eax),%edi
. . .
that your mi_switch hook is going to be installed on a wide range of
systems, you can use the fact that mi_switch always accesses /*1*/ the
%fs segment register (which is, of course, curthread) as your
placeholder instruction. That is, you can use 0x64 in a manner similar
to how we used 0xe8 in Chapter 5’s mkdir inline function hook.
你的mi_switch 挂勾计划可以安装在大范围的系统,你可以利用一个事实,mi_switch 总是访问%fs
With regard to the hook itself, you can either
write something very simple, such as a hook that prints out the process
name and PID of the currently running thread (which, given enough time,
would give you the “true” list of running processes on your
system) or write something very complex, such as a hook that checks
whether the current thread’s process structure is still linked in
this hook will add a substantial amount of overhead to your system’s
thread-scheduling algorithm, which means that while it’s in place, your
system will become more or less unusable. Therefore, you should also
write an uninstall routine.
because this is a rootkit detection program and not a rootkit, I would
suggest that you allocate kernel memory for your hook the “proper” way—
with a kernel module. Remember, the algorithm to allocate kernel memory
via run-time patching has an inherent race condition, and you don’t
want to crash your system while checking for hidden processes.
it. As you can see, this program is really just a simple inline
function hook, no more complex than the example from Chapter 5.
Based on the process-hiding routine from Chapter 3, you can also detect
a hidden process by checking the UMA zone for processes.
First, select an unused flag bit from p_flag. Next, iterate through all
of the slabs/buckets in the UMA zone and find all of the allocated
processes; lock each process and clear the flag. Then, iterate through
allproc and set the flag on each process. Finally, iterate through the
processes in the UMA zone again, and look for any processes that don’t
have the flag set. Note that you’ll need to hold allproc_lock the
entire time you are doing this to prevent races that would result in
false positives; you can use a shared lock, though, to avoid starving
the system too much.1
Of course, all of this just means that my process-hiding routine needs
to patch the UMA zone for processes and threads. Thanks, John.
1 当然,所有这些仅仅意味着我的进程隐藏例程需要为进程和线程修改UMA域了。谢谢,John。
7.2.2 Finding Hidden Ports
7.2.2 查找隐藏的端口
from Chapter 3 that we hid an open TCP-based port by removing its inpcb
structure from tcbinfo.listhead. Compare that with hiding a running
process, which involves removing its proc structure from three lists
and a hash table, as well as adjusting a variable. Seems a little
imbalanced, doesn’t it? The fact is, if you want to completely hide an
open TCP-based port, you need to adjust one list (tcbinfo.listhead),
two hash tables (tcbinfo.hashbase and tcbinfo.porthashbase), and one
variable (tcbinfo.ipi_count). But there is one problem.
(tcbinfo.hashbase 和 tcbinfo.porthashbase),以及一个变量
When data arrives for an
open TCP-based port, its associated inpcb structure is retrieved
through tcbinfo.hashbase, not tcbinfo.listhead. In other words, if you
remove an inpcb structure from tcbinfo.hashbase, the associated port is
rendered useless (i.e., no one can connect to or exchange data with
it). Consequently, if you want to find every open TCP-based port on
your system, you just need to iterate through tcbinfo.hashbase.
据)。因此,如果你想查找出你系统中每个基于TCP的开放端口,就只需遍历tcbinfo.hashbase 就可以了。
7.3 Detecting Run-Time Kernel Memory Patching
7.3 检测内核内存运行时补丁
没ntially two types of run-time kernel memory patching attacks: those
that employ inline function hooks and those that don’t. I’ll discuss
detecting each in turn.
7.3.1 Finding Inline Function Hooks
7.3.1 查找嵌入函数挂勾
an inline function hook is rather tedious, which also makes it somewhat
difficult. You can install an inline function hook just about anywhere,
as long as there is enough room within the body of your target
function, and you can use a variety of instructions to get the
instruction pointer to point to a region of memory under your control.
In other words, you don’t have to use the exact jump code presented in
Section 5.6.1.
What this means is that in order to detect an
inline function hook you need to scan, more or less, the entire range
of executable kernel memory and look through each unconditional jump
general, there are two ways to do this. You could look through each
function, one at a time, to see if any jump instructions pass control
to a region of memory outside the function’s start and end addresses.
Alternately, you could create an HIDS that works with executable kernel
memory instead of files; that is, you first scan your memory to
establish a baseline and then periodically scan it again, looking for
7.3.2 Finding Code Byte Patches
7.3.2 查找代码字节补丁
a function that has had its code patched is like looking for a needle
in a haystack, except that you don’t know what the needle looks like.
Your best bet is to create (or use) an HIDS that works with executable
kernel memory.
NOTE In general, it’s much less tedious to detect run-time kernel memory patching through behavioral analysis.
提示 一般说来,通过行为分析来检测一个运行时内核内存补丁不那么单调乏味得多。
7.4 Concluding Remarks
7.4 小结
you can probably tell by the lack of example code in this chapter,
rootkit detection isn’t easy. More specifically, developing and writing
a generalized rootkit detector isn’t easy, for two reasons. First,
kernel-mode rootkits are on a level playing field with detection
software (i.e., if something is guarded, it can be bypassed, but the
reverse is also true—if something is hooked, it can be unhooked).2
Second, the kernel is a very big place, and if you don’t know
specifically where to look, you have to look everywhere.
This is
probably why most rootkit detectors are designed as follows: First,
someone writes a rootkit that hooks or patches function A, and then
someone else writes a rootkit detector that guards function A. In other
words, most rootkit detectors are of the one-shot fix variety.
Therefore, it’s an arms race, with the rootkit authors dictating the
pace and the anti-rootkit authors constantly playing catch-up.
In short, while rootkit detection is necessary, prevention is the best course.
I purposely left prevention out of this book because there are pages
upon pages dedicated to the subject (i.e., all the books and articles
about hardening your system), and I don’t have anything to add.
提示 我有意在本书中不介绍防护,是因为致力于这个课题的文档非常多(也就是,关于加固系统的所有的书籍和文章),我就没有什么可以增加的东西的了。
There is an exception to this rule, however, that favors detection. You
can detect a rootkit through a service, which it provides, that can’t
be cut off; the inpcb example in Section 7.2.2 is an example. Of
course, this is not always easy or even possible.
2 然而,这个规则有个例外,,它有利于检测一方。你可以利用它提供的服务来检测rootkit,这个服务是不能被切除的;章节7.2.2 的inpcb示例子就是个例子。当然,这个方法不总是易行,或者甚至可行的。
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