我在WINDOWS2003上新安装了ORACLE 10G,但是就是无法通过EM来管理数据库,登录的时候老提示密码错误,登录不进去.错误如下截图所示.
How to fix the error
"RemoteOperationException: Wrong password for user"
appear on the EM pages:
1. Click on:
START MENU => Programs => Administrative Tools =>
Local Security Policy
2. Select and expand the node "Local Policies", choose its
children node "User Rights Assignment"
3. Look at the right listview of the window, Find the following items:
4. Double click the item "作为批处理作业登录", check
the current assignment setting. If you can not find any,
click on "add" to choose appropriate user or group.
for example: You can choose Administrator(User) or
5. Click "OK" to save current modification.
6. Retry step 4 and 5 to modify other items if possible
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