1. cfgmgr - scan the new disk
2. lspv | grep none
3. chdev -l hdiskXX -a pv=yes
chdev -l hdiskXX -a reserve_policy=no_reserve
chdev -l hdiskXXX -a algorithm=round_robin
4. extendvg vg1_pgmp_01 hdiskXX
5. chfs -a size=+13G /data
6. create new lv and mount
smitty lv -> create new lv
smitty fs -> mount the lv and fs.
no need to modify /etc/filesystems , smitty fs will modify it automatically.
and be note that , if the lv is jfs2, when you smitty fs , you should select "Enhanced Journaled File Systems", otherwise you will not find the lv.
smitty lv -> Add a Logical Volume -> VOLUME GROUP name [ ] -> below
smitty mklv -> VOLUME GROUP name [ ] -> below
smitty fs -> Add / Change / Show / Delete File Systems ->
Enhanced Journaled File Systems -> Add an Enhanced Journaled File
System on a Previously Defined Logical Volume -> below 3 items , LV
name, Mount point, reboot (yes)
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