db2 backup ... INCLUDE LOGS是v8.2后的参数
db2ckbkp -H 这个命令可以看备份文件是否INCLUDE LOGS
$ db2 restore db tt from /bk taken at 20080103122136 logtarget /home/db2
DB20000I The RESTORE DATABASE command completed successfully.
$ db2 rollforward db tt query status
Rollforward Status
Input database alias = tt
Number of nodes have returned status = 1
Node number = 0
Rollforward status = DB pending
Next log file to be read = S0123231.LOG
Log files processed = -
Last committed transaction = 2008-01-03-
$ db2 rollforward db TYDB to 2008-01-03- using local time and stop
SQL1275N The stoptime passed to roll-forward must be greater than or equal to
"2008-01-03-", because database "tt" on node(s) "0" contains
information later than the specified time.
$ db2 rollforward db tt to 2008-01-03- using local time and stop
SQL1268N Roll-forward recovery stopped due to error "24" while retrieving log
file "S0123231.LOG" for database "TYDB" on node "0".
$db2 rollforward db tt query status
Rollforward Status
Input database alias = tt
Number of nodes have returned status = 1
Node number = 0
Rollforward status = DB working
Next log file to be read = S0000232.LOG
Log files processed = -
Last committed transaction = 2008-01-03-
db2 rollforward ... NORETRIEVE
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