2005-11-25 19:14:16
So let's cut to the chase and see how this is done:
The first thing you should notice, is that we created a workbook before any worksheets. All worksheets are contained within a workbook, and a workbook may contain several worksheets.
Another important thing, which you should have in mind when programming with Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer, is that ampersand sign (&) that appears when we created our worksheet. That ampersand means we are referencing a Worksheet object instead of copying it. If you don't know what that means, don't worry, all you have to remember is to always use ampersands when calling for creating a worksheet, or for creating a format.
You may have noticed also the following line:
// sending HTTP headers |
For example, if we wanted to save the same spreadsheet we created in our first example to a file named 'test.xls', we would do it like so:
require_once 'Spreadsheet/Excel/Writer.php';
// We give the path to our file here
$workbook = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer('test.xls');
$worksheet =& $workbook->addWorksheet('My first worksheet');
$worksheet->write(0, 0, 'Name');
$worksheet->write(0, 1, 'Age');
$worksheet->write(1, 0, 'John Smith');
$worksheet->write(1, 1, 30);
$worksheet->write(2, 0, 'Johann Schmidt');
$worksheet->write(2, 1, 31);
$worksheet->write(3, 0, 'Juan Herrera');
$worksheet->write(3, 1, 32);
// We still need to explicitly close the workbook