- [bl@bl-desktop:~/Downloads/torrent/hoogle-4.2.11]$ cabal install conduit
- Resolving dependencies...
- cabal: cannot configure conduit- It requires base >=4.3 && <5
- For the dependency on base >=4.3 && <5 there are these packages: base-,
- base-, base-, base- and base- However none of
- them are available.
- base- was excluded because of the top level dependency base -any
- base- was excluded because of the top level dependency base -any
- base- was excluded because of the top level dependency base -any
- base- was excluded because of the top level dependency base -any
- base- was excluded because of the top level dependency base -any
Ran into the same problem. Solved it.
It was a clean haskell install. But it was a clean haskell install
from the linux flavor's (in this case ubuntu) package manager which had
older versions.
Had to remove the old packages & download the source & build & install it.
get the latest platform sources from:
get the ghc sources that are required for the platform.
an example for doing this:
看样子10.04安装hoogle需要手动编译安装ghc 7
- sudo apt-get install ghc haskell-platform
- sudo apt-get install cabal-install
- cabal update
- cabal install hoogle
- wget
- tar zxvf hoogle-4.2.11.tar.gz
- cd hoogle-4.2.11/
- cabal install
- 在终端下如果找不到hoogle命令,需要把~/.cabal/bin加到搜索路径中。
- echo >> ~/.bashrc 'PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.cabal/bin'
- 执行下面的命令
- echo >> ~/.ghci ':def hoogle \x -> return $ ":!hoogle \"" ++ x ++ "\""'
Haskell Platform 是一个打包的haskell 开发环境,包含GHC以及很多第三方开发库,以及cabal 包管理器等。
Cabal 又是什么?
简单说就是 Ubuntu 的 apt-get, Perl 的 cpan , Python 的 easy_install , Ruby 的 gem 。 这么说明白了吧.
要安装一个第三方库,只需要: cabal install lib-name 就可以了。 几乎就这么简单。
怎么安装 Haskell 的第三方库?
类似与 Perl 的cpan 的东西,这个列表包含了 Haskell 可用的第三方库。安装用同一的方式: cabal install
libname 就可以了。 大部分的库可以很方便的安装,不过一些第三方库会依赖一些特定系统的库,因此不是总能顺利安装。
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