iGal: online Image GALlery generator
igal -c -y 50
[ What is iGal? ]
iGal is a Perl program that can generate and publish an entire online picture show (static HTML slides, thumbnails and index page) with just one command line invocation in a Linux or Unix environment. If you've got a directory (or several) full of image files that are waiting to be put online and shared with friends, then iGal is for you.
[ Features ]
- flexible, fully documented
- handles JPG, GIF and PNG images
- generates W3-validated static HTML slides
- very configurable with command line options and HTML/CSS template files
- slides use a JavaScript trick to preload the next image in the slide show (useful over slow connections!)
- relies on programs already included with most Linux distributions (libjpeg [, ] or ImageMagick [src, ]), not on non-standard Perl modules
- should easily install and work on any Unix-like OS, including MacOS-X
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