This repository started as collection of network daemons and useful
sysadmin utils not included in official RedHat linux distribution
sometime on 1998.
From the begining as ftp server and as yum repository today. Number of
applications varies depend on their adding/removing to/from
actual Fedora Core version.
You need to install GPG key used to sign packages. Do it as 'root':
- wget
- rpm --import Petr.Kristof-GPG-KEY
- cp
Petr.Kristof-GPG-KEY /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/.
- chown root:root
- chmod 0644 /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/Petr.Kristof-GPG-KEY
You can use this repository via
program. Do it as 'root':
- wget
- cp crash-hat.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/.
- chown root:root
- chmod 0644
Finaly, run
yum install foopackage or
yum update foopackage.
P.S. The same can be done for testing branch (crash-hat-test.repo).
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