题目: 思路: (找规律、big integer)- //
- // Author: xfye
- // Status: Accept
- //
- #include <sstream>
- #include <iostream>
- #include <vector>
- #include <cstring>
- #include <cstdlib>
- using namespace std;
- typedef unsigned int uint;
- typedef unsigned long long ullong;
- typedef long long llong;
- class BigInteger
- {
- public:
- BigInteger();
- BigInteger(int val);
- BigInteger(unsigned int val);
- BigInteger(ullong val);
- BigInteger(const BigInteger& val);
- BigInteger add(const BigInteger& bint, int val) const;
- BigInteger add(const BigInteger& bint, uint val) const;
- BigInteger add(const BigInteger& x, const BigInteger& y) const;
- std::string toStdString() const;
- bool isNegative() const;
- BigInteger& operator +=(int val);
- BigInteger& operator +=(uint val);
- BigInteger& operator +=(const BigInteger& val);
- BigInteger& operator *=(int val);
- BigInteger& operator *=(uint val);
- BigInteger& operator *=(BigInteger& val);
- BigInteger& operator =(int val);
- BigInteger& operator =(unsigned int val);
- BigInteger& operator =(ullong val);
- BigInteger& operator =(const BigInteger& val);
- bool operator !=(int val);
- bool operator ==(int val);
- // for debug only.
- void debug();
- private:
- /// Compare the sign with val
- bool compareSign(int val) const;
- /// Compare the sign with val
- bool compareSign(BigInteger& val) const;
- int wordsNeeded(const uint words[], int len) const;
- void canonicalize();
- void doCarry(unsigned int val);
- void assign(int val);
- void assign(uint val);
- void assign(ullong val);
- void assign(const BigInteger& val);
- void alloc(int newSize);
- BigInteger times(const BigInteger& bint, int val) const;
- BigInteger times(const BigInteger& bint, uint val) const;
- BigInteger times(const BigInteger& x, const BigInteger& y) const;
- void expandWords();
- void expandWords(int newSize);
- void format(int radix, std::string& buffer) const;
- ullong longValue() const;
- ullong udiv_qrnnd(ullong N, uint D) const;
- uint divmod_1 (uint quotient[], uint dividend[], int len, uint divisor) const;
- uint mul_1(uint* dest, const uint* x, int len, uint y) const;
- void mul(uint dest[],
- const uint x[], int xlen,
- const uint y[], int ylen) const;
- uint MPN_add_n(uint dest[], const uint x[], const uint y[], int len) const;
- //
- /// All integers are stored in 2's-complement form.
- /// If words == null, the ival is the value of this BigInteger.
- /// Otherwise, the first ival elements of words make the value
- /// of this BigInteger, stored in little-endian order, 2's-complement form.
- ///
- uint *m_words;
- uint m_ival;
- /// The size of words
- int m_sizeOfWords;
- ///
- int m_sign;
- };
- BigInteger::BigInteger()
- : m_words(NULL),
- m_ival(0),
- m_sizeOfWords(0),
- m_sign(0)
- {
- }
- BigInteger::BigInteger(int val)
- : m_words(NULL),
- m_sizeOfWords(0)
- {
- assign(val);
- }
- BigInteger::BigInteger(unsigned int val)
- : m_words(NULL),
- m_sizeOfWords(0)
- {
- assign(val);
- }
- BigInteger::BigInteger(ullong val)
- {
- assign(val);
- }
- BigInteger::BigInteger(const BigInteger& val)
- : m_words(NULL)
- {
- assign(val);
- }
- void BigInteger::assign(uint val)
- {
- if (m_words != NULL) {
- delete[] m_words;
- m_words = NULL;
- m_sizeOfWords = 0;
- }
- m_ival = val;
- if (val == 0) {
- m_sign = 0;
- } else {
- m_sign = 1;
- }
- }
- void BigInteger::assign(int val)
- {
- if (m_words != NULL) {
- delete[] m_words;
- m_words = NULL;
- m_sizeOfWords = 0;
- }
- if (val == 0) {
- m_sign = 0;
- m_ival = 0;
- } else if (val < 0) {
- m_ival = 0 - val;
- m_sign = -1;
- } else { // val > 0
- m_ival = val;
- m_sign = 1;
- }
- }
- void BigInteger::assign(ullong val)
- {
- uint v = (uint) val;
- if ((ullong) v == val) {
- assign(v);
- return;
- }
- if (m_words == NULL) {
- expandWords();
- }
- m_words[0] = v;
- m_words[1] = val >> 32;
- m_ival = 2;
- m_sign = 1;
- }
- void BigInteger::assign(const BigInteger& val)
- {
- if (m_words != NULL) {
- delete[] m_words;
- m_words = NULL;
- }
- if (val.m_words != NULL) {
- m_sizeOfWords = val.m_sizeOfWords;
- m_words = new uint[val.m_sizeOfWords];
- memcpy(m_words, val.m_words, m_sizeOfWords * sizeof(uint));
- }
- m_ival = val.m_ival;
- m_sign = val.m_sign;
- }
- BigInteger BigInteger::add(const BigInteger& x, const BigInteger& y) const
- {
- BigInteger result;
- if (x.m_words == NULL && y.m_words == NULL) {
- result = ((ullong) y.m_ival + (ullong) x.m_ival);
- return result;
- }
- if (x.m_words == NULL) {
- result = add(y, x.m_ival);
- return result;
- }
- if (y.m_words == NULL) {
- result = add(x, y.m_ival);
- return result;
- }
- BigInteger xx = x;
- BigInteger yy = y;
- // Both are big
- if (y.m_ival > x.m_ival)
- { // Swap so x is longer then y.
- xx = y;
- yy = x;
- }
- result.expandWords(xx.m_ival + 1);
- int i = yy.m_ival;
- ullong carry = MPN_add_n(result.m_words, xx.m_words, yy.m_words, i);
- ullong y_ext = yy.m_words[i - 1] < 0 ? 0xffffffffL : 0;
- for (; i < xx.m_ival; i++) {
- carry += ((ullong) xx.m_words[i] & 0xffffffffL) + y_ext;
- result.m_words[i] = (uint) carry;
- carry >>= 32;
- }
- if (xx.m_words[i - 1] < 0) {
- y_ext--;
- }
- result.m_words[i] = (uint) (carry + y_ext);
- /// result.m_ival = i+1;
- result.m_ival = i+1;
- result.canonicalize();
- return result;
- }
- BigInteger BigInteger::add(const BigInteger& bint, uint val) const
- {
- BigInteger result = bint;
- if (result.m_words == NULL) {
- long long sum = (long long) val + (long long) result.m_ival;
- uint v = (uint) sum;
- if ((long long) v != sum) {
- result.m_words = new uint[32];
- result.m_sizeOfWords = 32;
- result.m_ival = 2;
- result.m_words[0] = v;
- result.m_words[1] = sum >> 32;
- } else {
- result.m_ival = v;
- }
- } else {
- long long carry = val;
- for (int i = 0; i < result.m_ival; i++) {
- carry += result.m_words[i];
- result.m_words[i] = (uint) carry;
- carry >>= 32;
- }
- if (carry > 0) {
- result.doCarry(carry);
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- BigInteger BigInteger::add(const BigInteger& bint, int val) const
- {
- BigInteger result = bint;
- if (result.compareSign(val)) {
- val = val & 0x7fffffff; // abs();
- if (result.m_words == NULL) {
- long long sum = (long long) val + (long long) result.m_ival;
- uint v = (uint) sum;
- if ((long long) v != sum) {
- result.m_words = new uint[32];
- result.m_sizeOfWords = 32;
- result.m_ival = 2;
- result.m_words[0] = v;
- result.m_words[1] = sum >> 32;
- } else {
- result.m_ival = v;
- }
- } else {
- long long carry = val;
- for (int i = 0; i < result.m_ival; i++) {
- carry += result.m_words[i];
- result.m_words[i] = (uint) carry;
- carry >>= 32;
- }
- if (carry > 0) {
- result.doCarry(carry);
- }
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- /** Add x[0:len-1] and y[0:len-1] and write the len least
- * significant words of the result to dest[0:len-1].
- * All words are treated as unsigned.
- * @return the carry, either 0 or 1
- * This function is basically the same as gmp's mpn_add_n.
- */
- uint BigInteger::MPN_add_n(uint dest[], const uint x[], const uint y[], int len) const
- {
- ullong carry = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
- {
- carry += ((ullong) x[i] & 0xffffffffL)
- + ((ullong) y[i] & 0xffffffffL);
- dest[i] = (uint) carry;
- carry >>= 32;
- }
- return (uint) carry;
- }
- bool BigInteger::compareSign(int val) const
- {
- if ((m_sign == 0 && val == 0)
- || (m_sign > 0 && val > 0)
- || (m_sign < 0 && val < 0)) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- bool BigInteger::compareSign(BigInteger& val) const
- {
- if (m_sign != val.m_sign) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- void BigInteger::doCarry(unsigned int val)
- {
- expandWords();
- m_words[m_ival++] = val;
- }
- void BigInteger::expandWords()
- {
- uint* newWords = new uint[m_sizeOfWords+32];
- memset(newWords, 0, m_sizeOfWords+32 * sizeof(uint));
- memcpy(newWords, m_words, m_sizeOfWords * sizeof(uint));
- delete[] m_words;
- m_words = newWords;
- m_sizeOfWords += 32;
- }
- void BigInteger::expandWords(int newSize)
- {
- if (m_words != NULL && m_sizeOfWords >= newSize) {
- return;
- }
- uint* newWords = new uint[newSize];
- memset(newWords, 0, newSize * sizeof(uint));
- if (m_words == NULL) {
- memcpy(newWords, m_words, m_sizeOfWords * sizeof(uint));
- } else {
- delete[] m_words;
- }
- m_words = newWords;
- m_sizeOfWords = newSize;
- }
- std::string BigInteger::toStdString() const
- {
- std::string str;
- format(10, str);
- #if 0
- std::stringstream ss;
- std::string str;
- if (m_words == NULL) {
- if (0 == m_ival) {
- str = "0";
- return str;
- } else {
- if (m_sign < 0) {
- str += "-";
- }
- ss << m_ival;
- std::string s;
- ss >> s;
- str += s;
- }
- } else { // m_words != NULL
- if (m_sign < 0) {
- str += "-";
- }
- for (int i = m_ival-1; i >= 0; i--) {
- ss << m_words[i];
- }
- std::string s;
- ss >> s;
- str += s;
- }
- #endif
- return str;
- }
- /* Divide (unsigned long) N by (unsigned int) D.
- * Returns (remainder << 32)+(unsigned int)(quotient).
- * Assumes (unsigned int)(N>>32) < (unsigned int)D.
- * Code transcribed from gmp-2.0's mpn_udiv_w_sdiv function.
- *
- * It's OK
- */
- ullong BigInteger::udiv_qrnnd(ullong N, uint D) const
- {
- ullong q, r;
- ullong a1 = N >> 32;
- ullong a0 = N & 0xffffffffL;
- if (D >= 0)
- {
- if (a1 < ((D - a1 - (a0 >> 31)) & 0xffffffffL))
- {
- /* dividend, divisor, and quotient are nonnegative */
- q = N / D;
- r = N % D;
- }
- else
- {
- /* Compute c1*2^32 + c0 = a1*2^32 + a0 - 2^31*d */
- ullong c = N - ((ullong) D << 31);
- /* Divide (c1*2^32 + c0) by d */
- q = c / D;
- r = c % D;
- /* Add 2^31 to quotient */
- q += 1 << 31;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- ullong b1 = D >> 1; /* d/2, between 2^30 and 2^31 - 1 */
- //long c1 = (a1 >> 1); /* A/2 */
- //int c0 = (a1 << 31) + (a0 >> 1);
- ullong c = N >> 1;
- if (a1 < b1 || (a1 >> 1) < b1)
- {
- if (a1 < b1)
- {
- q = c / b1;
- r = c % b1;
- }
- else /* c1 < b1, so 2^31 <= (A/2)/b1 < 2^32 */
- {
- c = ~(c - (b1 << 32));
- q = c / b1; /* (A/2) / (d/2) */
- r = c % b1;
- q = (~q) & 0xffffffffL; /* (A/2)/b1 */
- r = (b1 - 1) - r; /* r < b1 => new r >= 0 */
- }
- r = 2 * r + (a0 & 1);
- if ((D & 1) != 0)
- {
- if (r >= q) {
- r = r - q;
- } else if (q - r <= ((ullong) D & 0xffffffffL)) {
- r = r - q + D;
- q -= 1;
- } else {
- r = r - q + D + D;
- q -= 2;
- }
- }
- }
- else /* Implies c1 = b1 */
- { /* Hence a1 = d - 1 = 2*b1 - 1 */
- if (a0 >= ((ullong)(-D) & 0xffffffffL))
- {
- q = -1;
- r = a0 + D;
- }
- else
- {
- q = -2;
- r = a0 + D + D;
- }
- }
- }
- return (r << 32) | (q & 0xFFFFFFFFl);
- }
- /** Divide divident[0:len-1] by (unsigned int)divisor.
- * Write result into quotient[0:len-1.
- * Return the one-word (unsigned) remainder.
- * OK for quotient==dividend.
- */
- uint BigInteger::divmod_1(uint quotient[], uint dividend[],
- int len, uint divisor) const
- {
- int i = len - 1;
- ullong r = dividend[i];
- if ((r & 0xffffffffL) >= ((ullong)divisor & 0xffffffffL))
- r = 0;
- else
- {
- quotient[i--] = 0;
- r <<= 32;
- }
- for (; i >= 0; i--)
- {
- uint n0 = dividend[i];
- r = (r & 0xffffffff00000000) | (n0 & 0xffffffffL);
- r = udiv_qrnnd (r, divisor);
- quotient[i] = (uint) r;
- }
- return (uint)(r >> 32);
- }
- //
- // Only support radix 10
- //
- void BigInteger::format(int radix, std::string& buffer) const
- {
- if (m_words == NULL) {
- std::stringstream ss;
- ss << m_ival;
- buffer += ss.str();
- } else if (m_ival <= 2) {
- std::stringstream ss;
- ss << longValue();
- buffer += ss.str();
- } else {
- bool neg = isNegative();
- uint *work;
- if (neg || radix != 16) {
- // work = new uint(m_ival);
- // getAbsolute(work); // commented by xfye
- work = m_words;
- }
- else {
- work = m_words;
- }
- uint len = m_ival;
- if (radix == 16) {
- #if 0
- if (neg)
- buffer.append('-');
- int buf_start = buffer.length();
- for (int i = len; --i >= 0; )
- {
- int word = work[i];
- for (int j = 8; --j >= 0; )
- {
- int hex_digit = (word >> (4 * j)) & 0xF;
- // Suppress leading zeros:
- if (hex_digit > 0 || buffer.length() > buf_start)
- buffer.append(Character.forDigit(hex_digit, 16));
- }
- }
- #endif
- } else {
- for (;;) {
- int digit = divmod_1(work, work, len, radix);
- buffer.push_back(digit+'0');
- while (len > 0 && work[len-1] == 0) {
- len--;
- }
- if (len == 0) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (neg) {
- buffer.push_back('-');
- }
- #if 1
- /* Reverse buffer. */
- int i = 0;
- int j = buffer.length() - 1;
- while (i < j)
- {
- char tmp = buffer[i];
- buffer[i] = buffer[j];
- buffer[j] = tmp;
- i++; j--;
- }
- #endif
- }
- }
- }
- bool BigInteger::isNegative() const
- {
- if (m_sign < 0) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- ullong BigInteger::longValue() const
- {
- if (NULL == m_words) {
- return (ullong) m_ival;
- }
- if (m_ival == 1) {
- return (ullong) m_words[0];
- }
- return ((ullong) m_words[1] << 32) + ((ullong) m_words[0] & 0xffffffff);
- }
- void BigInteger::debug()
- {
- uint work[] = { 0x63, 0x01, 0x05 };
- uint r = divmod_1(work, work, 3, 10);
- std::cout << "[debug] r=" << r << std::endl;
- //ullong a = 0x100000000;
- //ullong b = udiv_qrnnd(a, 10);
- //std::cout << "debug:: " << b << std::endl;
- }
- BigInteger BigInteger::times(const BigInteger& bint, uint val) const
- {
- BigInteger result;
- if (val == 0) {
- result.assign(0);
- return result;
- }
- if (val == 1) {
- result = bint;
- return result;
- }
- if (bint.m_words == NULL) {
- result.assign((ullong) m_ival * (ullong) val);
- return result;
- }
- result = bint;
- result.expandWords();
- result.m_words[result.m_ival] = mul_1(result.m_words, result.m_words, result.m_ival, val);
- result.m_ival++;
- result.canonicalize();
- return result;
- }
- BigInteger BigInteger::times(const BigInteger& bint, int y) const
- {
- BigInteger result;
- #if 1
- if (y == 0) {
- result.assign(0);
- return result;
- }
- if (y == 1) {
- result = bint;
- return result;
- }
- if (bint.m_words == NULL) {
- result.assign((ullong) m_ival * (ullong) y);
- if (bint.compareSign(y)) {
- result.m_sign = 1;
- } else {
- result.m_sign = -1;
- }
- return result;
- }
- result = bint;
- result.expandWords();
- result.m_words[result.m_ival] = mul_1(result.m_words, result.m_words, result.m_ival, y);
- result.m_ival++;
- if (bint.compareSign(y)) {
- result.m_sign = 1;
- } else {
- result.m_sign = -1;
- }
- result.canonicalize();
- return result;
- #endif
- }
- /** Multiply x[0:len-1] by y, and write the len least
- * significant words of the product to dest[0:len-1].
- * Return the most significant word of the product.
- * All values are treated as if they were unsigned
- * (i.e. masked with 0xffffffffL).
- * OK if dest==x (not sure if this is guaranteed for mpn_mul_1).
- * This function is basically the same as gmp's mpn_mul_1.
- */
- uint BigInteger::mul_1(uint* dest, const uint* x, int len, uint y) const
- {
- ullong yword = (ullong) y & 0xffffffffL;
- ullong carry = 0;
- for (int j = 0; j < len; j++)
- {
- carry += ((ullong) x[j] & 0xffffffffL) * yword;
- dest[j] = (uint) carry;
- carry >>= 32;
- }
- return (uint) carry;
- }
- /**
- * Multiply x[0:xlen-1] and y[0:ylen-1], and
- * write the result to dest[0:xlen+ylen-1].
- * The destination has to have space for xlen+ylen words,
- * even if the result might be one limb smaller.
- * This function requires that xlen >= ylen.
- * The destination must be distinct from either input operands.
- * All operands are unsigned.
- * This function is basically the same gmp's mpn_mul. */
- void BigInteger::mul (uint dest[],
- const uint x[], int xlen,
- const uint y[], int ylen) const
- {
- dest[xlen] = mul_1 (dest, x, xlen, y[0]);
- for (int i = 1; i < ylen; i++)
- {
- ullong yword = (ullong) y[i] & 0xffffffffL;
- ullong carry = 0;
- for (int j = 0; j < xlen; j++)
- {
- carry += ((ullong) x[j] & 0xffffffffL) * yword
- + ((ullong) dest[i+j] & 0xffffffffL);
- dest[i+j] = (uint) carry;
- carry >>= 32;
- }
- dest[i+xlen] = (uint) carry;
- }
- }
- BigInteger& BigInteger::operator *=(int val)
- {
- *this = times(*this, val);
- return *this;
- }
- BigInteger& BigInteger::operator *=(uint val)
- {
- *this = times(*this, val);
- return *this;
- }
- BigInteger& BigInteger::operator *=(BigInteger& val)
- {
- *this = times(*this, val);
- return *this;
- }
- BigInteger& BigInteger::operator =(unsigned int val)
- {
- assign(val);
- return *this;
- }
- BigInteger& BigInteger::operator =(int val)
- {
- assign(val);
- return *this;
- }
- BigInteger& BigInteger::operator =(ullong val)
- {
- assign(val);
- return *this;
- }
- BigInteger& BigInteger::operator =(const BigInteger& val)
- {
- assign(val);
- return *this;
- }
- bool BigInteger::operator !=(int val)
- {
- if (!compareSign(val)) {
- return true;
- }
- if (m_words != NULL) {
- return true;
- }
- if (m_ival != val) {
- return true;
- }
- return true;
- }
- bool BigInteger::operator ==(int val)
- {
- if (!compareSign(val)) {
- return false;
- }
- if (m_words != NULL) {
- return false;
- }
- if (m_ival != val) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- BigInteger BigInteger::times(const BigInteger& x, const BigInteger& y) const
- {
- #if 1
- if (y.m_words == NULL) {
- return times(x, y.m_ival);
- }
- if (x.m_words == NULL) {
- return times(y, x.m_ival);
- }
- uint *xwords = x.m_words;
- uint *ywords = y.m_words;
- int xlen = x.m_ival;
- int ylen = y.m_ival;
- if (xlen < ylen) {
- int tlen = xlen; xlen = ylen; ylen = tlen;
- uint* twords = xwords; xwords = ywords; ywords = twords;
- }
- BigInteger result;
- result.expandWords(xlen + ylen);
- mul(result.m_words, xwords, xlen, ywords, ylen);
- result.m_ival = xlen+ylen;
- return result;
- #endif
- }
- BigInteger& BigInteger::operator +=(int val)
- {
- *this = add(*this, val);
- return *this;
- }
- BigInteger& BigInteger::operator +=(uint val)
- {
- *this = add(*this, val);
- return *this;
- }
- BigInteger& BigInteger::operator +=(const BigInteger& val)
- {
- BigInteger bint = add(*this, val);
- *this = bint;
- return *this;
- }
- void BigInteger::canonicalize()
- {
- if (m_words != NULL
- && (m_ival = wordsNeeded(m_words, m_ival)) <= 1) {
- if (m_ival == 1) {
- m_ival = m_words[0];
- }
- delete[] m_words;
- m_words = NULL;
- }
- #if 0
- if (words == null && ival >= minFixNum && ival <= maxFixNum)
- return smallFixNums[ival - minFixNum];
- #endif
- }
- /** Calculate how many words are significant in words[0:len-1].
- * Returns the least value x such that x>0 && words[0:x-1]==words[0:len-1],
- * when words is viewed as a 2's complement integer.
- */
- int BigInteger::wordsNeeded(const uint words[], int len) const
- {
- int i = len;
- if (i > 0) {
- int word = words[--i];
- if (word == -1)
- {
- while (i > 0 && (word = words[i - 1]) < 0)
- {
- i--;
- if (word != -1) break;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- while (word == 0 && i > 0 && (word = words[i - 1]) >= 0) i--;
- }
- }
- return i + 1;
- }
- BigInteger g_cache[1001];
- BigInteger& calcTreeNum(int n)
- {
- if (g_cache[n] != 0) {
- // cout << "1:" << g_cache[n] << endl;
- return g_cache[n];
- }
- if (n == 1) {
- g_cache[1] = 1;
- //cout << "2:" << g_cache[n] << endl;
- return g_cache[1];
- }
- if (n == 2) {
- g_cache[2] = 2;
- return g_cache[2];
- }
- for (int i = n-1; i >= n/2; i--) {
- if (i == (n-1)/2) {
- if (g_cache[i] == 0) {
- calcTreeNum(i);
- }
- BigInteger& bint = g_cache[i];
- BigInteger v = bint;
- v *= bint;
- g_cache[n] += v;
- } else {
- if (g_cache[i] == 0) {
- calcTreeNum(i);
- }
- BigInteger b1 = g_cache[i];
- if (n - i > 2) {
- if (g_cache[n-i-1] == 0) {
- calcTreeNum(n-i-1);
- }
- BigInteger& b2 = g_cache[n-i-1];
- BigInteger v = b1;
- v *= b2;
- v *= 2;
- g_cache[n] += v;
- } else {
- b1 *= 2;
- g_cache[n] += b1;
- }
- }
- }
- //cout << "3:" << g_cache[n] << endl;
- return g_cache[n];
- }
- int main()
- {
- int n = 0;
- g_cache[0] = 1;
- g_cache[1] = 1;
- BigInteger bint;
- for (int j = 2; j < 1001; j++) {
- for (int i = 1; i <= j; i++) {
- bint = g_cache[j-i];
- bint *= g_cache[i-1];
- g_cache[j] += bint;
- }
- }
- while (cin >> n) {
- cout << g_cache[n].toStdString() << endl;
- }
- return 0;
- }
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