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  • 博文数量: 43
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  • 注册时间: 2006-06-01 15:07







分类: Oracle

2008-05-04 21:44:15

Since Oracle 8i we can trace pl/sql like we can trace sql with tkprof. With DBMS_PROFILER you can measure the execution time of a pl/sql program unit.

DBMS_PROFILER gives insight into the following statistics:
- The number of times a piece of pl/sql was executed
- The total time spend on a piece of pl/sql code, including sql statements.
- Minimum and maximum time spend on a piece of pl/sql code
- Which code is executed during profiling.

Example code

This is an example on how to use DBMS_PROFILER:


The DBMS_PROFILER package is not automatically created on install of the database. Before you can use it, you should run the following scripts: as sys user run the $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/profload.sql script. As user that uses the profiler (or as sys with grants) run: $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/proftab.sql


The DBMS_PROFILER package has the following procedures: Start_Profiler: begin data collection Stop_Profiler: stop data collection. Data is not automatically stored when the user disconnects. Flush_Data: flush data collected in user session. Can call at points in a run to get incremental data. Pause_Profiler: pause user data collection Resume_Profiler: resume data collection Get_Version (proc): gets the version of this api. Internal_Version_Check: verify that the DBMS_Profiler version works with this DB version.


The profiler-information is stored in the following tables: plsql_profiler_runs - information on profiler runs plsql_profiler_units - information on each lu profiled plsql_profiler_data - profiler data for each lu profiled

Run profile session

set serverout on enabled

  run_id number;
  run_id := dbms_profiler.start_profiler(
       to_char(sysdate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
  call pl/sql
  /* Clear data from memory and store it in profiler tables.*/

Report on profile session

In Oracle 8i, Oracle supplied a sql ${ORACLE_HOME}/plsql/demo/profrep.sql to report of the profiling results.

In Oracle 10g a sql ${ORACLE_HOME}/plsql/demo/profsum.sql is provided.
-- show procedures
        SELECT substr(u.unit_type,1,30),substr(u.unit_name,1,30)
        , ROUND(d.total_time/10000000,2) total, d.total_occur
        , d.min_time, d.max_time
      FROM plsql_profiler_units u,
           plsql_profiler_data  d
     WHERE u.runid       = &1
       AND u.unit_owner <> 'SYS'
       AND d.runid       = u.runid
       AND d.unit_number = u.unit_number
       AND ROUND(d.total_time/1000000000,2) > 0.00
           d.total_time DESC;

-- Top 10 slow statements
select trim(decode(unit_type,'PACKAGE SPEC','PACKAGE',unit_type)||
 ' '||trim(pu.unit_owner)||'.'||trim(pu.unit_name))||
' (line '|| pd.line#||')' object_name
, pd.total_occur
, pd.total_time
, pd.min_time
, pd.max_time
, src.text
, rownum sequencenr
from plsql_profiler_units pu
,    plsql_profiler_data pd
,    all_source src
where pu.unit_owner = user
and pu.runid = &1
and pu.runid=pd.runid 
and pu.unit_number = pd.unit_number
and src.owner = pu.unit_owner 
and src.type = pu.unit_type
and = pu.unit_name 
and src.line = pd.line#
) where sequencenr <=10;
set echo off
set linesize 5000
set trimspool on
set serveroutput on
set termout off

column owner format a11
column unit_name format a14
column text format a21 word_wrapped
column runid format 9999
column secs  format 999.99
column hsecs format 999.99
column grand_total  format 9999.99
column run_comment format a11 word_wrapped
column line# format 99999
column pct format 999.9
column unit_owner format a11

spool profsum.out

/* Clean out rollup results, and recreate */
update plsql_profiler_units set total_time = 0;

execute prof_report_utilities.rollup_all_runs;

prompt =
prompt =
prompt ====================
prompt Total time
select grand_total/1000000000 as grand_total
  from plsql_profiler_grand_total;

prompt =
prompt =
prompt ====================
prompt Total time spent on each run
select runid,
       substr(run_comment,1, 30) as run_comment,
       run_total_time/1000000000 as secs
  from (select a.runid, sum(a.total_time)  run_total_time, b.run_comment
          from plsql_profiler_units a, plsql_profiler_runs b
         where a.runid = b.runid group by a.runid, b.run_comment )
 where run_total_time > 0
 order by runid asc;

prompt =
prompt =
prompt ====================
prompt Percentage of time in each module, for each run separately

select p1.runid,
       substr(p2.run_comment, 1, 20) as run_comment,
       decode(p1.unit_name, '', '',
                    substr(p1.unit_name,1, 20)) as unit_name,
       p1.total_time/1000000000 as secs,
       TO_CHAR(100*p1.total_time/p2.run_total_time, '999.9') as percentage
  from plsql_profiler_units p1,
       (select a.runid, sum(a.total_time)  run_total_time, b.run_comment
          from plsql_profiler_units a, plsql_profiler_runs b
         where a.runid = b.runid group by a.runid, b.run_comment ) p2
 where p1.runid=p2.runid
   and p1.total_time > 0
   and p2.run_total_time > 0
   and  (p1.total_time/p2.run_total_time)  >= .01
 order by p1.runid asc, p1.total_time desc;

column secs form 9.99
prompt =
prompt =
prompt ====================
prompt Percentage of time in each module, summarized across runs
select p1.unit_owner,
       decode(p1.unit_name, '', '', substr(p1.unit_name,1, 25)) as unit_name,
       p1.total_time/1000000000 as secs,
       TO_CHAR(100*p1.total_time/p2.grand_total, '99999.99') as percentage
  from plsql_profiler_units_cross_run p1,
       plsql_profiler_grand_total p2
 order by p1.total_time DESC;

prompt =
prompt =
prompt ====================
prompt Lines taking more than 1% of the total time, each run separate
select p1.runid as runid,
       p1.total_time/10000000 as Hsecs,
        p1.total_time/p4.grand_total*100 as pct,
       substr(p2.unit_owner, 1, 20) as owner,
       decode(p2.unit_name, '', '', substr(p2.unit_name,1, 20)) as unit_name,
       ( select p3.text
           from all_source p3
          where p3.owner = p2.unit_owner and
                p3.line = p1.line# and
                p3.type not in ( 'PACKAGE', 'TYPE' )) text
  from plsql_profiler_data p1,
       plsql_profiler_units p2,
       plsql_profiler_grand_total p4
 where (p1.total_time >= p4.grand_total/100)
   AND p1.runID = p2.runid
   and p2.unit_number=p1.unit_number
 order by p1.total_time desc;

prompt =
prompt =
prompt ====================
prompt Most popular lines (more than 1%), summarize across all runs
select p1.total_time/10000000 as hsecs,
        p1.total_time/p4.grand_total*100 as pct,
       substr(p1.unit_owner, 1, 20) as unit_owner,
       decode(p1.unit_name, '', '',
                 substr(p1.unit_name,1, 20)) as unit_name,
       ( select p3.text from all_source p3
          where (p3.line = p1.line#) and
                (p3.owner = p1.unit_owner) AND
                ( = p1.unit_name) and
                (p3.type not in ( 'PACKAGE', 'TYPE' ) ) ) text
  from  plsql_profiler_lines_cross_run p1,
        plsql_profiler_grand_total p4
 where (p1.total_time >= p4.grand_total/100)
 order by p1.total_time desc;

execute prof_report_utilities.rollup_all_runs;

prompt =
prompt =
prompt ====================
prompt  Number of lines actually executed in different units (by unit_name)

select p1.unit_owner,
       count( decode( p1.total_occur, 0, null, 0))  as lines_executed ,
       count(p1.line#) as lines_present,
       count( decode( p1.total_occur, 0, null, 0))/count(p1.line#) *100
                                       as pct
  from plsql_profiler_lines_cross_run p1
 where (p1.unit_type in ( 'PACKAGE BODY', 'TYPE BODY',
                          'PROCEDURE', 'FUNCTION' )  )
 group by p1.unit_owner, p1.unit_name;

prompt =
prompt =
prompt ====================
prompt  Number of lines actually executed for all units
select count(p1.line#) as lines_executed
  from plsql_profiler_lines_cross_run p1
 where (p1.unit_type in ( 'PACKAGE BODY', 'TYPE BODY',
                          'PROCEDURE', 'FUNCTION' )  )
    AND p1.total_occur > 0;

prompt =
prompt =
prompt ====================
prompt  Total number of lines in all units
select count(p1.line#) as lines_present
  from plsql_profiler_lines_cross_run p1
 where (p1.unit_type in ( 'PACKAGE BODY', 'TYPE BODY',
                          'PROCEDURE', 'FUNCTION' )  );

spool off
set termout on
edit profsum.out
set linesize 131 
at the begin each time ,call the scripts
delete from plsql_profiler_data;
delete from plsql_profiler_units;
delete from plsql_profiler_runs;

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