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2011-03-28 09:18:39

2.3.2 第二个例子


1. diskadd –F s5dm c2b0t5d1命令。

2. 在第一个例子的第11行处输入“n ,进入fdisk程序对该逻辑分区进行分区。

3. 分成两个fdisk分区,整个过程如下所示:

# fdisk /dev/rdsk/c2b0t5d1s0

The recommended default partitioning for your disk is:


  a 100% "UNIX System" partition.


To select this, please type "y".  To partition your disk

differently, type "n" and the "fdisk" program will let you

select other partitions.y


                                      Cylinders                Approx

Partition   Status       Type       Start   End   Length    %      MB

======  ====== ==========   =====   ===   ======   ===   ======

1      Active   UNIX System      0   15299    15300     45    15300.0

2               UNIX System  15300   33998    18699    55    18699.0


4. diskadd调用fdisk将硬盘分区完成以后调用disksetup –I /dev/rdsk/c2b0t5d1s0命令对该硬盘进行子分区(slice)。这个过程与第一个例子类似,我们可以证明划分子分区只是针对了active分区,通过下面的操作可以看出来。

1           You will now specify the size in cylinders of each slice.

2           (One megabyte of disk space is approximately 1 cylinders.)

3           There are now 15299 cylinders available on your disk.

4           The filesystem type you have chosen is limited to 1048576 cylinders.

5           How many cylinders would you like for /home/s21 (0 - 15299)?


2.2.3 第三个例子




                                       Cylinders                Approx

Partition   Status       Type       Start   End   Length    %      MB

=====   ====== ===========  =====   ===   ======   ===   ======

    1     Active   UNIX System      0    471     472     60    3702.4

    2             UNIX System    472    786     315     40    2470.9


1. mkfs –F vxfs /dev/rdsk/c0b0t0d0p2 5060475

1-F vxfs是指明要创建的文件系统。




2. mount –F vxfs /dev/dsk/c0b0t0d0p2 /home/p2


2.4 删除硬盘

2.4.1 diskrm命令

diskrm [-F dm_type] [disk_number]


2.4.2 一个例子



1          # vi /etc/vfstab

2          /dev/root   /dev/rroot  /   vxfs    1   no  mincache=closesync  SYS_RANGE_MAX

3          /dev/stand  /dev/rstand /stand  bfs 1   no  -   SYS_RANGE_MAX

4          /proc -   /proc   proc    -   no  -

5          /processorfs -   /system/processor   profs    -   yes  -

6          /dev/fd   -   /dev/fd fdfs    -   no  -

7          /dev/dsk/f0t  /dev/rdsk/f0t   /install    s5  -   no  -

8          /dev/dsk/f1t  /dev/rdsk/f1t   /install    s5  -   no  -

9          /dev/dsk/f0   /dev/rdsk/f0    /install    s5  -   no  -

10      /dev/dsk/f1   /dev/rdsk/f1    /install    s5  -   no  -

11      /tmp    -   /tmp    memfs   -   yes swapmax=10485760,rootmode=1777

12      /var/tmp    -   /var/tmp    memfs   -   yes swapmax=41943040,rootmode=1777

13      /dev/_tcp   -   /dev/_tcp   specfs  -   yes dev=tcp

14      /dev/dsk/c2b0t5d1s1 /dev/rdsk/c2b0t5d1s1    /home/s21   vxfs    1   no  mincache=closesync  SYS_RANGE_MAX

15      /dev/dsk/c2b0t5d1s2 /dev/rdsk/c2b0t5d1s2    /home/s22   vxfs    1   no  mincache=closesync  SYS_RANGE_MAX

16      /dev/dsk/c2b0t5d1s3 /dev/rdsk/c2b0t5d1s3    /home/s23   vxfs    1   no  mincache=closesync  SYS_RANGE_MAX

17      /dev/dsk/c2b0t5d2s1 /dev/rdsk/c2b0t5d2s1    /home/31    vxfs    1   no  mincache=closesync  SYS_RANGE_MAX

18      /dev/dsk/c2b0t5d2s2 /dev/rdsk/c2b0t5d2s2    /home/32    vxfs    1   no  mincache=closesync  SYS_RANGE_MAX

19      /dev/root   /dev/rroot  /   vxfs    1   no  mincache=closesync  SYS_RANGE_MAX

20      /dev/stand  /dev/rstand /stand  bfs 1   no  -   SYS_RANGE_MAX

21      /proc -   /proc   proc    -   no  -

22      /processorfs -   /system/processor   profs    -   yes  -

23      /dev/fd   -   /dev/fd fdfs    -   no  -

24      /dev/dsk/f0t  /dev/rdsk/f0t   /install    s5  -   no  -

25      /dev/dsk/f1t  /dev/rdsk/f1t   /install    s5  -   no  -

26      /dev/dsk/f0   /dev/rdsk/f0    /install    s5  -   no  -

27      /dev/dsk/f1   /dev/rdsk/f1    /install    s5  -   no  -

28      /tmp    -   /tmp    memfs   -   yes swapmax=10485760,rootmode=1777

29      /var/tmp    -   /var/tmp    memfs   -   yes swapmax=41943040,rootmode=1777

30      /dev/_tcp   -   /dev/_tcp   specfs  -   yes dev=tcp

31      /dev/dsk/c2b0t5d1s1 /dev/rdsk/c2b0t5d1s1    /home/s21   vxfs    1   no  mincache=closesync  SYS_RANGE_MAX

32      /dev/dsk/c2b0t5d1s2 /dev/rdsk/c2b0t5d1s2    /home/s22   vxfs    1   no  mincache=closesync  SYS_RANGE_MAX

33      /dev/dsk/c2b0t5d1s3 /dev/rdsk/c2b0t5d1s3    /home/s23   vxfs    1   no  mincache=closesync  SYS_RANGE_MAX

34      /dev/dsk/c2b0t5d2s1 /dev/rdsk/c2b0t5d2s1    /home/31    vxfs    1   no  mincache=closesync  SYS_RANGE_MAX

35      /dev/dsk/c2b0t5d2s2 /dev/rdsk/c2b0t5d2s2    /home/32    vxfs    1   no  mincache=closesync  SYS_RANGE_MAX

36      @

37      "/etc/vfstab" 21 lines, 1483 characters


我们执行命令diskrm c2b0t5d1后,在/etc/vfsvtab文件中看不到上面1416行所显示的内容,说明删除成功。在执行该命令的过程中显示内容如下所示:

1          # diskrm c2b0t5d1

2          UX:diskrm: INFO: You have invoked the System V disk management (s5dm) diskrm ut.

3          The purpose of this utility is to remove entries from the /etc/vfstab file.

4          Do you wish to continue?

5          (Type y for yes or n for no followed by ENTER):

6          y

7          UX:diskrm: INFO:

8          Do you want to delete the following entry?


9          /dev/dsk/c2b0t5d1s1     /dev/rdsk/c2b0t5d1s1    /home/s21       vxfs    1      X


10      (Type y for yes or n for no and press ):

11      y

12      UX:diskrm: INFO:

13      Do you want to delete the following entry?


14      /dev/dsk/c2b0t5d1s2     /dev/rdsk/c2b0t5d1s2    /home/s22       vxfs    1      X


15      (Type y for yes or n for no and press ):

16      y

17      UX:diskrm: INFO:

18      Do you want to delete the following entry?


19      /dev/dsk/c2b0t5d1s3     /dev/rdsk/c2b0t5d1s3    /home/s23       vxfs    1      X


20      (Type y for yes or n for no and press ):

21      y

22      UX:diskrm: INFO: saving /etc/vfstab to /etc/Ovfstab

23      UX:diskrm: INFO: creating a new /etc/vfstab

24      UX:diskrm: INFO: Diskrm for disk c2b0t5d1 DONE at Thu Feb 26 14:07:46 CST 2004

25      #



1. www,chinaunix.net论坛上的相关文章。

2. UnixWare7.上的联机手册,包括:prtvtocedvtocvtocfdiskdisksetupdiskadddiskrm等。

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