Henri Cartan, one of the outstanding mathematicians of the twentieth
century, died August 13 at the age of 104. Cartan, the son of
mathematician Élie Cartan, was one of the founding members of the
Bourbaki group and made important contributions to many areas of
mathematics, including complex analysis, algebraic topology, and
homological algebra. He co-authored Homological Algebra with
Samuel Eilenberg and ran the Séminaire Cartan in Paris from 1948 to
1964. Cartan was elected to more than a dozen academies in Europe, the
U.S., and Japan, and received the Wolf Prize in 1980. In addition to
his work in mathematics, he is also known for his efforts to promote
human rights and for restoring relations between mathematicians in
France and Germany after World War II. More about Cartan's life and
work is in by Allyn Jackson in the August 1999 issue of Notices. [Item posted 8/19/08]
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