2005-11-06 12:19:18
??TFm_Main: TTFm_Main;
?{$R *.DFM}
?procedure TTFm_Main.dbg_DataTitleClick(Column: TColumn);
??vi_Counter: Integer;
??vs_Field: String;
??with dbg_Data do
???//First, deselect all the Grid Columns
???for vi_Counter:=0 to Columns.Count-1 do
????Columns[vi_Counter].Color := clWindow;
???//Next Select the column the user has Clicked on
???Column.Color := clTeal;
???//Get the FieldName of the Selected Column
???vs_Field := Column.FieldName;
???//Order the Grid Data by the Selected column
???with qry_Data do
????SQL.Text := QueryStatement + ' ORDER BY '+ vs_Field;
???//Get the DataType of the selected Field and change the Edit event
???//onKeyPress to the proper method Pointer
???case Column.Field.DataType of
????ftFloat: Ed_Search.onKeyPress := FloatonKeyPress;
?????Ed_Search.onKeyPress := FALphaNumericKeyPress;
?procedure TTFm_Main.FloatonKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
??if not(Key in ['0'..'9', #13, #8, #10, #46]) then
???Key := #0;
?procedure TTFm_Main.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
??//Keep a pointer for the default event Handler
??FALphaNumericKeyPress := Ed_Search.onKeyPress;
??//Set the original Query SQL Statement
??FQueryStatement := 'SELECT * FROM your_table_name';
??//Select the first Grid Column
?procedure TTFm_Main.Ed_SearchChange(Sender: TObject);
??vi_counter: Integer;
??vs_Field: String;
??with dbg_Data do
???//First determine wich is the Selected Column
???for vi_Counter:=0 to Columns.Count-1 do
????if Columns[vi_Counter].Color = clTeal then
?????vs_Field := Columns[vi_Counter].FieldName;
???//Locate the value in the Query
???with qry_Data do
????case Columns[vi_Counter].Field.DataType of
?????ftFloat: Locate(vs_Field, StrToFloat(Ed_Search.Text),
?????????[loCaseInsensitive, loPartialKey]);
??????Locate(vs_Field, Ed_Search.Text,[loCaseInsensitive,
????????? loPartialKey]);