---------------------------- SELFHELP Services --------------------------------
Select option ===>1
1 - Operator functions (Cancel, Reset, Start, ...) USERID - C210408
2 - Sources of online information TIME - 20:45
3 - Online comment facility SYSTEM - V300
4 - Userid administration (RACF Reset and Resume)
On any panel you may press PF1 for HELP PF3 to EXIT.
----------------------- SELFHELP Operator Functions ------------- Enter option
Select option ===> 2
This option will allow you to perform basic functions normally
asked of the I/S' operators. It is designed to provide the same
functions as the 9270 VRU (Option 1 of I/S' help line).
On VM systems where CallUp is available it will default to the
information you have entered into your CallUp addendum file.
To update your addendum file select action code V (View) from the
CallUp Search Results Screen then enter action code L (Local Data)
from the View Screen. SELFHELP will also allow you to perform
functions for another user or resources not entered into CallUp.
2 - Cancel(Logoff) VM or MVS userid
On any panel you may press PF1 for HELP PF3 to EXIT.
----------------- SELFHELP Cancel(Logoff) VM or MVS userid --------------------
USER ID ===> you will kill userid
NOTE: All cancel requests will be logged.
On any panel you may press PF1 for HELP PF3 to EXIT.
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