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分类: DB2/Informix

2009-10-27 16:30:48

Simplified Chinese IBM Informix Dynamic Server Getting Started Guide, v11.50 (G151-0980-00)

Simplified Chinese IBM Informix Dynamic Server Getting Started Guide, version 11.10 (G151-0745-00)

Chinese - Traditional IBM Informix Dynamic Server Getting Started Guide, Version 10.0 (G251-1666-00)


This is the Simplified Chinese translation of IBM Informix Dynamic Server Getting Started Guide, v11.50.; This guide describes the products bundled with IBM Informix Dynamic Server and the interoperability with other IBM products. The guide summarizes important features of Dynamic Server and the new features for each version.

Administrator's Guide (updated for xC3)

Simplified Chinese IBM Informix Dynamic Server Administrator's Guide, v11.50 (S151-0973-00)

Simplified Chinese IBM Informix Dynamic Server Administrator's Guide, version 11.10 (G151-0732-00)

This is the Simplified Chinese translation of IBM Informix Dynamic Server Administrator's Guide, v11.50. This manual is both a user guide and a reference manual to the features of IBM Informix Dynamic Server. It is intended to help you understand, configure, and use your database server. 

Administrator's Reference (updated for xC3)

Simplified Chinese IBM Informix Dynamic Server Administrator's Reference, v11.50 (S151-0974-00)

Simplified Chinese IBM Informix Dynamic Server Administrator's Reference, version 11.10 (G151-0733-00)

This is Simplified Chinese translation of IBM Informix Dynamic Server Administrator's Reference, v11.50.This manual provides reference material for IBM Informix Dynamic Server. It provides the syntax of database server utilities such as onmode and onstat, and comprehensive descriptions of configuration parameters, the sysmasters tables, and logical-log records. 

Client Products Installation Guide (updated for xC3)

Simplified Chinese IBM Informix Client Products Installation Guide, v3.5 (G151-1004-00)

Simplified Chinese Quick Start Guide for IBM Informix Client Software Development Kit, v3.50 (G151-0984-01)

Traditional Chinese Quick Start Guide for IBM Informix Client Software Development Kit, v3.5 (GI13-0672-00)

Simplified Chinese Quick Start Guide for IBM Informix Client Software Developer's Kit, version 3.00.TC1 (G151-0714-00)

Traditional Chinese Quick Start Guide for IBM Informix Client Software Developer's Kit, version 3.00.TC1 (G251-3003-00)

This is the Simplified Chinese translation of IBM Informix Client Products Installation Guide, v3.5.
This manual explains how to install IBM Informix Client Software Developer's Kit (Client SDK) and IBM Informix Connect on computers that use UNIX, Linux, and Windows. 

Enterprise Replication Guide (updated for xC3)

Simplified Chinese IBM Informix Dynamic Server Enterprise Replication Guide, v11.50 (S151-0976-00)

Simplified Chinese IBM Informix Dynamic Server Enterprise Replication Guide, version 11.10 (G151-0735-00)

This is the Simplified Chinese translation of IBM Informix Dynamic Server Enterprise Replication Guide, v11.50.This guide describes how to design, implement, and manage an Enterprise Replication system to replicate data between multiple database servers.

Guide to SQL: Syntax (updated for xC3)

Simplified Chinese IBM Informix Guide to SQL: Syntax, v11.50 (S151-0978-00)

Simplified Chinese IBM Informix Guide to SQL: Syntax, version 11.10 (G151-0737-00)

This is Simplified Chinese translation of IBM Informix Guide to SQL:
Syntax, v11.50. This guide provides detailed descriptions of the
syntax for all IBM Informix SQL and SPL statements.

Simplified Chinese IBM Informix Guide to SQL: Tutorial, v11.5

Simplified Chinese IBM Informix Guide to SQL: Tutorial, version 11.10 (G151-0738-00)


This is Simplified Chinese translation of IBM Informix Guide to SQL: Tutorial, v11.5. This guide provides a tutorial on SQL, as implemented by IBM Informix products. It describes the basic ideas and terms that are used when you work with a relational database.

Simplified Chinese IBM Informix Guide to SQL: Reference, v11.50 (S151-0977-00)

Simplified Chinese IBM Informix Guide to SQL: Reference, version 11.10 (G151-0736-00)


This is the Simplified Chinese translation of IBM Informix Guide to SQL: Reference, version 11.10.
This document describes features and performance topics not covered in the IBM Informix Guide to SQL: Reference or modified since publication. Please examine this document. It contains vital information about application and performance issues. 

Simplified Chinese IBM Informix Database Design and Implementation Guide, v11.5 (S151-0991-00)

Chinese - Traditional IBM Informix Database Design and Implementation Guide, Version 10.0 (G251-1664-00)


This is the Simplified Chinese translation of IBM Informix Database Design and Implementation Guide, v11.5.; This manual provides information to help you design, implement, and manage your IBM Informix databases. It includes data models that illustrate different approaches to database design and shows you how to use Structured Query Language (SQL) to implement and manage your databases.

Installation Guide for UNIX, Linux, and Mac OS X (updated for xC3)

Simplified Chinese IBM Informix Dynamic Server Installation Guide for UNIX, Linux, and Mac OS X (G151-1003-00)

Simplified Chinese IBM Informix Dynamic Server Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux, version 11.10 (G151-0748-00)

Simplified Chinese Quick Start Guide for IBM Informix Dynamic Server, v11.50 (G151-1089-00)

Traditional Chinese Quick Start Guide for IBM Informix Dynamic Server Enterprise Edition on UNIX/Linux, version 11.10 (G251-3008-00)

Chinese - Traditional IBM Informix Dynamic Server Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux, Version 10.0 (G251-1669-00)

This is the Simplified Chinese translation of IBM Informix Dynamic Server Installation Guide for UNIX, Linux, and Mac OS X.
This guide contains instructions for installing IBM Informix Dynamic Server on UNIX, Linux, and Mac OS X. 

Installation Guide for Windows (updated for xC2)

Simpified Chinese IBM Informix Dynamic Server Installation Guide for Windows, v11.50 (G151-0981-00)

Traditional Chinese IBM Informix Dynamic Server Installation Guide for Windows, v11.50 (GC40-2424-00)

Simpified Chinese IBM Informix Dynamic Server Installation Guide for Windows, version 11.10 (G151-0747-00)

Traditional Chinese IBM Informix Dynamic Server Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows, version 11.10 (G251-3006-00)

Traditional Chinese Quick Start Guide for IBM Informix Dynamic Server Enterprise Edition on Windows, version 11.10 (GI13-0648-00)

Chinese - Traditional IBM Informix Dynamic Server Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows, Version 10.0 (G251-1668-00)

This is the Simpified Chinese translation of IBM Informix Dynamic Server Installation Guide for Windows, v11.50.
This guide contains instructions for installing IBM Informix Dynamic Server on Windows. 

Migration Guide (updated for xC3)

Simplified Chinese IBM Informix Migration Guide, v11.50 (S151-0989-00)

This is Simplified Chinese translation of IBM Informix Migration Guide, v11.50. This guide describes conversion to and reversion from the latest versions of Informix database servers, and migration between different Informix database servers. 

Performance Guide (updated for xC3)

Simplified Chinese IBM Informix Dynamic Server Performance Guide, v11.50 (S151-0979-00)

Simplified Chinese IBM Informix Dynamic Server Performance Guide, version 11.10 (G151-0740-00)

This is Simplified Chinese translation of IBM Informix Dynamic Server Performance Guide, v11.50. This guide provides information on how to configure and operate IBM Informix Dynamic Server to achieve optimum performance. 

Quick Beginnings for Express Edition (updated for xC2)

Simplified Chinese Quick Beginnings for IBM Informix Dynamic Server Express Edition, v11.5 (G151-0994-00)
Traditional Chinese Quick Beginnings for IBM Informix Dynamic Server Express Edition, v11.5 (GI13-0673-00)
Traditional Chinese Quick Beginnings for IBM Informix Dynamic Server Express Edition, v11.10 (G251-3007-00)

Chinese - Traditional IBM Informix Dynamic Server Express Edition, Quick Beginnings, Version 10.00.UC2 (G251-1670-00)

This is the Simplified Chinese translation of Quick Beginnings for IBM Informix Dynamic Server Express Edition, v11.5.
This guide discusses how to install Dynamic Server Express and introduces you to Dynamic Server maintenance, administration, and development, which are fully explored in the IBM Informix Documentation Library. 

XML_Pub01.执行 XML 发布.pdf

本主题包含了有关使用带有 IBM Informix 的 XML 发布的内置函数的信息。

XML_Pub02.Creating the idsxmlvp VP.pdf 2.创建 idsxmlvp 虚拟处理器

IBM Informix Dynamic Server, Version 11.50
Creating the idsxmlvp Virtual Processor

The XML functions that Dynamic Server provides run in the virtual processor, idsxmlvp. You must start the virtual processor before you use the functions.
Start the virtual processor using one of the following methods, where n is the number of virtual processors to start:

    * Add the following line to your ONCONFIG file:VPCLASS idsxmlvp,num=n
    * As user informix, issue the following command: onmode -p +n idsxmlvp
    * onstat -g seg

onstat -g seg

IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.50.UC3     -- On-Line -- Up 10 days 07:47
:41 -- 1567972 Kbytes

Segment Summary:
id         key        addr     size       ovhd     class blkused  blkfree
32768      52574801   44000000 511217664  3218580  R     124806   3
65537      52574802   62789000 1091174400 6394832  V     17051    249349
98306      52574803   a3829000 1605632    10400    M     392      0
131075     52574804   a39b1000 1605632    10400    M     390      2
Total:     -          -        1605603328 -        -     142639   249354

   (* segment locked in memory)

XML_Pub03.以 XML 方式发布 SQL 结果集.pdf

XML_Pub04.用 XSLT 函数转换文档.pdf

Documentation sets to download

The following table links to the IBM Publications Center, from which you can download .ZIP files containing documentation sets in PDF.

Product and version Documentation Set
Informix Dynamic Server
IDS v11.50.xC3 SC23-9514-02 (English)
IDS v11.10.xC3 G229-6356-02 (all languages)
IDS v11.10.xC2 G229-6356-01 (all languages)
IDS Express v11.10.xC2E G229-6393-01 (all languages)
Informix Client SDK
Informix Client SDK v3.50.xC3 SC23-9516-02 (English)

Simplified Chinese IBM Informix .NET Provider Reference Guide, v3.50 (S151-0985-01)

Traditional Chinese IBM Informix .NET Provider Reference Guide, v3.5 (SC40-2426-00)

Simplified Chinese IBM Informix .NET Provider Reference Guide, v3.0 (G151-0713-01)

Traditional Chinese IBM Informix .NET Provider Reference Guide, v3.0 (G251-3002-01)


This is the Simplified Chinese translation of IBM Informix .NET Provider Reference Guide, v3.50. This manual contains the information you need in order to use the IBM Informix .NET Provider to access and manipulate data in IBM Informix databases. This manual assumes you are familiar with the Microsoft .NET specification, object-oriented programming principles, and using IBM Informix servers and databases.

Simplified Chinese IBM Informix Glossary, v11.5 (G151-0990-00)

Simplified Chinese IBM Informix Glossary, version 11.10 (G151-0752-00)


This is the Simplified Chinese translation of IBM Informix Glossary, version 11.10.; This document provides definitions for terms used in Informix Dynamic Server documentation.

Simplified Chinese IBM Informix User-Defined Routines and Data Types Developer's Guide, v11.5 (S151-0996-00)


This is the Simplified Chinese translation of IBM Informix User-Defined Routines and Data Types Developer's Guide, v11.5.; This manual describes how to define new data types and enable user-defined routines (UDRs) to extend IBM Informix Dynamic Server. It describes the tasks you must perform to extend operations on data types, to create new casts, to extend operator classes for secondary-access methods, to write opaque data types, and to create and register routines.

Simplified Chinese IBM Informix High-Performance Loader User's Guide, v11.5 (S151-0993-00)

Simplified Chinese IBM Informix High-Performance Loader User's Guide, version 11.10 (G151-0746-00)


This is the Simplified Chinese translation of IBM Informix High-Performance Loader User's Guide, version 11.10.; This document describes feature and performance topics that are not covered in the IBM Informix High-Performance Loader User's Guide or that have been modified since publication. Please examine this document. It contains vital information about application and performance issues.

Simplified Chinese IBM Informix Migration Guide, version 11.10 (G151-0739-00)


This is the Simplified Chinese translation of IBM Informix Migration Guide, version 11.10.; This document describes features and performance topics not covered in the IBM Informix Migration Guide or modified since publication. Please examine this document. It contains vital information about application and performance issues.

Simplified Chinese IBM Informix GLS User's Guide, v4.5 (G151-0753-01)

Traditional Chinese IBM Informix GLS User's Guide, v4.5 (G251-3001-02)

Simplified Chinese IBM Informix GLS User's Guide, version 4.5 (G151-0753-00)

Simplified Chinese IBM Informix GLS User's Guide, version 4.5 (G151-0712-00)

Chinese - Traditional IBM Informix GLS User's Guide, Version 9.5/8.5 (G251-1667-00)


This is the Simplified Chinese translation of IBM Informix GLS User's Guide, v4.5.; This manual describes the Global Language Support (GLS) feature, which allows IBM Informix application-programming interfaces (APIs) and database servers to handle different languages, cultural conventions, and code sets.

Simplified Chinese IBM Informix Backup and Restore Guide, version 11.10 (G151-0734-00)


This is the Simplified Chinese translation of IBM Informix Backup and Restore Guide, version 11.10.; This document describes features and performance topics not covered in the IBM Informix Backup and Restore or modified since publication. Please examine this document. It contains vital information about application and performance issues.

Simplified Chinese IBM Informix Database Design and Implementation Guide, v11.5 (S151-0991-00)

Simplified Chinese IBM Informix Database Design and Implementation Guide, version 11.10 (G151-0743-00)


This is the Simplified Chinese translation of IBM Informix Database Design and Implementation Guide, version 11.10.; This document describes features and performance topics not covered in the IBM Informix Database Design and Implementation Guide or modified since publication. Please examine this document.

Simplified Chinese IBM Informix User-Defined Routines and Data Types Developer's Guide, version 11.10 (G151-0751-00)


This is the Simplified Chinese translation of IBM Informix User-Defined Routines and Data Types Developer's Guide, version 11.10. ; This document describes features and performance topics not covered in the IBM Informix User-Defined Routines and Data Types Developer's Guide or modified since publication. Please examine this document. It contains vital information about application and performance issues.

Simplified Chinese IBM Informix Client Products Installation Guide, version 3.00.TC1 (G151-0711-00)


This is the Simplified Chinese translation of IBM Informix Client Products Installation Guide, version 3.00.TC1.

Simplified Chinese IBM Informix Backup and Restore Guide, v11.50 (S151-0975-00)


This is the Simplified Chinese translation of IBM Informix Backup and Restore Guide, v11.50.This manual explains the concepts and methods that you need to understand when you use the ON-Bar and ontape utilities to back up and restore data.

Simplified Chinese IBM Informix Storage Manager Administrator's Guide, v2.2 (G151-0750-01)


This is the Simplified Chinese translation of IBM Informix Storage Manager Administrator's Guide, v2.2.; This manual describes IBM Informix Storage Manager (ISM), which manages storage devices and media for your IBM Informix database server. ISM also performs ON-Bar backup and restore operations.

Simplified Chinese Quick Beginnings for IBM Informix Dynamic Server Express Edition, version 11.10 (G151-0749-00)

Traditional Chinese Quick Start Guide for IBM Informix Dynamic Server Express Edition on Windows, version 11.10 (GI13-0649-00)

Traditional Chinese Quick Start Guide for IBM Informix Dynamic Server Express Edition on Linux, version 11.10 (G251-3009-00)


This is the Simplified Chinese translation of Quick Beginnings for IBM Informix Dynamic Server Express Edition 10.50.xC1E.

Simplified Chinese IBM Informix 4GL Installation Guide, v7.50 (G151-1137-00)


This is the Simplified Chinese translation of IBM Informix 4GL Installation Guide, v7.50. This guide explains how to install your IBM Informix 4GL software.

Simplified Chinese IBM Informix DB-Access User's Guide, v11.5 (S151-0992-00)

Simplified Chinese IBM Informix DB-Access User's Guide, version 11.10 (G151-0744-00)

Chinese - Traditional IBM Informix DB-Access User's Guide, Version 9.5 (G251-1665-00)


This is the Simplified Chinese translation of IBM Informix DB-Access User's Guide, version 11.10.; This document describes messages not covered in the IBM Informix DB-Access User's Guide or modified since publication. Please examine this document. It contains vital information about using DB-Access.

simplified Chinese IBM Informix Excalibur Text Search DataBlade User's Guide, v1.31 (S151-0982-00)

Traditional Chinese IBM Informix Excalibur Text Search DataBlade User's Guide, v1.31 (SC40-2425-00)

Simplified Chinese Quick Start Guide for IBM Informix Excalibur Text Search DataBlade Module, v1.31 (G151-0987-00)

Traditional Chinese Quick Start Guide for IBM Informix Excalibur Text Search DataBlade Module, v1.31 (GI13-0675-00)


This is the Simplified Chinese translation of IBM Informix Excalibur Text Search DataBlade User's Guide, v1.31.; This manual describes the Excalibur Text Search DataBlade module and how to access and use its components, which include the etx access method, the etx_contains() search operator, and data types and routines that enable sophisticated search operations, such as filtering, matching, and highlighting. The manual also includes a tutorial for setting up and performing example text searches.

Simplified Chinese Quick Start Guide for IBM Informix 4GL, v7.50 (G151-1090-00)

Traditional Chinese Quick Start Guide for IBM Informix 4GL, v7.50 (GI13-0693-01)


This is the Simplified Chinese translation of Quick Start Guide for IBM Informix 4GL, v7.50. This document contains basic overview information and links to further information about the product.

25118250 error


Traditional Chinese IBM Rational Software Analyzer Installation Guide, 7.0 (GC40-2451-00)


This is the Traditional Chinese translation of IBM Rational Software Analyzer Installation Guide, 7.0. This installation guide provides instructions for installing, updating, and uninstalling the developer and enterprise editions of IBM(R) Rational(R) Software Analyzer.

Chinese Traditional:IBM Informix 資料庫設計與實作手冊 (G251-1663-00)


Chinese Traditional:本手冊提供能協助您設計、實作及管理 Informix 資料庫的資訊。它包括說明不同的資料庫設計方法的資料模型,並向您展示如何使用結構化查詢語言 (SQL) 來實作及管理資料庫。; 本手冊是數本說明 Informix 的 SQL 實作之手冊的其中一本。IBM Informix: Guide to SQL Tutorial 顯示如何使用基本及進階的 SQL 和「儲存程序語言」(Stored Procedure Languages; SPL) 常式來存取及操作資料庫中的資料。IBM Informix: Guide to SQL Syntax 包含 SQL 及 SPL 的所有語法說明。 IBM Informix: Guide to SQL Reference 提供語言敘述以外的 SQL 之各層面的參照資訊。

Chinese Traditional:IBM Informix Dynamic Server 入門手冊 (G251-1658-00)


Chinese Traditional:您可以使用本手冊來開始操作 IBM Informix Dynamic Server 或 IBM Informix Dynamic Server with J/Foundation 9.4 版。本手冊說明 Dynamic Server 提供的產品、9.4 版中的新特性、Dynamic Server 中主要特性的概觀,以及 Dynamic Server 的文件。手冊中亦摘要說明使用資料庫伺服器的基本工作,並提供指令行公用程式的快速參照。

Traditional Chinese IBM Informix Dynamic Server XML User's Guide, v11.5 (SC40-2427-00)

Traditional Chinese IBM Informix XML User's Guide, version 11.10 (G251-3004-00)


This is the Traditional Chinese translation of IBM Informix Dynamic Server XML User's Guide, v11.5.; This guide explains how to use the XML Publishing feature of IBM Informix Dynamic Server to transform a SQL result set into XML and an associated XML schema.

Chinese Traditional:IBM Informix GLS 使用手冊 (G251-1662-00)


Chinese Traditional:本手冊說明 IBM Informix 產品中提供的廣域語言支援 (GLS) 特性。GLS 特性可讓 IBM Informix 應用程式設計介面 (API) 及 IBM Informix 資料庫伺服器處理不同的語言、文化風俗和字碼集。本手冊僅說明 GLS 特有的語言相關主題。 ; 本手冊提供有關 Microsoft Windows 及 UNIX 版的 Informix 資料庫伺服器的 GLS 資訊。

Chinese Traditional:IBM Informix Dynamic Server 安裝手冊(UNIX 和 LINUX) (G251-1660-00)


Chinese Traditional:本手冊說明如何在 UNIX 和 Linux 作業系統上安裝 IBM Informix Dynamic Server 與 IBM Informix Dynamic Server with J/Foundation。

Chinese Traditional:IBM Informix Dynamic Server for Microsoft Windows 安裝手冊 (G251-1659-00)


Chinese Traditional:本手冊說明了如何在執行 Microsoft(R) Windows 2000(R) 和 Windows XP(R) 的機器上安裝、配置以及起始設定 IBM Informix Dynamic Server 與 IBM Informix Dynamic Server with J/Foundation。

Traditional Chinese IBM Informix DB-Access User's Guide, v11.5 (SC40-2428-00)

Traditional Chinese IBM Informix DB-Access User's Guide, version 11.10 (G251-3005-00)

Chinese Traditional:IBM Informix DB-Access 使用手冊 9.4(G251-1661-00)



Chinese Traditional:本手冊說明了如何使用 DB-ACESS 公用程式來存取、修改和擷取 Informix 資料庫伺服器中的資訊。第一章的『開始使用 DB-ACESS』會解說如何建立及使用 Informix 資料庫伺服器隨附的示範資料庫。

Chinese Traditional:IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Informix 參考手冊 5.1.0 版 (SC40-0872-00)


Chinese Traditional:IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Informix 參考手冊提供有關產品作業及資源模型的詳細資訊。

Chinese Traditional:IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Informix 使用手冊 5.1.0 版 (SC40-0871-00)


Chinese Traditional:IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Informix 使用手冊提供有關設定及使用該產品的相關資訊。

Chinese Traditional:IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Informix 限制與暫行解決方法補充手冊 5.1.0 版 (SC40-1110-00)


Chinese Traditional:本補充手冊提供有關產品已知限制及解決方法的最新資訊

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chinaunix网友2009-10-29 14:20:49
