官方描述: The “Tag List” plugin is a source code browser plugin for
Vim and provides an overview of the structure of source code files and
allows you to efficiently browse through source code files for
different programming languages.
评价: 这是一个非常非常非常非常重要的插件, 有了它, 我们才能够在 VIM 中查看一个文件中包含的函数列表, 或是一个类包含的方法列表, 为编程人员提供了极大方便。推荐大家一定要安装!
官方描述: winmanager is a plugin which implements a classical windows
type IDE in Vim-6.0. Basically, you have the directory tree and the
buffer list as 2 windows which stay on the left and the editing is done
in a seperate area on the left. People have already made excellent File
and Buffer explorers seperately and I thought that it might be a cool
idea to combine them both. winmanager.vim combines the standard File
Explorer which ships with Vim 6.0 and a Buffer Explorer written by Jeff
Lanzarotta into one package.
官方描述: When you type ‘(‘ after a function name in insert mode, the
function declaration will be displayed in the command line
automatically. Then use Alt+-, Alt+= to cycle between function
declarations (if exists).
官方描述: Clewn implements full gdb support in the vim editor:
breakpoints, watch variables, gdb command completion, assembly windows,
评价: Vim 从一开始的设计哲学就是要保持简单, 不要把太多的东西整合在 Vim 中。 Clewn 在保持了 Vim 简单的原则下, 将集成调试所需的一部分功能引入到了 GVim 中, 支持设置断点、 查看变量的值等许多操作, 非常方便。
1.7 jad
下载地址: 无。 自己将代码复制粘贴回去, 保存为 $HOME/.vim/plugins/jad.vim:
augr class
au bufreadpost,filereadpost *.class %!jad -noctor -ff -i -p %
au bufreadpost,filereadpost *.class set readonly
au bufreadpost,filereadpost *.class set ft=java
au bufreadpost,filereadpost *.class normal gg=G
au bufreadpost,filereadpost *.class set nomodified
au bufreadpost,filereadpost *.class set nomodifiable
augr END
官方描述: (无)
评价: 挺好玩的插件, 不过似乎也只是好玩而已。 安装了之后可以直接双击打开 .class 文件, VIM 会自动调用 jad 把文件反编译了。
安装注意事项:需要先安装一份 jad。
1.8 cscope_maps
下载地址: 官方站点
官方描述: Cscope is a very handy tool, but it’s even better when you
don’t ever have to leave the comfort of your favorite editor (i.e. Vim)
to use it. Fortunately, Cscope support has been built into Vim.
官方描述: You can use this plugin’s basic functionality to set up a
list of frequently-accessed files for easy navigation. The list of
files will be displayed in a window on the left side of the Vim window,
and you can press or double-click on filenames in the
list to open the files. This is similar to how some IDEs I’ve used
work. I find this easier to use than having to navigate a directory
hierarchy with the file-explorer. It also obviates the need for a
buffer explorer because you have your list of files on the left of the
Vim Window.
官方描述: View a multi-byte encoded file in different encodings.
评价: 对于亚洲用户, 尤其是中国用户而言, 这是一个非常重要的插件!它能自动识别文本文件的编码, 给需要编辑各种不同编码的人员提供了极大方便。
2.2 VIM LaTeX Suite
下载地址: 官方站点
Vim is undoubtedly one of the best editors ever made. LaTeX is an
extremely powerful, intelligent typesetter. Vim-LaTeX aims at bringing
together the best of both these worlds.
We attempt to provide a comprehensive set of tools to view, edit
and compile LaTeX documents without needing to ever quit Vim. Together,
they provide tools starting from macros to speed up editing LaTeX
documents to compiling tex files to forward searching .dvi documents.
See the features page for a brief tour of the various features in
LaTeX-suite. All these features can be tuned extensively using the
included texrc file. The screenshots page shows you how a typical
working session with LaTeX-suite might progress.
LaTeX-suite is made for Vim versions 6.0 and above. Installation instructions are given in the download page.
评价: 实在是非常非常好的一个插件! 用 VIM 写 LaTeX 的朋友无论如何都要试一试,不用 VIM 写 LaTeX 的朋友也要试一试, 说不定你会改变你的主意, 改用 VIM 写 LaTeX。
安装注意事项: 如果使用 gvim 的话, 需要注意 scim 可能会和 LaTeX Suite 有冲突。 解决方法是要么把
scim 的 on the spot 功能去掉, 或者把 gtk_im_module 设为 scim。 (较新版本 scim
另外, 为了提高工作效率, 强烈建议配置 VIM 的LaTeX 正向、反向搜索功能。
2.3 sketch
下载地址: 官方站点
官方描述: Sketch.vim – Line drawing/painting using the mouse. Based on an idea by Morris.