分类: Oracle
2008-11-10 16:23:03
[hantsy@localhost Packages]$ sudo yum localinstall --nogpgcheck oracle-xe-univ-
[hantsy@localhost Packages]$ sudo /sbin/service oracle-xe configure
Oracle Database 10g Express Edition Configuration
This will configure on-boot properties of Oracle Database 10g Express
Edition. The following questions will determine whether the database should
be starting upon system boot, the ports it will use, and the passwords that
will be used for database accounts. Press
Ctrl-C will abort.
Specify the HTTP port that will be used for Oracle Application Express [8080]:
Specify a port that will be used for the database listener [1521]:
Specify a password to be used for database accounts. Note that the same
password will be used for SYS and SYSTEM. Oracle recommends the use of
different passwords for each database account. This can be done after
initial configuration:
Confirm the password:
Do you want Oracle Database 10g Express Edition to be started on boot (y/n) [y]:
[hantsy@localhost Packages]$ sudo /sbin/chkconfig --level 5 oracle-xe off
[hantsy@localhost Packages]$ sudo /sbin/service oracle-xe disable
[hantsy@localhost Packages]$ sudo /sbin/service oracle-xe start
[hantsy@localhost Packages]$ sudo ln -sf /usr/lib/oracle/xe/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/server/bin/oracle-env.sh /etc/profile.d/
[hantsy@localhost Packages]$ sudo ln -sf /usr/lib/oracle/xe/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/server/bin/oracle-env.csh /etc/profile.d/