5.12 Complicated Declarations
The C Programming Language
重点要掌握的是 dcl()和 dirdcl() 的交互,然后是gettoken()
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h>
#define MAXTOKEN 100
void dcl(void); void dirdcl(void);
int gettoken(void); int tokentype; char token[MAXTOKEN]; char name[MAXTOKEN]; char datatype[MAXTOKEN]; char out[1000];
int main() { while (gettoken() != EOF) { strcpy(datatype, token); out[0] = '\0'; dcl(); if(tokentype != '\n') printf("syntax error\n"); printf("%s: %s %s\n", name, out, datatype); } return 0; }
int gettoken(void) { int c; char *p = token; while ((c = getchar()) == ' ' || c == '\t') ; if(c == '(') { if((c = getchar()) == ')') { strcpy(token, "()"); return tokentype = PARENS; } else { ungetc(c, stdin); return tokentype = '('; } } else if (c == '[') { for(*p++ = c; (*p++ = getchar()) != ']'; ) ; *p = '\0'; return tokentype = BRACKETS; } else if (isalpha(c)) { for(*p++ = c; isalnum(c = getchar()); ) *p++ = c; *p = '\0'; ungetc(c, stdin); return tokentype = NAME; } else { return tokentype = c; } }
void dcl(void){ int ns; for(ns = 0; gettoken() == '*'; ) ns++; dirdcl(); while(ns-- > 0) strcat(out, " pointer to"); }
void dirdcl(void){ int type; if(tokentype == '('){ dcl(); if(tokentype != ')') printf("error: missing )\n"); }else if(tokentype == NAME) strcpy(name, token); else printf("error: expected name of (dcl)\n"); while((type = gettoken()) == PARENS || type == BRACKETS) if(type == PARENS) strcat(out, " function returning"); else { strcat(out, " array"); strcat(out, token); strcat(out, " of"); } }
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