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2010-08-12 10:30:53

login as: root
root@'s password:
Last login: Wed Aug 11 23:23:59 2010 from
[root@rhlinux ~]# pwd
[root@rhlinux ~]# ls
anaconda-ks.cfg  Desktop  install.log  install.log.syslog
[root@rhlinux ~]# cd /mydir/
[root@rhlinux mydir]# ls
cds  flexlm  linux866.tar  t1  TLF-SOFT-MSC.MD.Nastran.R2.1.LINUX.x64.ISO-TBE.iso
[root@rhlinux mydir]# cd cds
[root@rhlinux cds]# ll
?€?è?? 0
[root@rhlinux cds]# cd ..
[root@rhlinux mydir]# ll
?€?è?? 916280
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root      4096 08-11 23:17 cds
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root      4096 08-11 23:23 flexlm
-r-xr-xr-x 1 root root   1270784 08-11 23:22 linux866.tar
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root      4096 08-11 23:21 t1
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 936036352 2009-03-03 TLF-SOFT-MSC.MD.Nastran.R2.1.LINUX.x64.ISO-TBE.iso
[root@rhlinux mydir]# mount -t iso9660 -o loop TLF-SOFT-MSC.MD.Nastran.R2.1.LINUX.x64.ISO-TBE.iso /mydir/cds
[root@rhlinux mydir]# cd cds
[root@rhlinux cds]# ls
crack  flexlm  INSTALL.htm  INSTALL.txt  md20071  md20071.txt  msc.seq  mscsetup  mscsetup.tar  README.txt  tools
[root@rhlinux cds]# ./mscsetup
MSCSETUP October 8, 2007

Loading mscsetup, please wait.............................................................................................................
Initializing mscsetup, please wait.........
MSC.Software Installation - Introduction

The following screens will guide you through the installation process for the
MSC.Software Corporation products contained on this distribution.  This machine
has been identified as:

    System type: x86_64 Linux 2.6.18-194.el5
    Hostname:    rhlinux
    MSCID:       000C29AFDAAB
    User:        root

NOTE: You will need superuser (root) priveleges to use the default
      installation directory /msc/nastran (it does not yet exist).

Products On This Delivery
* MD R2.1 Nastran
   MD R2.1 Nastran will not run until you have one of the following:
   - New license data for MD R2.1 Nastran.
   - A new authorization code for MD R2.1 Nastran.
   - An existing authorization code that is valid for MD Nastran R1.

   * Only "root" can install system directory links and app-default files.

* FLEXlm License Server V10.8
   This will install the FLEXlm License Server and End-User tools on a license
   server machine.  You should have a file or an e-mail message containing
   licensing data before installing this product.

   * Only "root" can automatically start FLEXlm during system boot.

Do you want to continue with this installation (default = Y)? N

Installation cancelled.

[root@rhlinux cds]# ping rhlinux
PING rhlinux ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from rhlinux ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.020 ms
64 bytes from rhlinux ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.023 ms

--- rhlinux ping statistics ---
2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 999ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.020/0.021/0.023/0.004 ms
[root@rhlinux cds]# ls
crack  flexlm  INSTALL.htm  INSTALL.txt  md20071  md20071.txt  msc.seq  mscsetup  mscsetup.tar  README.txt  tools
[root@rhlinux cds]# ./mscsetup
MSCSETUP October 8, 2007

Loading mscsetup, please wait.............................................................................................................
Initializing mscsetup, please wait.........
MSC.Software Installation - Introduction

The following screens will guide you through the installation process for the
MSC.Software Corporation products contained on this distribution.  This machine
has been identified as:

    System type: x86_64 Linux 2.6.18-194.el5
    Hostname:    rhlinux
    MSCID:       000C29AFDAAB
    User:        root

NOTE: You will need superuser (root) priveleges to use the default
      installation directory /msc/nastran (it does not yet exist).

Products On This Delivery
* MD R2.1 Nastran
   MD R2.1 Nastran will not run until you have one of the following:
   - New license data for MD R2.1 Nastran.
   - A new authorization code for MD R2.1 Nastran.
   - An existing authorization code that is valid for MD Nastran R1.

   * Only "root" can install system directory links and app-default files.

* FLEXlm License Server V10.8
   This will install the FLEXlm License Server and End-User tools on a license
   server machine.  You should have a file or an e-mail message containing
   licensing data before installing this product.

   * Only "root" can automatically start FLEXlm during system boot.

Do you want to continue with this installation (default = Y)?
MSC.Software Installation - Installation Device Location

Scanning /mydir/cds
Please wait........................
MSC.Software Installation - Installation Base Directory

MSC.Software Corporation strongly recommends installing this software in a
"common" MSC.Software Corporation product directory to allow the products to
share common software and settings.

This can
  - Reduce the amount of installation space needed by a product.
  - Make future installations easier.
  - Reduce the effort needed to administer MSC.Software Corporation products.

MSC.Software Corporation recommends the standard directory /msc/nastran, but alternate
choices, such as /usr/local/msc, are also acceptable.

Please DO NOT select an installation directory that identifies a specific
product.  For example, do not use "/nastran" or "/patran".

Enter the pathname of the directory you want to install into.
Enter ? to browse a pathname.
Enter B to go back to the previous screen.
Enter X to completely exit this installation.

Pathname (default = /msc/nastran)?

The directory "/msc/nastran" does not exist.

NOTE: The directory "/" exists.

The size of the filesystem that would contain this directory is
27680 MB, with 22729 MB currently available.

Do you want to create this directory now (default = Y)?

Creating "/msc/nastran"...
MSC.Software Installation - Select Products Based on License Data

If you want, mscsetup can automatically select all products for which you
currently have a valid license.

To do this, you must identify one of the following:

 - An operating FLEXlm license server (or servers) offering valid licenses for
   MSC.Software Corporation products.

 - A file, provided by MSC.Software Corporation, containing FLEXlm license

Note: The FLEXlm License Server cannot be selected by this capability.

Enter Y to automatically select all currently licensed products.
Enter B to go back to the previous screen.
Enter F to go forward to the next screen.
Enter X to completely exit this installation now.

Automatically select licensed products (default = Y)?
MSC.Software Installation - FLEXlm License Server

Please identify one or more FLEXlm license servers.

Servers may be identified using any of the following forms:
  - simple hostname, e.g., mycomputer
  - absolute domain name, e.g., mycomputer.mygroup.myorg.mydomain
  - an IP address in dotted format, e.g.,
  - The pathname of a FLEXlm license.dat file.

A list of servers are entered with colons (:) separating each server.
Any server not using the standard FLEXlm port number 1700, must specify
the port using the form "alternate-port@host".

Enter a FLEXlm license server specification.
Enter ? to browse for a FLEXlm license.dat file.
Enter B to go back to the previous screen.
Enter X to completely exit this installation now.

FLEXlm server specification (no default)? a
Validating license server/file specification...
 a: this host does not appear to exist.

Determining license server status, please wait...
 1700@a:  This host does not appear to exist.

MSC.Software features are not being served.

Press ENTER or RETURN to continue...
MSC.Software Installation - FLEXlm License Server

Please identify one or more FLEXlm license servers.

Servers may be identified using any of the following forms:
  - simple hostname, e.g., mycomputer
  - absolute domain name, e.g., mycomputer.mygroup.myorg.mydomain
  - an IP address in dotted format, e.g.,
  - The pathname of a FLEXlm license.dat file.

A list of servers are entered with colons (:) separating each server.
Any server not using the standard FLEXlm port number 1700, must specify
the port using the form "alternate-port@host".

Enter a FLEXlm license server specification.
Enter ? to browse for a FLEXlm license.dat file.
Enter B to go back to the previous screen.
Enter X to completely exit this installation now.

FLEXlm server specification (default = 1700@a)? 1700@rhlinux
Validating license server/file specification...
 1700@rhlinux: OK

Determining license server status, please wait...
 1700@rhlinux: Not serving licenses.

MSC.Software features are not being served.

Press ENTER or RETURN to continue...
MSC.Software Installation - FLEXlm License Server

Please identify one or more FLEXlm license servers.

Servers may be identified using any of the following forms:
  - simple hostname, e.g., mycomputer
  - absolute domain name, e.g., mycomputer.mygroup.myorg.mydomain
  - an IP address in dotted format, e.g.,
  - The pathname of a FLEXlm license.dat file.

A list of servers are entered with colons (:) separating each server.
Any server not using the standard FLEXlm port number 1700, must specify
the port using the form "alternate-port@host".

Enter a FLEXlm license server specification.
Enter ? to browse for a FLEXlm license.dat file.
Enter B to go back to the previous screen.
Enter X to completely exit this installation now.

FLEXlm server specification (default = 1700@rhlinux)? rhlinux
Validating license server/file specification...
 rhlinux: OK

Determining license server status, please wait...
 1700@rhlinux: Not serving licenses.

MSC.Software features are not being served.

Press ENTER or RETURN to continue...
MSC.Software Installation - FLEXlm License Server

Please identify one or more FLEXlm license servers.

Servers may be identified using any of the following forms:
  - simple hostname, e.g., mycomputer
  - absolute domain name, e.g., mycomputer.mygroup.myorg.mydomain
  - an IP address in dotted format, e.g.,
  - The pathname of a FLEXlm license.dat file.

A list of servers are entered with colons (:) separating each server.
Any server not using the standard FLEXlm port number 1700, must specify
the port using the form "alternate-port@host".

Enter a FLEXlm license server specification.
Enter ? to browse for a FLEXlm license.dat file.
Enter B to go back to the previous screen.
Enter X to completely exit this installation now.

FLEXlm server specification (default = 1700@rhlinux)?
Validating license server/file specification...
 1700@rhlinux: OK

Determining license server status, please wait...
 1700@rhlinux: UP

Determining available license features, please wait...

The following products will be selected for installation:
  MD R2.1 Nastran

Is this OK (default = Y)?

Selecting MD R2.1 Nastran, please wait...
MSC.Software Installation - Select Products On This Delivery

  22727 MB available in installation directory /msc/nastran.
  2321 MB required by selected products.

    Products On This Delivery                Comments
    ---------------------------------------- ------------------------------
 1. MD R2.1 Nastran                          Standard,  2321 MB
 2. FLEXlm License Server V10.8  . . . . . . Not selected for installation.

Enter a list of product numbers to select/deselect
 (you may use spaces or commas, a dash indicates a range, e.g., "1,3-5").
Enter B to go back to the previous screen.
Enter F to go forward to the next screen.
Enter X to exit this installation.

Enter 1, 2, B, F, or X (default = F)?
MSC.Software Installation - System Configuration

Determining system configuration, please wait...

Preparing the system configuration report, please wait...................................
MSC.Software Installation - System Configuration

    Requirement               Status  This System
    ------------------------- ------- ----------------------------------------
 1. Hostname                          rhlinux
 2. MSCID                             000C29AFDAAB
 3. OS                                Linux
 4. OS Version                OK      2.6.18-194.el5
 5. KSH Version                       Version AJM 93t+ 2010-02-02
 6. Processor                         (1) x86_64
 7. Window Mgr                        [none]
 8. X11                               [unknown]
 9. Memory Size               OK      1002 MB
10. Total Swap Space          OK      3017 MB
11. Available Swap Space              2560 MB
12. Tmp Dir                           /tmp
13. Total Tmp Dir Space       OK      27680 MB
14. Available Tmp Dir Space           22727 MB
15. Total Local Space                 98 MB
16. Available Local Space             81 MB
17. Max Available Local Dir           /boot
18. Max Available Local Space         81 MB

Enter a list of item numbers to display information about a non-blank status
 (you may use spaces or commas, a dash indicates a range e.g., "1,3-5").
Enter B to go back to the previous screen.
Enter F to go forward to the next screen.
Enter X to completely exit this installation.

Enter 1-18, B, F, or X (default = F)?
MSC.Software Installation - Configure Products

                                              Install  License
    Products Selected For Installation         Test      OK
    ----------------------------------------  -------  -------
 1. MD R2.1 Nastran                           (Not configured.)

Enter a list of product numbers to configure
 (you may use spaces or commas, a dash indicates a range, e.g., "1,3-5").
Enter B to go back to the previous screen.
Enter F to go forward to the next screen.
Enter X to exit this installation.

Enter 1, B, F, or X (default = F)?

Note:  1 product has not yet been configured.

Enter Y if you want to establish a default configuration for unconfigured
Enter N if you want to continue configuring products.

Do you want to use a default configuration (default = Y)?
MSC.Software Installation - Previous Installation

If a previous version of MD R2.1 Nastran was installed
on this system, or is accessible through an NFS path, mscsetup can examine some
of the system-wide configuration files in that installation to establish
default values for this installation.

Enter Y if a previous version of MD R2.1 Nastran was installed
 AND you want to use that system for default values.
Enter N if no previous version of the software exists
 OR you do not want to use it for default values.
Enter B to go back to the previous screen.
Enter X to completely exit this installation now.

Was a previous version of MD R2.1 Nastran installed (default = N)?

Use this same response for all other products? (default = N)?

Configuring MD R2.1 Nastran, please wait...
MSC.Software Installation - Product Licensing Requirements

                                                  Licensing        Licensing
    Products Selected For Installation             Methods         Installed
    ---------------------------------------- ------------------- -------------
    MD R2.1 Nastran                          Network, node-lock       Yes

If you need licenses for any unlicensed products listed above, you can generate
a contract amendment that you can complete and mail or fax to MSC.Software
Corporation to request a network license or node-lock authorization code.

Enter Y to generate a contract amendment.
Enter B to go back to the previous screen.
Enter F to go forward to the next screen.
Enter X to completely exit this installation now.

Do you want to generate a contract amendment (default = F)?
MSC.Software Installation - Installation Review

    Installation Source:      Local CD-ROM /mydir/cds

    Installation Directory:   /msc/nastran
                               27680 MB total
                               22727 MB available

    Products Selected For Installation         Type        Size     Test
    ---------------------------------------- --------  ---------    ----
    MD R2.1 Nastran                          Standard   2321 MB     Yes

Enter Y to begin installing the software now.
Enter B to go back to the previous screen.
Enter W to write a playback file now.
Enter X to cancel this installation now.

Finish installation (no default)? Y
MSC.Software Installation - Installation

No additional user input will be required.

Writing new playback file, "/msc/nastran/mscsetup.pbk"................

Changed working directory to /msc/nastran

Begin loading installation files.         Thu Aug 12 00:06:00 CST 2010
 Using CD-ROM /mydir/cds
  Loading files from md20071/base.tar...
  Verifying CD-ROM load operation...
  Loading files from md20071/demo.tar...
  Verifying CD-ROM load operation...
  Loading files from md20071/doc.tar...
  Verifying CD-ROM load operation...
  Loading files from md20071/dyna.tar...
  Verifying CD-ROM load operation...
  Loading files from md20071/linux8664/base.tar...
  Verifying CD-ROM load operation...
  Loading files from md20071/linux8664/dmp.tar...
  Verifying CD-ROM load operation...
  Loading files from md20071/linux8664/util.tar...
  Verifying CD-ROM load operation...
  Loading files from md20071/marc.tar...
  Verifying CD-ROM load operation...
  Loading files from md20071/sssalter.tar...
  Verifying CD-ROM load operation...
Done loading installation files.

Begin decompressing installation files.   Thu Aug 12 00:06:53 CST 2010
Done decompressing installation files.

Begin configuring products.               Thu Aug 12 00:08:53 CST 2010

 Begin configuring MD R2.1 Nastran
  Creating directories, setting modes...
  Creating default version links...
  Creating system directory links...
  Configuring licensing...
  Installing application-default files...

ERROR:  Unable to copy "/msc/nastran/md20071/linux8664/Xmonast"
  to "/usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/Xmonast"

ERROR:  Unable to copy "/msc/nastran/md20071/linux8664/Xnastran"
  to "/usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/Xnastran"

  Setting user configuration items...
  Updating installation base directory...
  Begin installation test.                Thu Aug 12 00:08:56 CST 2010
    Copying installation test data file to /tmp
    Starting installation test...
>     MD Nastran V2007.1 (Intel Linux 2.6.18-194.el5) Thu Aug 12 00:08:56 2010
>     *** SYSTEM INFORMATION MESSAGE (pgm: nastran, fn: estimate_job_requirements)
>         Starting ESTIMATE, please wait...
>     *** USER INFORMATION MESSAGE (pgm: nastran, fn: estimate_job_requirements)
>         Estimated DOF=2
>         Estimated memory=32.0MB
>         Estimated disk=1.2MB
>     MD Nastran beginning job instest.
    Examining installation test results.  Thu Aug 12 00:08:57 CST 2010
The test appears to have completed successfully.

    Removing installation test files
  Done installation test.

Intel Linux DMP Note:

   Before using the DMP capability on Intel Linux systems, you must install
   LAM/MPI. To install LAM/MPI:

   rpm -ivh $MSC_BASE/md20071/linux/lam*rpm

 Done configuring MD R2.1 Nastran

Done configuring products.                Thu Aug 12 00:08:58 CST 2010

Installation complete.                    Thu Aug 12 00:08:58 CST 2010

The above notes were also written to the log file.

A log of this installation was written to:
[root@rhlinux cds]# pwd
[root@rhlinux cds]# ls
crack  flexlm  INSTALL.htm  INSTALL.txt  md20071  md20071.txt  msc.seq  mscsetup  mscsetup.tar  README.txt  tools
[root@rhlinux cds]# cd
[root@rhlinux ~]# ls
anaconda-ks.cfg  Desktop  install.log  install.log.syslog
[root@rhlinux ~]# cd /mydir/
[root@rhlinux mydir]# ls
cds  flexlm  linux866.tar  t1  TLF-SOFT-MSC.MD.Nastran.R2.1.LINUX.x64.ISO-TBE.iso
[root@rhlinux mydir]# cd t1
[root@rhlinux t1]# ls
annular_plate.bdf  xitongzhou.bdf
[root@rhlinux t1]# pwd
[root@rhlinux t1]# ls
annular_plate.bdf  xitongzhou.bdf
[root@rhlinux t1]# ls -l
?€?è?? 5268
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   25702 2007-04-28 annular_plate.bdf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5343952 07-19 19:02 xitongzhou.bdf
[root@rhlinux t1]# nastran xitongzhou.bdf scr=yes
MD Nastran V2007.1 (Intel Linux 2.6.18-194.el5) Thu Aug 12 00:12:56 2010

*** SYSTEM INFORMATION MESSAGE (pgm: nastran, fn: estimate_job_requirements)
    Starting ESTIMATE, please wait...

*** USER INFORMATION MESSAGE (pgm: nastran, fn: estimate_job_requirements)
    Estimated DOF=109263
    Estimated memory=75.7MB
    Estimated disk=4915.7MB

    Note: ESTIMATE had some difficulty analyzing this job.
MD Nastran beginning job xitongzhou.  PID: 12923.
[root@rhlinux t1]# ps
  PID TTY          TIME CMD
 3085 pts/1    00:00:00 bash
12923 pts/1    00:00:00 xitongzhou.T129
12949 pts/1    00:00:00 time
12950 pts/1    00:00:00 analysis
12957 pts/1    00:00:00 ps
[root@rhlinux t1]# ls
annular_plate.bdf  xitongzhou.bdf    xitongzhou.f06  xitongzhou.out  xitongzhou.T12915_56
xitongzhou.aeso    xitongzhou.becho  xitongzhou.log  xitongzhou.pch  xitongzhou.T12915_56.asg
xitongzhou.asm     xitongzhou.f04    xitongzhou.op2  xitongzhou.plt
[root@rhlinux t1]# ls -l
?€?è?? 9504
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   25702 2007-04-28 annular_plate.bdf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root       0 08-12 00:12 xitongzhou.aeso
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root       0 08-12 00:12 xitongzhou.asm
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5343952 07-19 19:02 xitongzhou.bdf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root       0 08-12 00:12 xitongzhou.becho
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   18983 08-12 00:13 xitongzhou.f04
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   46371 08-12 00:13 xitongzhou.f06
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root    4133 08-12 00:13 xitongzhou.log
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4194304 08-12 00:12 xitongzhou.op2
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root       0 08-12 00:12 xitongzhou.out
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root       0 08-12 00:12 xitongzhou.pch
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root       0 08-12 00:12 xitongzhou.plt
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root    7155 08-12 00:12 xitongzhou.T12915_56
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root     793 08-12 00:12 xitongzhou.T12915_56.asg
[root@rhlinux t1]#
[root@rhlinux t1]# l
-bash: l: command not found
[root@rhlinux t1]# MD Nastran job xitongzhou completed.

[root@rhlinux t1]# ll
?€?è?? 10179504
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root      25702 2007-04-28 annular_plate.bdf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  102883740 08-12 00:26 xitongzhou_0.mnf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root    5343952 07-19 19:02 xitongzhou.bdf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root      91071 08-12 00:31 xitongzhou.f04
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 7675840203 08-12 00:31 xitongzhou.f06
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root       5255 08-12 00:31 xitongzhou.log
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1582844720 08-12 00:31 xitongzhou.op2
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1046510252 08-12 00:26 xitongzhou.out
[root@rhlinux t1]#

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swallowcn2015-11-04 17:08:58

博主,请问可有msc marc for linux 的安装包,可否分享一个,谢谢

wangyb2015-07-10 21:07:47


我有 但是文件非常大  不知道怎么传给你 学校的流量是有限的

回复 | 举报

cynthia555552015-05-11 15:04:50



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renshenguoer2014-06-09 19:06:51
