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2010-03-03 08:54:59

1、        通过vxdisk –g xyz list显示的信息确定磁盘已经损坏。(以及从图形界面上看到的相关信息)
bash-2.03# vxdisk -g xyz list
DEVICE       TYPE      DISK         GROUP        STATUS
c2t66d0s2    sliced    c2t66d0s2    xyz         online
c2t67d0s2    sliced    c2t67d0s2    xyz         online
c2t69d0s2    sliced    c2t69d0s2    xyz        online
c2t82d0s2    sliced    c2t82d0s2    xyz         online
c2t83d0s2    sliced    c2t83d0s2    xyz         online failing
c2t85d0s2    sliced    xyz01       xyz         online spare
由于损坏的磁盘为:c2t83d0s2根据磁盘的t83确定磁盘为A5000后部的第4块磁(slot (因为A5000是按照box ID 2的规则进行编码的)。(现在A5000的状况图如下:)

    1) 运行vxdiskadm,选择4:Remove a disk for replacement   使用list查看逻辑盘域物理盘的对应情况,然后选择故障盘c2t83d0s2,将该盘根据系统提示逐步移去。
2) 运行luxadm remove_device Aa,r3 将c0t83d0从系统中移出(我在运行这个步骤的时候,由于开始没有成功所以使用了-F参数,对后面没有影响)。具体过程如下:
   # luxadm remove_device  –F  Aa,r3
   # luxadm insert_device Aa,r3
   #vxdctl enable
5)运行vxdiskadm,选择5:Replace a failed or removed disk ,选择c2t83d0s2,在选择c0t83d0。
6)硬盘替换成功后,系统会根据你的log进行恢复你的RAID5卷的。可以使用vxtask list查看你同步运行的情况。

First :find the bad disk(c2t83d0s2)

(1)Remove the bad disk
Volume Manager Support Operations
Menu: VolumeManager/Disk

1      Add or initialize one or more disks
2      Encapsulate one or more disks
3      Remove a disk
4      Remove a disk for replacement
5      Replace a failed or removed disk
6      Mirror volumes on a disk
7      Move volumes from a disk
8      Enable access to (import) a disk group
9      Remove access to (deport) a disk group
10     Enable (online) a disk device
11     Disable (offline) a disk device
12     Mark a disk as a spare for a disk group
13     Turn off the spare flag on a disk
list   List disk information

?      Display help about menu
??     Display help about the menuing system
q      Exit from menus

Select an operation to perform:4

Remove a disk for replacement
Menu: VolumeManager/Disk/RemoveForReplace

  Use this menu operation to remove a physical disk from a disk
  group, while retaining the disk name.  This changes the state
  for the disk name to a "removed" disk.  If there are any
  initialized disks that are not part of a disk group, you will be
  given the option of using one of these disks as a replacement.

Enter disk name [,list,q,?]
Remove a disk for replacement

Menu: VolumeManager/Disk/RemoveForReplace

  Use this menu operation to remove a physical disk from a disk
  group, while retaining the disk name.  This changes the state
  for the disk name to a "removed" disk.  If there are any
  initialized disks that are not part of a disk group, you will be
  given the option of using one of these disks as a replacement.

Enter disk name [,list,q,?] l

Enter disk name [,list,q,?] c2t83d0s2

Volume Manager Support Operations

Remove a disk for replacement
Menu: VolumeManager/Disk/RemoveForReplace

  Use this menu operation to remove a physical disk from a disk

Volume Manager Support Operations
Menu: VolumeManager/Disk

1      Add or initialize one or more disks
2      Encapsulate one or more disks
3      Remove a disk
4      Remove a disk for replacement
5      Replace a failed or removed disk
6      Mirror volumes on a disk
7      Move volumes from a disk
8      Enable access to (import) a disk group
9      Remove access to (deport) a disk group
10     Enable (online) a disk device
11     Disable (offline) a disk device
12     Mark a disk as a spare for a disk group
13     Turn off the spare flag on a disk
list   List disk information

?      Display help about menu
??     Display help about the menuing system
q      Exit from menus

Select an operation to perform: q

# luxadm remove_device  –F  Aa,r3

  WARNING!!! Please ensure that no filesystems are mounted on these device(s).
  All data on these devices should have been backed up.

The list of devices which will be removed is:
  1: Box Name "Aa" rear slot 3

Please enter 'q' to Quit or to Continue:    //从阵列上拆下硬盘

stopping:  Drive in "Aa" rear  slot 3....Done
offlining: Drive in "Aa" rear  slot 3....Done

Hit after removing the device(s).

  Drive in Box Name "Aa" rear slot 3
  Notice: Device has not been removed from the enclosure.
  It has been removed from the loop and is ready to be
  removed from the enclosure, and the LED is blinking.

# reboot

# luxadm insert_device Aa,r3
#vxdctl enable
Volume Manager Support Operations

Replace a failed or removed disk
Menu: VolumeManager/Disk/ReplaceDisk

  Use this menu operation to specify a replacement disk for a disk
  that you removed with the "Remove a disk for replacement" menu
  operation, or that failed during use.  You will be prompted for
  a disk name to replace and a disk device to use as a replacement.
  You can choose an uninitialized disk, in which case the disk will
  be initialized, or you can choose a disk that you have already
  initialized using the Add or initialize a disk menu operation.

Select a removed or failed disk [,list,q,?] c2t83d0s2

Volume Manager Support Operations
Menu: VolumeManager/Disk

1      Add or initialize one or more disks
2      Encapsulate one or more disks
3      Remove a disk
4      Remove a disk for replacement
5      Replace a failed or removed disk
6      Mirror volumes on a disk
7      Move volumes from a disk
8      Enable access to (import) a disk group
9      Remove access to (deport) a disk group
10     Enable (online) a disk device
11     Disable (offline) a disk device
12     Mark a disk as a spare for a disk group
13     Turn off the spare flag on a disk
list   List disk information

?      Display help about menu
??     Display help about the menuing system
q      Exit from menus

Select an operation to perform: q

       #vxtask list
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