0. If you defined MAXINSTANCES to be 2 when you created the two nodes RAC database,
then you need to recreate the control file to increase the value of MAXINSTANCES.
To check the current value of MAXINSTANCES, run the following command while
the database is mounted or open after connecting as a user with DBA privileges:
% sqlplus /nolog
SQL> connect / as sysdba
SQL> startup mount
SQL> alter database backup controlfile to trace;
The trace file is located in udump directory. Check the MAXINSTANCES value in the
If it is equal or greater than what you need, i.e. >= 3, then skip to the next step.
Otherwise, you need to recreate the control file.
Please refer to Note 118931.1
Recreating the Controlfile in RAC and OPS
1. Edit the commmon $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/init.ora and set appropriate
values for the 3nd instance on the 3nd Node:
*** Names may need to be modified
where LISTENER_RAC3 is an entry in $TNS_ADMIN/tnsnames.ora like:
Create a $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/init.ora file with the following line:
Please refer to the Note 136327.1 if you wish to use an spfile.
2. From the first instance, run the following command:
*** Path names, file names, and sizes will need to be modified
alter database
add logfile thread 3
group 5 ('/dev/RAC/redo3_01_100.dbf') size 100M,
group 6 ('/dev/RAC/redo3_02_100.dbf') size 100M;
alter database enable public thread 3;
3. Create a third Undo Tablespace:
*** Path names, file names, and sizes will need to be modified
'/dev/RAC/undotbs_03_210.dbf' SIZE 200M ;
4. Make sure ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID environment variables are defined correctly.
5. Start the third instance. (Assuming that your cluster configuration is up and running).
If you would like to add a fourth instance, please go back to step 0.
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