GNU Pth 是著名的用户级线程库, NGPT是基于Pth 的M:N模型线程库。里面有几个概念讲得比较透彻,摘录如下o reentrant, thread-safe and asynchronous-safe functionsA
reentrant function is one that behaves correctly if it is called
simultaneously by several threads and then also executes simultaneously.
Functions that access global state, such as memory or files, of course,
need to be carefully designed in order to be reentrant. Two traditional
approaches to solve these problems are caller-supplied states and
thread-specific data.Thread-safety is the avoidance of data races,
i.e., situations in which data is set to either correct or incorrect
value depending upon the (unpredictable) order in which multiple threads
access and modify the data. So a function is thread-safe when it still
behaves semantically correct when called simultaneously by several
threads (it is not required that the functions also execute
simultaneously). The traditional approach to achieve thread-safety is to
wrap a function body with an internal mutual exclusion lock (aka
'mutex'). As you should recognize, reentrant is a stronger attribute
than thread-safe, because it is harder to achieve and results especially
in no run-time contention between threads. So, a reentrant function is
always thread-safe, but not vice versa.Additionally
there is a related attribute for functions named asynchronous-safe,
which comes into play in conjunction with signal handlers. This is very
related to the problem of reentrant functions. An asynchronous-safe
function is one that can be called safe and without side-effects from
within a signal handler context. Usually very few functions are of this
type, because an application is very restricted in what it can perform
from within a signal handler (especially what system functions it is
allowed to call). The reason mainly is, because only a few system
functions are officially declared by POSIX as guaranteed to be
asynchronous-safe. Asynchronous-safe functions usually have to be
already reentrant.很明显,下面的场景还是少数oPth
increases the responsiveness and concurrency of an event-driven
application, but NOT the concurrency of number-crunching applications.The
reason is the non-preemptive scheduling. Number-crunching applications
usually require preemptive scheduling to achieve concurrency because of
their long CPU bursts. For them, non-preemptive scheduling (even
together with explicit yielding) provides only the old concept of
'coroutines'. On the other hand, event driven applications benefit
greatly from non-preemptive scheduling. They have only short CPU bursts
and lots of events to wait on, and this way run faster under
non-preemptive scheduling because no unnecessary context switching
occurs, as it is the case for preemptive scheduling. That's why Pth is mainly intended for server type applications, although there is no technical restriction.The purpose of the NEW queue has to do with the fact that in Pth
a thread never directly switches to another thread. A thread always
yields execution to the scheduler and the scheduler dispatches to the
next thread. So a freshly spawned thread has to be kept somewhere until
the scheduler gets a chance to pick it up for scheduling. That is what
the NEW queue is for.The purpose of the DEAD
queue is to support thread joining. When a thread is marked to be
unjoinable, it is directly kicked out of the system after it terminated.
But when it is joinable, it enters the DEAD queue. There it remains until another thread joins it.后版本的代码NGPT
is the user-level portion of a POSIX pthreads library which provides
non-preemptive priority-based scheduling for multiple threads of
execution (aka ``multithreading'') inside event-driven applications. All
threads run in the same address space of the server application, but
each thread has it's own individual program-counter, run-time stack,
signal mask and errno variable.On SMP machines, this library will use an M:N threading model if enabled resulting in significantly improved performance.相关的邮件列表,涉及实现细节很少按照2003年3月NGPT官方网站上的通知,NGPT考虑到NPTL日益广泛地为人所接受,为避免不同的线程库版本引起的混乱,今后将不再进行进一步开发,而今进行支持性的维护工作。项目开发者的ppt,大纲式的,无实现细节(重要)M:N的具体体现NGPT 2.2.1 文件 pth_lib.c 中有如下代码 intern int pth_max_native_threads; /*ibm*/intern int pth_number_of_natives; /*ibm*/intern int pth_threads_per_native; /*ibm*/pth_max_native_threads
就是M:N中的N的最大值,即内核线程的最大数目,一般不会超过物理CPU数目Max Number of natives。
pth_number_of_natives 就是当前进程拥有的实际内核线程数目Current Number of
natives。pth_threads_per_native实际是M:N的比值(Number of user threads per
native),参见。pth_init函数中有如下代码对上面变量进行初始化: /*begin ibm*/ pth_threads_per_native = 1; pth_max_native_threads = 0; pth_number_of_natives = 1; /* determine the number of native threads per cpu. */ c_ratio = getenv("MAXTHREADPERCPU"); if (c_ratio != NULL) { long ratio = strtol(c_ratio, (char **)NULL, 10); if (errno != ERANGE) pth_threads_per_native = (int)ratio; } /* * See if the MAXNATIVETHREADS environment variable is set. * We'll use this instead of the number of cpus if this * is set since the user wants to override the default behavior * which is based on the number of CPUs in the host. */ c_numcpus = getenv("MAXNATIVETHREADS"); if (c_numcpus != NULL) { long numcpus = strtol(c_numcpus, (char **)NULL, 10); if (errno != ERANGE) pth_max_native_threads = (int)numcpus; } /* * We check to see if we've gotten an override... * If not, we'll base it off of CPU and set a * max number of threads per cpu to 1. */ // sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_CONF);返回CPU数目 //从下面代码来看,如果没有设置MAXNATIVETHREADS, 则 pth_threads_per_native为 // 1, 似乎是1:1模型,果真如此吗?参见pth_spawn_cb的注释 if (pth_max_native_threads == 0) { pth_max_native_threads = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_CONF); pth_threads_per_native = 1; cpu_based = 1; } if (pth_max_native_threads > 1) { pth_main->boundnative = &pth_first_native; pth_max_native_threads++; }函数pth_spawn_cb 是创建线程的实际函数,该函数必然创建一个用户态线程,是否创建核心态线程(native thread)有如下代码,可以有如下结论:1 M:N 模型不适用于PTH_SCOPE_SYSTEM线程,只适用于 PTH_SCOPE_PROCESS线程。所以创建PTH_SCOPE_SYSTEM native thread时, pth_max_native_threads需要增1调整。2
从(pth_active_threads % pth_threads_per_native) ==
thread,即使pth_threads_per_native为1. 但是创建的数目会受条件pth_number_of_natives <
pth_max_native_threads的约束3 pth_new_native 负责分配内核线程if (scope == PTH_SCOPE_PROCESS) { /* * Check to see if we're allowed to create additional native * threads and we've reached the threshold... */ if ( pth_max_native_threads > 1 && (pth_active_threads > 1) && (((pth_active_threads % pth_threads_per_native) == 0) || (pth_active_threads-1 == 1) )) { /* * We are, now check to see if we've reached the max number of natives an' * we've reached the threshold... */ if ((pth_number_of_natives < pth_max_native_threads) && (pth_number_of_natives < pth_active_threads)) { /* * We're not yet at the maximum number of natives so it's time * to create another native thread and start scheduling on it. */ if (pth_new_native(scope, 0) == NULL) { pth_tcb_free (thread); return NULL; } }} else { if ((thread->boundnative = pth_new_native(scope, thread)) == NULL) { pth_tcb_free(thread); return NULL; } pth_CQ = &(thread->boundnative->ready_queue); pth_max_native_threads++;}pth_descr_st 和pth_st前者描述内核线程,后者描述用户态线程pth_tcb_free。 用户态线程的分配通过 pth_spawn_cb调用 pth_tcb_alloc。用户态线程结束时调用pth_exit,先设置状态:dying_thread->state = PTH_STATE_EXIT;
然后切换到scheduler线程执行线程的释放 pth_mctx_switch(&dying_thread->mctx, &descr->sched->mctx);接着pth_schedule线程根据current线程状态,调用pth_tcb_free释放线程结构if (current != NULL && current->state == PTH_STATE_EXIT) { if (!current->joinable) { pth_tcb_free(current); } else {这
化,而Linux进程切换是一个函数,普遍会出现A->B->C 的情况,才有switch_to的三个参数。内核线程的分配是通过pth_new_native函数,空间来自一个静态的大小固定数组。struct pth_descr_st pth_native_list[PTH_MAX_NATIVE_THREADS];pth_new_native的代码如下 if (scope == PTH_SCOPE_SYSTEM) { /* Re-use the native thread, if available */ int slot = 1; while (pth_native_list[slot].is_used) { descr = &pth_native_list[slot++]; if (descr->is_bounded && !descr->bounded_thread) { pth_release_lock(&pth_native_lock); return descr; } }}if ((descr = pth_alloc_native(TRUE, FALSE)) == NULL) {pth_descr_t pth_alloc_native(int create_stack, int is_watchdog){ pth_descr_t descr = (is_watchdog) ? &(pth_watchdog_descr) : &(pth_native_list[pth_number_of_natives++]);从
以看来pth_threads_per_native 没有真正实现,设想如下场景,先分配pth_threads_per_native
,反复如此,pth_number_of_natives轻松达到最大值,但是用户线程数目实际没有上去。pth_new_scheduler 和 pth_scheduler每一个native thread都有一个scheduler用于调度复用在它上面的user threads。创建内核线程的函数pth_new_native有如下代码:native_pid = clone(pth_new_scheduler, descr->stack_top, pth_clone_flags, descr);可以看到,内核线程执行函数pth_new_scheduler。可是pth_new_scheduler 函数初始化descr结构后,创建一个用户线程pth_scheduler后,直接pth_mctx_restore切换到用户线程,永远不回来了。descr->sched = PTH_SPAWN(t_attr, pth_scheduler, NULL);
/* Make the scheduler the current thread for this native... */ descr->current = descr->sched; descr->is_running = TRUE; /* switch context to this new scheduler... */ pth_mctx_restore(&descr->sched->mctx);这
clone(pth_scheduler, descr->stack_top, pth_clone_flags, descr);
的user thread了。pth_scheduler()
calls pth_sched_eventmanager() in order to process any events which
have occurred and to move those threads which are waiting on those
threads from the WAITING queue to the READY queue. If the READY queue is
not empty, then pth_sched_eventmanager() is called with a flag which
indicates that it should only poll for any events which may have
occurred, rather than waiting for one to occur. So far so good.线程组织与队列候选用户进程放在队列中,NGPT是cooperative的,当线程阻塞或主动放弃时会切换到pth_schedule线程,该线程会从相应队列选择进程。pth_scheduler代码如下:if (descr->is_bounded || native_is_group_leader(descr)) { NQ = &descr->new_queue; RQ = &descr->ready_queue; } else { NQ = &pth_NQ; RQ = &pth_RQ; }对
则共用全局队列pth_NQ 和pth_RQ,这也就是M:N所在,M个核心线程pth_schedule 从N个线程选择(在pth_NQ
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