start-> run-> rundll32 shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL C:\WINDOWS\system32\iscsicpl.cpl,,X
You just need replace the "C:\WINDOWS\system32\iscsicpl.cpl" with your cpl file full path.
It's not a good method , the best is to map the open type with the cpl file. But I don't know.
Syntax for using Rundll32.exe
The syntax for using Rundll32.exe must be followed precisely and is as follows:
The DLL name may not contain any spaces, commas or quotation marks. If the DLL name does contain spaces, use the short (8.3) version of the file name. Note that there must be a comma between the DLL name and the entry point. Also, the name of the entry point function is case-sensitive, and there can't be any spaces between the DLL name, the comma, and the entry point function name. If the DLL file is not in a folder contained in the system path environment, then the full path must be used for the DLL name. See the Microsoft Knowledge Base for more details.
There are a number of commands employing Rundll32.exe that can be entered into Start-Run, a command window, or used in scripts. A common use is to open various Control Panel applets. (Another method specific to Control Panel is discussed here.) For example, to open the Control Panel applet for configuring the display properties enter
RUNDLL32.EXE SHELL32.DLL,Control_RunDLL desk.cpl,,0
Different tabs for the Desktop applet can be opened by changing the number at the end that is part of the argument. All of the Control Panel applets and their tabs can be opened this way by using the relevant CPL file and the appropriate tab number as arguments. The operating system also uses this method to display Control Panel. In fact, Control Panel applications are the most commonly mentioned examples in discussions of using Rundll32.exe. Examples of some different applications are discussed below.
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