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分类: C/C++

2008-12-16 23:36:08

Modern security analyzers are more sophisticated; they use data- and control-flow analysis to find subtler bugs and to reduce false alarms. They focus on building security in software source code, trying to automate some of the tasks that a human analyst might perform. Unfortunately, these tools are still not capable of replacing a human analyst.

A List of Commercial and Academic Static Security Analyzers

The following list of static security analyzers is incomplete, especially in view of the fact that new tools will undoubtedly appear after the time of this document’s writing. However, we have attempted to provide as complete a list as possible of currently available tools. We do not include security analyzers that are unavailable to the general public even though they may be described on the web or in academic papers.





A model checker that targets buffer-overflow vulnerabilities in C code.

open source

Checks for potentially dangerous function calls in binary executable code.



General-purpose security scanners for many programming languages.


Checks for vulnerabilities and other defects in C and C++.

open source

Security scanner for Java.


C/C++ bug checker and security scanner.


C Data-flow analyzer using type/taint analysis. Requires some program annotations.

DevPartner SecurityChecker


Security scanner for C# and Visual Basic

open source

Security scanner for C code.


General-purpose security scanner for C, C++, and Java.


Checks for vulnerabilities and other defects in C, C++, and Java.


Checks for potentially dangerous function calls in C code.


General purpose control flow analyzer and white box test coverage tool specializing in path analysis. Works with C, C++, C#, Java, Fortran, VB, COBOL, and other languages.


Checks for vulnerabilities involving sequences of function calls in C code.


Security scanner for C/C++ and Java/JSP.

open source

Checks for potentially dangerous function calls in C code.


open source

Checks for potentially dangerous function calls in C code.

open source

C/C++ bug checker and security scanner.

open source

Checks C code for potential vulnerabilities and other dangerous programming practices.

Dynamic Analysis

Static Code Analysis

Code Analysis - References


Copyright © 2005, 2008 Cigital, Inc.

2005-09-30; Updated 2008-11-03

Content area bibliography.

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