struct timer_list key_timer[KEY_NUM];
typedef struct
unsigned int keyStatus[KEY_NUM]; //4个按键的按键状态
KEY_RET buf[MAX_KEY_BUF]; //按键缓冲区
unsigned int head,tail; //按键缓冲区头和尾
wait_queue_head_t wq; //等待队列
struct cdev cdev; //cdev结构体
}KEY_DEV; //结构体变量
static struct key_info
int irq_no; //中断号
unsigned int gpio_port; //GPIO端口
int key_no; //键值
二、union 举例
在使用瑞萨单片机过程中,遇到用结构体、联合体定义I/O 口,举例如下
* declare SFR bit *
struct bit_def {
char b0:1;
char b1:1;
char b2:1;
char b3:1;
char b4:1;
char b5:1;
char b6:1;
char b7:1;
union byte_def{
struct bit_def bit;
char byte;
* declare SFR addresses *
#pragma ADDRESS p0_addr 00E0H /* Port P0 register */
#pragma ADDRESS p1_addr 00E1H /* Port P1 register */
…… ……
Port P0 register
union byte_def p0_addr;
#define p0 p0_addr.byte
#define p0_0 p0_addr.bit.b0 /* Port P00 bit */
#define p0_1 p0_addr.bit.b1 /* Port P01 bit */
#define p0_2 p0_addr.bit.b2 /* Port P02 bit */
#define p0_3 p0_addr.bit.b3 /* Port P03 bit */
#define p0_4 p0_addr.bit.b4 /* Port P04 bit */
#define p0_5 p0_addr.bit.b5 /* Port P05 bit */
#define p0_6 p0_addr.bit.b6 /* Port P06 bit */
#define p0_7 p0_addr.bit.b7 /* Port P07 bit */
Port P1 register
union byte_def p1_addr;
#define p1 p1_addr.byte
#define p1_0 p1_addr.bit.b0 /* Port P10 bit */
#define p1_1 p1_addr.bit.b1 /* Port P11 bit */
#define p1_2 p1_addr.bit.b2 /* Port P12 bit */
#define p1_3 p1_addr.bit.b3 /* Port P13 bit */
#define p1_4 p1_addr.bit.b4 /* Port P14 bit */
#define p1_5 p1_addr.bit.b5 /* Port P15 bit */
#define p1_6 p1_addr.bit.b6 /* Port P16 bit */
#define p1_7 p1_addr.bit.b7 /* Port P17 bit */
2.在结构体 bit_def 中,用到了结构体的高级特性,那就是在基本成员变量的后面添加:
: 数据位数
struct xxx
成员1 类型成员1 : 成员1 位数;
成员2 类型成员2 : 成员2 位数;
成员3 类型成员3 : 成员3 位数;
基本的成员变量就会被拆分,bit_def 的8个成员共占一个char 的空间。
3.#pragma ADDRESS directive 的说明
- On setting the address value of an object containing a structure, array or union using the #pragma ADDRESS directive
- Product Concerned
M3T-CC32R V.4.30 Release 00
- Description
Consider that a #pragma ADDRESS directive is used for defining the address
of an object that is an array or structure; or a union that has members
of type array or structure.
If a member or element placed at any address except the beginning address
of the object is accessed (read or written) or referenced by an address
operator (&), incorrect code is generated using the address of the member
or element placed at the beginning of the object.
- 2.1 Conditions
- This problem occurs if the following conditions are satisfied:
(1) |
Any of the following three objects is declared outside of a function:
(a) A structure
(b) An array
(c) A union having members of type array or structure |
(2) |
A #pragma ADDRESS directive is used for defining the object in (1). |
(3) |
For a member or element placed at any address except the beginning
address of the object, either of the following is performed:
(a) Accessing (reading or writing)
(b) Referencing by an address operator (&) |
- 2.2 Examples
Source file: sample1.c
#pragma ADDRESS data1 0x10000 /* Condition (2) */
struct stg1 {
int a;
int b;
} data1; /* Condition (1)-(a) */
void func1(void)
data1.b = 3; /* Condition (3)-(a) */
Source file: sample2.c
#pragma ADDRESS data2 0x20000 /* Condition (2) */
short data2[10]; /* Condition (1)-(b) */
short *d2;
void func2(void)
d2 = &data2[3]; /* Condition (3)-(b) */
Source file: sample3.c
union utg3 {
double a[10];
struct {
int b;
double c[5];
} d;
} data3; /* Condition (1)-(c) */
#pragma ADDRESS data3 0x30000 /* Condition (2) */
void func3(int i)
data3.d.c[i] = /* Condition (3)-(a) */
data3.a[4]; /* Condition (3)-(a) */
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