2007-11-13 16:48:26
Virtual Machine:
How can I migrate my Vmware Server VM’s to ESX?
There are several methods for doing this that are listed below:
Method 1 – Vmware Converter running directly on Vmware Server (Cold clone)
• Install Vmware Converter on to the Vmware Server and reboot if prompted
• Shutdown the VM to be converted
• Run Converter and select Import Machine
• Click Next at the Welcome screen and Next again at the Source screen
• Select “Standalone virtual machine, backup or disk image” as your source and click Next
• Browse to your VM’s vmx file and click Next
• Select either “Import all disks and maintain size” or “Select volumes
and resize to save or add space”, select your volumes and enter a new
disk size if necessary and click Next
• Click Next at the Destination screen
• Select “VMware ESX Server or VirtualCenter virtual machine” as your destination and click Next
• At the destination login screen enter your VC/ESX server name and login credentials and click Next
• Enter a Virtual Machine name and folder and click Next
• Select a Host/Cluster and click Next then select a Datastore and click Next
• Enter your NIC information and click Next then click Next again at the customization screen
• Click Finish when it completes
• Edit your new VM’s settings and remove any extra hardware if not
needed, ie. USB devices, serial and parallel devices, Floppy drive and
change the SCSI adapter to LSI Logic if needed
• Power on your new VM and uninstall VMware tools (VMware server version)
• Restart server
• Remove old virtual machine hardware
o Open CMD prompt and type “SET DEVMGR_SHOW_NONPRESENT_DEVICES=1” and then “DEVMGMT.MSC”
o Select “Show Hidden Devices” from top menu
o Remove old greyed-out non-present hardware, ie. old processor, disk drives, IDE/SCSI controllers, storage volumes, etc.
• Reboot and install VMware tools (ESX version) and you are finished
Method 2- Vmware Converter running directly on Virtual Machine (Hot clone)
• Install Vmware Converter on to the Virtual Machine and reboot if prompted
• Run Converter and select Import Machine
• Click Next at the Welcome screen and Next again at the Source screen
• Select “Physical Computer” as your source and click Next
• Select “This local machine” and click Next
• Select either “Import all disks and maintain size” or “Select volumes
and resize to save or add space”, select your volumes and enter a new
disk size if necessary and click Next
• Click Next at the Destination screen
• Select “VMware ESX Server or VirtualCenter virtual machine” as your destination and click Next
• At the destination login screen enter your VC/ESX server name and
login credentials and click Next • Enter a Virtual Machine name and
folder and click Next
• Select a Host/Cluster and click Next then select a Datastore and click Next
• Enter your NIC information and click Next then click Next again at the customization screen
• Click Finish when it completes
• Edit your new VM’s settings and remove any extra hardware if not
needed, ie. USB devices, serial and parallel devices, Floppy drive and
change the SCSI adapter to LSI Logic if needed
• Power on your new VM and uninstall VMware tools (VMware server version)
• Restart server
• Remove old virtual machine hardware
o Open CMD prompt and type “SET DEVMGR_SHOW_NONPRESENT_DEVICES=1” and then “DEVMGMT.MSC”
o Select “Show Hidden Devices” from top menu
o Remove old greyed-out non-present hardware, ie. old processor, disk drives, IDE/SCSI controllers, storage volumes, etc.
• Reboot and install VMware tools (ESX version) and you are finished
Method 3 – Use FastSCP and vmkfstools to copy the disk to ESX and convert it to VMFS3 format
• If your Server VM uses IDE disks you will have to convert them to
SCSI disks prior to using this method since ESX does not support IDE
hard drives. To convert your disks to IDE follow the steps in this
VMware knowledge base article: Once you complete the conversion to SCSI you can proceed with the below steps.
• Download FastSCP ()
and install on the VMware Server, FastSCP requires the dot net
framework 2.0 so download and install this first if you do not have it (), alternately you can use WinSCP () which is a bit slower then FastSCP
• Once FastSCP is installed run it, click “Add Server” enter your ESX
server name/IP, the default port of 22, username and password and click
• Connect to your ESX server, browse to your /vmfs/volumes/ and select New Folder and call it “temp” or whatever you want
• Shutdown the VM from Server that you will be copying the vmdk file from
• Using Windows Explorer, browse to your vmdk files and select both the
descriptor vmdk file (small file) and the data vmdk file (-flat large
• Paste these into your temp directory on the ESX server and the transfer will begin
• Once the transfer completes login to your ESX service console and change to your temp directory, ie. cd /vmfs/volumes//temp
• To import the file to VMFS3 format type “vmkfstools –i ” the file
name is the name of the small descriptor vmdk file, ie. “vmkfstools –i
Win2003vm1.vmdk Win2003vm1-new.vmdk”. This create a new copy of your
source vmdk file in VMFS3 format, it will automatically create both the
descriptor and the data vmdk files
• Create a new VM on your ESX server, select Custom and then select the
VM’s configuration. When you get to Select a Disk choose “Use an
Existing Disk” and browse to you destination file name you selected
• Power on your new VM and you should be all set, you can delete your original source file from the temp directory
• Optionally you can move your vmdk files from the temp directory to the VM’s directory that it created
o Shutdown your VM
o Login to the Service Console
o Change to your VM’s directory, ie. cd /vmfs/volumes//myVM1
o Copy file from the temp directory to the VM’s directory using
vmkfstools, ie. vmkfstools –i /vmfs/volumes//temp/Win2003vm1-new.vmdk
myVM1.vmdk This will make a copy of your vmdk file in your VM’s
directory, you can also change the destination file name to match your
VM’s name
o In the VI Client, edit your VM’s settings, remove the current
hard disk (don’t delete it yet) and add new new hard disk, select “Use
an Existing Disk” and browse to the new vmdk file in your VM’s directory
o Power on the VM and if it boots OK you can delete the original
virtual disk, you can use FastSCP for this or right-click on your
Datastore in the VI Client and select “Browse your Datastore” with the
VI Client to delete the two original virtual disk files
How can I kill a stuck virtual machine?
ESX 3.0 method
• Login to the service console
• You can check the VM state by typing “vmware-cmd //server.vmx getstate”
• Type “ps -ef | grep ”
• The second column is your pid of the vmkload_app of the Virtual
Machine, you can also type “ps –eaf” to see all running processes
• Type “kill -9 ”
• Check VM state again, it should now be off
• Type “vmware-cmd //server.vmx start” to power on VM
ESX 3.0 Alternate method
• Login to the service console
• Type “vmware-cmd –l” to get a list of all VM’s and there paths
• You can check the VM state by typing “vmware-cmd /
• To forcibly stop type vmware-cmd /
• Check VM state again, it should now be off
• Type “vmware-cmd /
ESX 3.0 Alternate method
• Login to the service console
• Get the vmid of the VM you want to kill by typing “vm-support –x”
• Kill the VM and generate core dumps and logs by typing “vm-support –X ”
• You will be prompted if you want to include a screenshot of the VM,
send an NMI to the VM and send a ABORT to the VM, you must answer Yes
to the ABORT question to kill the VM. The entire process will take
about 5-10 minutes to run. It will create a tar archive in the
directory you run it in.
ESX 2.5 method
• Log into the MUI, and get the PID of the VM from there
• Login to the service console
• Type “kill -9 ” Note - In rare conditions, doing a kill -9 on a VM can take down the entire host
How do I upgrade a existing virtual disk from BusLogic to LSI Logic?
If you upgraded a server from Win2000 to Win2003 it will usually blue
screen if you just change the SCSI controller. It will still try and
load the BusLogic driver and will not be able to boot. Use this
procedure to force it to load the LSI driver prior to changing the
controller type to LSI Logic
• Power off the VM you want to change controllers on
• Connect to the Service Console and edit the vmx file for the VM
• Add the following lines to the vmx file o scsi1.present = "true" o scsi1.virtualDev = "lsilogic"
• Power on the VM and it will discover the new SCSI card
• Power off the VM and edit the SCSI Controller settings, change the type to LSI Logic
• Power VM back on, answer Yes for the adapter change message
• Once it boots successfully shut the VM down again (it will have to LSI controllers at this point)
• Edit the vmx file and remove the lines you added above
• Power on the VM again and you will be all set
How can I hide the Vmware tools icon in the system tray?
Edit the registry key “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VMware, Inc.\VMware Tools” and set ShowTray equal to 0
What are all the files that are located in my virtual machines directory on the ESX server for?
*.nvram file
– This file contains the CMOS/BIOS for the VM. The BIOS is based off
the PhoenixBIOS 4.0 Release 6 and is one of the most successful and
widely used BIOS and is compliant with all the major standards,
including USB, PCI, ACPI, 1394, WfM and PC2001. If the NVRAM file is
deleted or missing it will automatically be re-created when the VM is
powered on. Any changes made to the BIOS via the Setup program (F2 at
boot) will be saved in this file. This file is usually less then 10K in
size and is not in a text format (binary).
vmdk files
– These are the disk files that are created for each virtual hard drive
in your VM. There are 3 different types of files that use the vmdk
extension, they are:
• *–flat.vmdk file - This is the actual raw disk file that is created
for each virtual hard drive. Almost all of a .vmdk file's content is
the virtual machine's data, with a small portion allotted to virtual
machine overhead. This file will be roughly the same size as your
virtual hard drive.
• *.vmdk file – This isn't the file containing the raw data anymore.
Instead it is the disk descriptor file which describes the size and
geometry of the virtual disk file. This file is in text format and
contains the name of the –flat.vmdk file for which it is associated
with and also the hard drive adapter type, drive sectors, heads and
cylinders, etc. One of these files will exist for each virtual hard
drive that is assigned to your virtual machine. You can tell which
–flat.vmdk file it is associated with by opening the file and looking
at the Extent Description field.
• *–delta.vmdk file - This is the differential file created when you
take a snapshot of a VM (also known as REDO log). When you snapshot a
VM it stops writing to the base vmdk and starts writing changes to the
snapshot delta file. The snapshot delta will initially be small and
then start growing as changes are made to the base vmdk file, The delta
file is a bitmap of the changes to the base vmdk thus is can never grow
larger than the base vmdk. A delta file will be created for each
snapshot that you create for a VM. These files are automatically
deleted when the snapshot is deleted or reverted in snapshot manager.
*.vmx file
– This file is the primary configuration file for a virtual machine.
When you create a new virtual machine and configure the hardware
settings for it that information is stored in this file. This file is
in text format and contains entries for the hard disk, network
adapters, memory, CPU, ports, power options, etc. You can either edit
these files directly if you know what to add or use the Vmware GUI
(Edit Settings on the VM) which will automatically update the file.
*.vswp file
– This is the VM swap file (earlier ESX versions had a per host swap
file) and is created to allow for memory overcommitment on a ESX
server. The file is created when a VM is powered on and deleted when it
is powered off. By default when you create a VM the memory reservation
is set to zero, meaning no memory is reserved for the VM and it can
potentially be 100% overcommitted. As a result of this a vswp file is
created equal to the amount of memory that the VM is assigned minus the
memory reservation that is configured for the VM. So a VM that is
configured with 2GB of memory will create a 2GB vswp file when it is
powered on, if you set a memory reservation for 1GB, then it will only
create a 1GB vswp file. If you specify a 2GB reservation then it
creates a 0 byte file that it does not use. When you do specify a
memory reservation then physical RAM from the host will be reserved for
the VM and not usable by any other VM’s on that host. A VM will not use
it vswp file as long as physical RAM is available on the host. Once all
physical RAM is used on the host by all its VM’s and it becomes
overcommitted then VM’s start to use their vswp files instead of
physical memory. Since the vswp file is a disk file it will effect the
performance of the VM when this happens. If you specify a reservation
and the host does not have enough physical RAM when the VM is powered
on then the VM will not start.
*.vmss file
– This file is created when a VM is put into Suspend (pause) mode and
is used to save the suspend state. It is basically a copy of the VM’s
RAM and will be a few megabytes larger than the maximum RAM memory
allocated to the VM. If you delete this file while the VM is in a
suspend state It will start the VM from a normal boot up instead of
starting the vm from the state it was when it was suspended. This file
is not automatically deleted when the VM is brought out of Suspend
mode. Like the Vswp file this file will only be deleted when the VM is
powered off (not rebooted). If a Vmss file exists from a previous
suspend and the VM is suspended again then the previous file is re-used
for the subsequent suspensions. Also note that if a vswp file is
present it is deleted when a VM is suspended and then re-created when
the VM is powered on again. The reason for this is that the VM is
essentially powered off in the suspend state, it’s RAM contents are
just preserved in the vmss file so it can be quickly powered back on.
*.log file
– This is the file that keeps a log of the virtual machine activity and
is useful in troubleshooting virtual machine problems. Every time a VM
is powered off and then back on a new log file is created. The current
log file for the VM is always vmware.log. The older log files are
incremented with a -# in the filename and up to 6 of them will be
retained. (ie. vmware-4.log) The older .log files are always deleteable
at will, the latest .log file can be deleted when the VM is powered
off. As the log files do not take much disk space, most administrators
let them be.
*.vmxf file
– This is a supplemental configuration file in text format for virtual
machines that are in a team. Note that the .vmxf file remains if a
virtual machine is removed from the team. Teaming virtual machines is a
Vmware Workstation feature and includes the ability to designate
multiple virtual machines as a team, which administrators can then
power on and off, suspend and resume as a single object — making it
particularly useful for testing client-server environments. This file
still exists with ESX server virtual machines but only for
compatibility purposes with Workstation.
*.vmsd file
– This file is used to store metadata and information about snapshots.
This file is in text format and will contain information such as the
snapshot display name, uid, disk file name, etc. It is initially a 0
byte file until you create your first snapshot of a VM and from that
point it will populate the file and continue to update it whenever new
snapshots are taken. This file does not cleanup completely after
snapshots are taken. Once you delete a snapshot it will still leave the
fields in the file for each snapshot and just increment the uid and set
the name to “Consolidate Helper” presumably to be used with
Consolidated Backups.
*.vmsn file
- This is the snapshot state file, which stores the exact running state
of a virtual machine at the time you take that snapshot. This file will
either be small or large depending on if you select to preserve the
VM’s memory as part of the snapshot. If you do choose to preserve the
VM’s memory then this file will be a few megabytes larger then the
maximum RAM memory allocated to the VM. This file is similar to the
vmss (Suspend) file. A vmsn file will be created for each snapshot
taken on the VM, these files are automatically deleted when the
snapshot is removed.
How can I limit the number of vmware.log files that are created for my virtual machine?
You can do this by powering off the VM and then Edit the Settings on the VM.
• Select the Options tab and then Advanced and then click the Configuration Parameters button
• Click the Add Row button and enter log.keepOld for the Name and as
many historical log files as you would like to keep for the value (in
addition the the original vmware.log file), ie. 3
• Click the Add Row button again and enter log.rotateSize for the Name
and a maximum size in bytes for the log files to grow to, ie. 500000
for 500kb
• Click OK and power the VM back on, it will now create vmware.log
files up to the size you specified and also only keep as many as you
• Alternately you can disable VM logging by de-selecting “Enable logging” on the Options tab, Advanced page.
• If you do this all logging except for Vmware tools logging will be
disabled. If you also wish to disable that you can add a additional row
in Configuration Parameters with a name isolation.tools.setinfo.disable
with a value of true
How can I disable Copy & Paste operations between the guest operating system and remote console?
You can do this by powering off the VM and then Edit the Settings on the VM.
• Select the Options tab and then Advanced and then click the Configuration Parameters button.
• Click the Add Row button and add the following names with values of
false: isolation.tools.copy.enable, isolation.tools.paste.enable and
• Click OK and power the VM back on, copy & paste operations will no longer work in the remote console.
What happens to virtual machines in case of a active path failure to my SAN?
When a cable is pulled, I/O freezes for approximately 30-60 seconds,
until the SAN driver determines that the link is down, and failover
occurs. During that time, the virtual machines (with their virtual
disks installed on a SAN) may appear unresponsive, and any operations
on the /vmfs directory may appear to hang. After the failover occurs,
I/O should resume normally. Even though ESX Server's failover feature
ensures high availability and prevents connection loss to SAN devices,
all connections to SAN devices may be lost due to disastrous events,
that include multiple breakages. If all connections to the storage
device are not working, then the virtual machines will begin to
encounter I/O errors on their virtual SCSI disks. Also, operations in
the /vmfs directory may eventually fail after reporting an "I/O error".
For QLogic cards, you may want to adjust the PortDownRetryCount value
in the QLogic BIOS. This value determines how quickly a failover occurs
when a link goes down. If the PortDownRetryCount value is , then a
failover typically takes a little longer than multiplied by 2 seconds.
A typical recommended value for is 15, so in this case, failover takes
a little longer than 30 seconds. For more information on changing the
PortDownRetryCount value, refer to your QLogic documentation.
For the Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003 guest operating systems,
you may want to increase the standard disk TimeOutValue so that Windows
will not be extensively disrupted during failover. For a VMware
environment, the Disk TimeOutValue must be set to 60 seconds. o Select
Start > Run, type regedit.exe, and click OK. o In the left panel
hierarchy view, double-click HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, System,
CurrentControlSet, Services, then Disk. o Select the TimeOutValue if it
exists and set the Data value to x03c (hexadecimal) or 60 (decimal). By
making this change, Windows waits at least 60 seconds, for delayed disk
operations to complete, before generating errors. o If the TimeOutValue
does not exist, select New from the Edit Menu and then DWORD value. In
the Name field type TimeOutValue and then set the Data value to x03c
(hexadecimal) or 60 (decimal). o Click OK and exit the Registry Editor
What is the vswp file that is in my VM’s directory on the VMFS volume?
The vswp file is created to allow for memory overcommitment on a ESX
server. By default when you create a VM the memory reservation is set
to zero, meaning no memory is reserved for the VM and it can
potentially be 100% overcommitted. As a result of this a vswp file is
created equal to the amount of memory that the VM is assigned minus the
memory reservation that is configured for the VM. So a VM that is
configured with 2GB of memory will create a 2GB vswp file when it is
powered on, if you set a memory reservation for 1GB, then it will only
create a 1GB vswp file. If you specify a 2GB reservation then it
creates a 0 byte file that it does not use. When you do specify a
memory reservation then physical RAM from the host will be reserved for
the VM and not usable by any other VM’s on that host.
A VM will not use it vswp file as long as physical RAM is available on
the host. Once all physical RAM is used on the host by all it’s VM’s
and it becomes overcommitted then VM’s start to use their vswp files
instead of physical memory. Since the vswp file is a disk file it will
effect the performance of the VM when this happens. If you specify a
reservation and the host does not have enough physical RAM when the VM
is powered on then the VM will not start. If you change a memory
reservation for a VM it will not take effect until the VM is powered
off and then back on. Simply restarting a VM is not enough. The vswp
file is only create and deleted at power on/off, once you power off a
VM it’s vswp file is deleted until it is powered back on at which time
it is re-created.
By default the vswp file is kept in the same directory as the VM’s
virtual disk. It’s a good idea to either create partial memory
reservation for your VM’s or specify an alternate location for this
file so it does not use up valuable VMFS SAN space. By creating a
partial memory reservation you can decrease the size of this file and
still allow for memory overcommitment, you also allow for ESX to use
it’s advanced memory techniques such as page sharing. Alternately you
can specify an alternate location for the vswp file so it is not stored
in the same directory as your vmdk file. You can do this be editing the
vmx file for the machine and adding a parameter “sched.swap.dir = ”.
Alternately you can do this through VirutalCenter by powering off the
VM and editing the settings for the VM. Then click on “Options” then
“Advanced” then “Configuration Parameters”. Click on “Add Row” to add
the parameter and it’s value. The value is the path to the directory
you want to store the vswp file, ie.
“/vmfs/volumes/ServerA-Local/Swap/” Note it is OK to use the symbolic
link name of a VMFS volume instead of the UUID. You do not need to
worry about updating the existing “sched.swap.derivedName” parameter,
it is generated by the VM and written to the config file each time the
VM powers on. Thus any changes you make to that file before you
power-on the VM will be overwritten by the VM when it powers on. Make
sure the directory you set it to is on a shared VMFS volume if you want
to still be able to VMotion the VM or have it work under DRS and HA.
How can I disable my VM’s from page sharing?
Page sharing, which is the process ESX uses to conserve memory by
eliminating duplicate memory pages, can be disabled by changing a VM’s
memory reservation to be the same as the amount of memory allocated to
the VM. With a 100% memory reservation the VM will be excluding from
any page sharing. Page sharing can be beneficial to the VM’s
performance and thought should be given to this before disabling this
Why does VirtualCenter show my VM’s Host Memory Usage higher then the amount of memory that is assigned to the VM?
Host Memory Usage is the amount of memory used by the host that is the
VM's memory plus the host memory (overhead) or the amount of memory
used to manage the environment. That is why the Host Memory Usage can
be higher then what the VM is configured for.
Why does my VM show a high Guest Mem % when it first boots even though it is not using that much RAM?
This is common when a virtual machine first boots. Windows zeroes the
contents of all pages in physical memory while booting. This causes the
system to become overcommitted almost immediately, as each VM accesses
all of its memory. Since the Windows balloon drivers are not started
until late in the boot sequence, ESX Server is forced to start paging
to disk. Soon after booting the amount of shared memory drops rapidly,
and ESX Server compensates by using ballooning to reclaim memory. Page
sharing continues to exploit sharing opportunities over time saving
additional memory. See this white paper for more on this.
How can I clear an active vmware.log file that is large without restarting the VM?
Normally a new vmware.log file is created everytime a VM is started.
Old log files have -# (ie. vmware-9.log) appended to them and by
default VMware will save 6 old log files. You can change this behavior
as documented in another tip. If you need to clear a large vmware.log
file without restarting the server you can use the below technique.
“Cat /dev/null >file” deletes the contents of a file, but preserves
the file itself, with all attendant permissions.
• Login to the ESX Service Console
• Switch to the VM’s sub-directory, ie. cd /vmfs/volumes/MyVolume/MyVM
• Type “cat /dev/null > vmware.log” this will make the file 0 bytes without effecting the VM.
How can I hot clone a VM without using VMware Converter?
You cannot hot clone a VM with VirtualCenter, a VM must be shutdown to
be able to clone it. One option to hot clone a running VM is to install
VMware Converter on it. A reboot will not be required if it is running
Windows 2003 or Windows XP. Windows 2000 and earlier require reboots
because a special driver is installed on the system. Another option to
hot clone is using snapshots and vmkfstools, creating a snapshot will
prevent any writes to the VM’s original vmdk file as all subsequent
writes are written to the –delta.vmdk files that the snapshot creates.
You can also use this procedure to cold clone a VM if you do not have
VirtualCenter. To cold clone power off your source VM first and there
is not need to create a snapshot, you can omit steps 3 and 9 below.
1) Login to the Service Console
2) Switch to your VM’s directory, ie. cd /vmfs/volumes/MyVolume/MyVM1
3) To create a snapshot type through the command line
you can use vmware-cmd, the syntax is: “vmware-cmd
4) Next create a new VM (for this example we will call
it MyVM2) on the ESX host using the VI Client. It’s best to assign the
NIC for this VM to an Internal Only vswitch (no physical NIC’s assigned
to the vswitch) so it does not conflict with the existing VM. When it
comes to the hard drive you can accept the 4GB default or make it
smaller since you will be deleting it anyway. Do not power this new VM
5) Switch to your new VM’s directory and delete the
vmdk files it created. Ie. “cd /vmfs/volumes/MyVolume/MyVM2” and then
“rm *.vmdk”, you will be prompted for deletion confirmation of the two
vmdk files for the VM.
6) Switch back to your original VM’s directory, ie. “cd /vmfs/volumes/MyVolume/MyVM1”
7) Use vmkfstools to copy your original disk to the
new VM’s directory, the format is “vmkfstools –i
8) Once the copy completes power on your new VM, you
might run chkdsk on it once it boots since you effectively powered off
the VM while running and powered it back on.
9) You can now delete the original snapshot by typing
How can I disable serial and parallel ports so my VM does not see them?
It is generally a best practice to disable these ports unless your VM needs them, in most cases they do not.
• To do this reboot your VM and hit F2 quickly at the Vmware BIOS
screen, there is a small window to do this and it might take you
several tries. It is usually easier if you open a console window to the
VM while it is powered on and reboot it, then clicking inside the
console window quickly when the BIOS screen comes up then hitting F2.
• On the Advanced tab arrow down and select ‘I/O Device Configuration’ and hit Enter
• Using the plus or minus keys change Serial port A, Serial port B,
Parallel port and also floppy disk controller if you’d like to Disabled.
• Next hit F10 to Save and Exit and select Yes at the confirmation window
Optionally if your VM already had Windows installed when you complete
this the ports will no longer be visible in Device Manager. You can
cleanup the old ports by going to a CMD prompt and typing “set
devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices=1” then in the same window
“devmgmt.msc”. Once Device Manager loads select “Show Hidden Devices”
and you will see the old greyed out ports which you can uninstall.