drop proc sp_dbusage
create proc sp_dbusage
declare dbidcur cursor for select dbid from master.dbo.sysdatabases order by dbid
declare @numpgsmb float
declare @pagekb int
declare @curdbid int
select @numpgsmb = (1048576. / v.low)
from master.dbo.spt_values v
where v.number = 1
and v.type = "E"
select @pagekb = (low / 1024)
from master.dbo.spt_values
where number = 1
and type = 'E'
create table #dbusage (
dbname varchar(16),
fragname varchar(16),
usage char(16),
sizeKB int,
freeKB int
open dbidcur
fetch dbidcur into @curdbid
while (@@sqlstatus = 0)
insert into #dbusage
select db_name(@curdbid), v.name,
size * @pagekb,
when u.segmap = 4 then -1
(curunreservedpgs(@curdbid, u.lstart,
u.unreservedpgs) * @pagekb)
from master.dbo.sysdatabases d,
sysusages u,
master.dbo.sysdevices v,
master.dbo.spt_values a,
master.dbo.spt_values b,
master.dbo.sysmessages m
where d.dbid = u.dbid
and v.low <= u.size + vstart
and v.high >= u.size + vstart - 1
and v.status & 2 = 2
and d.name = db_name(@curdbid)
and a.type = "E"
and a.number = 1
and b.type = "S"
and u.segmap & 7 = b.number
and b.msgnum = m.error
order by 1
fetch dbidcur into @curdbid
close dbidcur
deallocate cursor dbidcur
select *, convert(numeric(10, 2), freeKB * 100.0/sizeKB) as "free(%)" from #dbusage where freeKB != 1
sum(sizeKB) as "data size(KB)",
sum(freeKB) as "data free(KB)",
convert(numeric(10,2), sum(freeKB)*100.0/sum(sizeKB)) as "data free(%)"
#dbusage where freeKB != -1 group by dbname order by 4
the sample out put is as below:
\ |
dbname |
fragname |
usage |
sizeKB |
freeKB |
free(%) |
1 |
master |
master |
data and log |
6144 |
1898 |
30.89 |
2 |
master |
master |
data and log |
55296 |
50808 |
91.88 |
3 |
tempdb |
master |
data and log |
3072 |
1848 |
60.15 |
4 |
tempdb |
temp_device |
data and log |
307200 |
305970 |
99.59 |
5 |
model |
master |
data and log |
2048 |
830 |
40.52 |
6 |
keno |
hotlot_dat01 |
data only |
1024000 |
873436 |
85.29 |
7 |
keno |
hotlot_dat02 |
data only |
1024000 |
1020000 |
99.60 |
8 |
keno |
hotlot_log01 |
log only |
512000 |
-1 |
0.00 |
9 |
open_database |
opendb_dat01 |
data only |
204800 |
199472 |
97.39 |
10 |
open_database |
opendb_log01 |
log only |
102400 |
-1 |
0.00 |
11 |
lottery |
hotlot_dat11 |
data only |
1024000 |
931968 |
91.01 |
12 |
lottery |
hotlot_dat12 |
data only |
1024000 |
1020000 |
99.60 |
13 |
lottery |
hotlot_log11 |
log only |
512000 |
-1 |
0.00 |
14 |
sybsystemdb |
master |
data and log |
2048 |
766 |
37.40 |
15 |
sybsystemprocs |
sysprocsdev |
data and log |
204800 |
156030 |
76.18 |
\ |
dbname |
data size(KB) |
data free(KB) |
data free(%) |
1 |
sybsystemdb |
2048 |
766 |
37.40 |
2 |
model |
2048 |
830 |
40.52 |
3 |
sybsystemprocs |
204800 |
156030 |
76.18 |
4 |
master |
61440 |
52706 |
85.78 |
5 |
keno |
2048000 |
1893436 |
92.45 |
6 |
lottery |
2048000 |
1951968 |
95.31 |
7 |
open_database |
204800 |
199472 |
97.39 |
8 |
tempdb |
310272 |
307818 |
99.20 |
阅读(1378) | 评论(0) | 转发(0) |