2006-11-09 20:13:51
ubuntu上安装Vmware Tools其实是与其他的Linux都一样的,但是ubuntu在图形界面上不能用root登录,但字符界面上可以。所以最重要的步骤是必须先在图形界面上su – root.
How to install Vmware Tools on Ubuntu without X11:
1. Install Ubuntu Server
2. Login
3. Create a root shell:su bash
4. Update your sources:apt-get update
5. Upgrade your installed packages (dist-upgrade to force kernel upgrade):apt-get dist-upgrade
6. Reboot
7. Install packages VMware Tools needs:apt-get install linux-headers-server build-essential
8. Install VMware tools
9. Mount the VMware Tools CD ISO:mount /cdrom
10. Copy VMware Tools to home:cp /cdrom/VmwareTools-x.x.x-xxxxx.tar.gz ~
11. Go home:cd ~
12. Untar/Gzip the install:tar -zxf VmwareTools-x.x.x-xxxxx.tar.gz
13. Go into the resulting directory:cd vmware-tools-distrib
14. Start the installer:./vmware-install.pl
15. Install will ask you questions, the defaults should work fine.
16. Remove the basic AMD PCnet module (if you get errors about building the ethernet driver, run this command and start at step 14 again):rmmod pcnet32
17. Rebuild module dependancies:depmod -a
18. Install the VMware accelerated network interface:modprobe vmxnet
19. Restart network service:/etc/init.d/network restart
20. Reboot