@[admin@fedora bash-5.2.21]$ echo $PS1
[\u@\h \W]\$
@[admin@fedora bash-5.2.21]$
运行bash -x也没有找到什么有用信息,这就很无奈。
export CFLAGS=“-g -O0"
export LDFLAGS="-g -O0"
configure && make
/* Issue a prompt, or prepare to issue a prompt when the next character
is read. */
static void
prompt_again (force)
int force;
/* Redraw the last line of a multi-line prompt that may possibly contain
terminal escape sequences. Called with the cursor at column 0 of the
line to draw the prompt on. */
static void
redraw_prompt (char *t)
char *oldp;
oldp = rl_display_prompt;
rl_save_prompt ();
rl_display_prompt = t;
local_prompt = expand_prompt (t, PMT_MULTILINE, &prompt_visible_length, &prompt_last_invisible, &prompt_invis_chars_first_line, &prompt_physical_chars);
/* Expand the prompt string S and return the number of visible
characters in *LP, if LP is not null. This is currently more-or-less
a placeholder for expansion. LIP, if non-null is a place to store the
index of the last invisible character in the returned string. NIFLP,
if non-zero, is a place to store the number of invisible characters in
the first prompt line. The previous are used as byte counts -- indexes
into a character buffer. *VLP gets the number of physical characters in
the expanded prompt (visible length) */
/* Current implementation: \001 (^A) start non-visible characters \002 (^B) end non-visible characters all characters except \001 and \002 (following a \001) are copied to
the returned string; all characters except those between \001 and
\002 are assumed to be `visible'. */ /* Possible values for FLAGS: PMT_MULTILINE caller indicates that this is part of a multiline prompt */
/* This approximates the number of lines the prompt will take when displayed */
#define APPROX_DIV(n, d) (((n) < (d)) ? 1 : ((n) / (d)) + 1)
static char *
expand_prompt (char *pmt, int flags, int *lp, int *lip, int *niflp, int *vlp)
char *r, *ret, *p, *igstart, *nprompt, *ms;
int l, rl, last, ignoring, ninvis, invfl, invflset, ind, pind, physchars;
int mlen, newlines, newlines_guess, bound, can_add_invis;
int mb_cur_max;
/* We only expand the mode string for the last line of a multiline prompt
(a prompt with embedded newlines). */
ms = (((pmt == rl_prompt) ^ (flags & PMT_MULTILINE)) && _rl_show_mode_in_prompt) ? prompt_modestr (&mlen) : 0;
if (ms)
根据gdb和上面的函数调用可以确定:前两个条件(pmt == rl_prompt) 和 (flags & PMT_MULTILINE)都为真,其决定作用的是_rl_show_mode_in_prompt开关项。
{ "show-all-if-unmodified", &_rl_complete_show_unmodified, 0 },
{ "show-mode-in-prompt", &_rl_show_mode_in_prompt, 0 },
{ "skip-completed-text", &_rl_skip_completed_text, 0 },
再去网上搜show-mode-in-prompt,发现是inputrc(vi ~/.inputrc)里面的一个选项。应该是前段时间玩vi mode的bash shell时打开的。
#set show-mode-in-prompt on
[admin@fedora bash-5.2.21]$ echo $PS1
[\u@\h \W]\$
[admin@fedora bash-5.2.21]$
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