今天在一台机器上全新安装(记住是全新,所有硬盘分区全部格式化的那种)fedora36,安装完毕以后装上parcellite(一个clipboard manager,功能是选中即拷贝,实在是离不开,使用了十多年),发现不能正常使用,这可要了亲命了。好在是在另外一台笔记本上面运行正常。两台安装过程差不多(不是完全一样),一台能用一台不能用就见鬼了。google了好久,没有看到比较类似问题的解决方法。
那就只能在两台机器差异的地方去排查,这两台的差异是:第1台保留了/home分区,第二台完全格式化。终于在第一台发现了/home/xxx/.config/parcellite/parcelliterc文件,而第二台没有。奇怪。使用rpm -ql发现安装包里面不包括这个文件,重新安装也不会自动生成,也没有其他的配置包。这是什么鬼。
先把图标在tray里面显示出来再说,网上查到在gnome升级后需要安装:gnome-shell-extension-appindicator 这个extension,然后还需要在extensions-app里面进行激活。
In any case the system tray is not enabled by default in recent Fedoras, and the proper way to enable it has changed several times in the recent past as Gnome has been upgraded. This outlines the most recent way to do it, and hopefully this one sticks for longer than a year or so.
First you need to install the AppIndicator Gnome shell extension. It is recommended to do that with dnf to ensure that all its dependencies are met and that it is always compatible with your current Gnome version:
> sudo dnf install gnome-shell-extension-appindicator
This installs the extension but does not enable it. You may recall using Gnome Tweaks tool for enabling Gnome Shell extensions, but in Fedora 35 you would just get confused when the "Extensions" tab is completely missing. This is because management of extensions is now done with a standalone Gnome Extensions app, which can be installed like this:
> sudo dnf install gnome-extensions-app
The final step is to launch the Gnome Extensions app:
> gnome-extensions-app
Then enable the AppIndicator extension. Now you should start seeing your system tray applets on the right-hand side of your top pane.
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