[zenoss@localhost root]$ zenbatchload --sample_configs
# Example zenbatchloader device file
#mrua:使用方法,运行zenbatchload 添加设备清单文件(可以是文本文件)
# This file is formatted with one entry per line, like this:
# /Devices/device_class_name Python-expression
# hostname Python-expression
# For organizers (ie the /Devices path), the Python-expression
# is used to define defaults to be used for devices listed
# after the organizer. The defaults that can be specified are:
# * loader arguments (use the --show_options flag to show these)
# * zPropertie (from a device, use the More -> zProperties
# menu option to see the available ones.)
# NOTE: new zProperties *cannot* be created through this file
# The Python-expression is used to create a dictionary of settings.
# device_settings = eval( 'dict(' + python-expression + ')' )
# If no organizer is specified at the beginning of the file,
# defaults to the /Devices/Discovered device class.
device0 comments="A simple device"
# All settings must be seperated by a comma.
device1 comments="A simple device", zSnmpCommunity='blue', zSnmpVer='v1'
# Notes for this file:
# * Oraganizer names *must* start with '/'
/Devices/Server/Linux zSnmpPort=1543
# Python strings can use either ' or " -- there's no difference.
# As a special case, it is also possible to specify the IP address
linux_device1 setManageIp='', zSnmpCommunity='blue', zSnmpVer="v2c"
# A '' at the end of the line allows you to place more
# expressions on a new line. Don't forget the comma...
linux_device2 zLinks="Support site", zTelnetEnable=True, zTelnetPromptTimeout=15.3
# A new organizer drops all previous settings, and allows
# for new ones to be used. Settings do not span files.
/Devices/Server/Windows zWinUser="administrator", zWinPassword='fred'
# Bind templates
windows_device1 zDeviceTemplates=[ 'Device', 'myTemplate' ]
# Override the default from the organizer setting.
windows_device2 zWinUser="administrator", zWinPassword='thomas'
# Apply other settings to the device
settingsDevice setManageIp='', setLocation="123 Elm Street", setSystems='/mySystems', setPerformanceMonitor='remoteCollector1', setHWSerialNumber="abc123456789", setGroups='/myGroup', setHWProduct=('myproductName','manufacturer'), setOSProduct=('OS Name','manufacturer')
# If the device or device class contains a space, then it must be quoted (either ' or ")
"/Server/Windows/WMI/Active Directory/2008"
# Now, what if we have a device that isn't really a device, and requires
# a special loader?
# The 'loader' setting requires a registered utility, and 'loader_arg_keys' is
# a list from which any other settings will be passed into the loader callable.
# Here is a commmented-out example of how a VMware endpoint might be added:
#/Devices/VMware loader='vmware', loader_arg_keys=['host', 'username', 'password', 'useSsl', 'id']
#esxwin2 id='esxwin2', host='esxwin2.zenoss.loc', username='testuser', password='password', useSsl=True