■in release 10g Oracle’s network support is limited to:
②Named Pipes (or NMP),
③the new Sockets Direct Protocol(or SDP) over InfiniBand high-speed networks.
④The secure sockets variants of these protocols can also be used
⑤All operating systems also have an Inter-Process Communication (or IPC) protocol proprietary to the operating system—this is also available to Oracle Net for local connections where the user process is on the same machine as the server
■Techniques for Name Resolution:
①Easy Connect:
SQL> conn gau001/gaudi@
②Local Naming:use tnsnames.ora file.
(SERVICE_NAME = gaudi)
test =
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = serv2.haunting.com)(PORT = 1521))
(sid = testdb)
There need be no relationship between the alias, the service name, and the instance name, but for the sake of your sanity you will usually keep them the same.
③Directory Naming
・points the user toward an LDAP(the Lightweight Directory Protocol) directory server to resolve aliases.
・offers a central repository, the directory server, for all your name resolution details
④External Naming
is conceptually similar to directory naming, but it uses third-party naming services
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