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  • 博客访问: 996403
  • 博文数量: 358
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  • 用 户 组: 普通用户
  • 注册时间: 2008-10-15 16:27

The views and opinions expressed all for my own,only for study and test, not reflect the views of Any Company and its affiliates.










分类: Oracle

2009-04-23 16:50:11



11:06:52 SQL> select sess.SID, segtype, blocks*8/1000 "MB" ,sql_text
11:08:37   2 from v$sort_usage sort, v$session sess ,v$sql
11:08:37   3 where sort.SESSION_ADDR = sess.SADDR
11:08:37   4 and sql.sql_id = sess.sql_id
11:08:37   5 order by blocks desc;

       SID SEGTYPE           MB SQL_TEXT
---------- --------- ---------- ------------------------------
       131 SORT        3667.968 select * from dba_objects a,db
                                a_objects b order by 1

11:08:38 SQL> /

       SID SEGTYPE           MB SQL_TEXT
---------- --------- ---------- ------------------------------
       131 SORT        3734.528 select * from dba_objects a,db
                                a_objects b order by 1

11:09:00 SQL> select 'the '||name||' temp tablespaces '||tablespace_name||' idle
'||round(100-(s.tot_used_blocks/s.total_blocks)*100,3)||'% at '||to_char(sysdat
11:09:24   2 from
11:09:24   3          (select d.tablespace_name tablespace_name,
11:09:24   4                                          nvl(sum(used_blocks),0) to
11:09:24   5                                          sum(blocks) total_blocks
11:09:24   6           from v$sort_segment v ,dba_temp_files d
11:09:24   7           where d.tablespace_name=v.tablespace_name(+)
11:09:24   8           group by d.tablespace_name) s, v$database;



the ORCL temp tablespaces TEMP idle .027% at 20081007110925


10:44:56 SQL> select * from dba_objects a,dba_objects b order by 1;
C:\Documents and Settings\weifengz>
C:\Documents and Settings\weifengz>


11:12:23 SQL> select sess.SID, segtype, blocks*8/1000 "MB" ,sql_text
11:12:24   2 from v$sort_usage sort, v$session sess ,v$sql sql
11:12:24   3 where sort.SESSION_ADDR = sess.SADDR
11:12:24   4 and sql.sql_id = sess.sql_id
11:12:24   5 order by blocks desc;

       SID SEGTYPE           MB SQL_TEXT
---------- --------- ---------- ------------------------------
       131 SORT        4314.112 select * from dba_objects a,db
                                a_objects b order by 1

11:12:25 SQL>
11:12:33 SQL> /

       SID SEGTYPE           MB SQL_TEXT
---------- --------- ---------- ------------------------------
       131 SORT        4337.664 select * from dba_objects a,db
                                a_objects b order by 1

11:12:35 SQL>
11:12:36 SQL> /

       SID SEGTYPE           MB SQL_TEXT
---------- --------- ---------- ------------------------------
       131 SORT        4345.856 select * from dba_objects a,db
                                a_objects b order by 1

11:12:37 SQL>
11:12:40 SQL> /

       SID SEGTYPE           MB SQL_TEXT
---------- --------- ---------- ------------------------------
       131 SORT        4359.168 select * from dba_objects a,db
                                a_objects b order by 1

11:12:41 SQL>
11:12:50 SQL>
11:12:51 SQL> /

       SID SEGTYPE           MB SQL_TEXT
---------- --------- ---------- ------------------------------
       131 SORT        4378.624 select * from dba_objects a,db
                                a_objects b order by 1

11:12:51 SQL>
11:12:53 SQL>
11:12:53 SQL>
11:12:53 SQL> /

       SID SEGTYPE           MB SQL_TEXT
---------- --------- ---------- ------------------------------
       131 SORT        4383.744 select * from dba_objects a,db
                                a_objects b order by 1

11:12:54 SQL>
11:12:57 SQL>
11:13:53 SQL>
11:13:53 SQL> /

       SID SEGTYPE           MB SQL_TEXT
---------- --------- ---------- ------------------------------
       131 SORT        4553.728 select * from dba_objects a,db
                                a_objects b order by 1

11:13:54 SQL> /

       SID SEGTYPE           MB SQL_TEXT
---------- --------- ---------- ------------------------------
       131 SORT        4799.488 select * from dba_objects a,db
                                a_objects b order by 1


11:15:55 SQL> select sid,serial#,status from v$session where sid=131;

---------- ---------- --------
       131         16 ACTIVE

11:16:02 SQL> alter system kill session '131,16';


11:16:33 SQL> select sid,serial#,status from v$session where sid=131;



11:19:57 SQL> l
1 select sess.SID, segtype, blocks*8/1000 "MB" ,sql_text
2 from v$sort_usage sort, v$session sess ,v$sql sql
3 where sort.SESSION_ADDR = sess.SADDR
4 and sql.sql_id = sess.sql_id
5* order by blocks desc
11:19:58 SQL> /


11:19:59 SQL> select 'the '||name||' temp tablespaces '||tablespace_name||' idle
'||round(100-(s.tot_used_blocks/s.total_blocks)*100,3)||'% at '||to_char(sysdat
11:20:12   2 from
11:20:12   3          (select d.tablespace_name tablespace_name,
11:20:12   4                                          nvl(sum(used_blocks),0) to
11:20:12   5                                          sum(blocks) total_blocks
11:20:12   6           from v$sort_segment v ,dba_temp_files d
11:20:12   7           where d.tablespace_name=v.tablespace_name(+)
11:20:12   8           group by d.tablespace_name) s, v$database;



the ORCL temp tablespaces TEMP idle 100% at 20081007112013


11:09:25 SQL> select decode(sign(round(100*((UNDOB-UNDO*DBS)/UNDOB),0)-10), 1,'
11:10:10   2                            decode(sign(round(100*((UNDOB-UNDO*DBS)/
UNDOB),0)-20), 1,'warning:','error:'))
11:10:10   3                            ||' the '||instance_name||' undo tablesp
ace '||tablespace_name||' total space '
11:10:10   4                            ||UNDOB/1024/1024||'MB used space '||rou
nd((UNDO*DBS/1024/1024),0)||'MB idle '||
11:10:10   5                            round(100*((UNDOB-UNDO*DBS)/UNDOB),0)||'
% at '||to_char(sysdate,'yyyymmddhh24miss') as a
11:10:10   6 FROM
11:10:10   7                            (select instance_name from V$instance),

11:10:10   8                            (select nvl(sum(undoblks),0) UNDO from v
11:10:10   9                                                            where be
gin_time >(select sysdate - UR/(3600*24) from
11:10:10 10                                                            (select
value as UR from v$parameter where name='undo_retention'))),
11:10:10 11                            (select value as DBS from v$parameter w
here name='db_block_size'),
11:10:10 12                            (select sum(bytes) as UNDOB,tablespace_n
ame from dba_data_files
11:10:10 13                    where tablespace_name=(select upper(value) as UN
11:10:10 14                    from v$parameter where name='undo_tablespace')
11:10:10 15                    group by tablespace_name);


normal: the orcl undo tablespace UNDOTBS1 total space 105MB used space 0MB idle
100% at 20081007111011

11:11:38 SQL> select tablespace_name,status,sum(bytes)/1024/1024/1024 from dba_u
ndo_extents group by tablespace_name,status;

TABLESPACE_NAME                STATUS    SUM(BYTES)/1024/1024/1024
------------------------------ --------- -------------------------
UNDOTBS1                       UNEXPIRED                .000061035
UNDOTBS1                       EXPIRED                  .041870117


select sess.SID, segtype, blocks*8/1000 "MB" ,sql_text
from v$sort_usage sort, v$session sess ,v$sql sql
where sort.SESSION_ADDR = sess.SADDR
and sql.sql_id = sess.sql_id
order by blocks desc

select 'the '||name||' temp tablespaces '||tablespace_name||' idle '||round(100-(s.tot_used_blocks/s.total_blocks)*100,3)||'% at '||to_char(sysdate,'yyyymmddhh24miss')
        (select d.tablespace_name tablespace_name,
                                        nvl(sum(used_blocks),0) tot_used_blocks,
                                        sum(blocks) total_blocks
         from v$sort_segment v ,dba_temp_files d
         where d.tablespace_name=v.tablespace_name(+)
         group by d.tablespace_name) s, v$database;        
select decode(sign(round(100*((UNDOB-UNDO*DBS)/UNDOB),0)-10), 1,'normal:',
     decode(sign(round(100*((UNDOB-UNDO*DBS)/UNDOB),0)-20), 1,'warning:','error:'))
     ||' the '||instance_name||' undo tablespace '||tablespace_name||' total space '
     ||UNDOB/1024/1024||'MB used space '||round((UNDO*DBS/1024/1024),0)||'MB idle '||
     round(100*((UNDOB-UNDO*DBS)/UNDOB),0)||'% at '||to_char(sysdate,'yyyymmddhh24miss') as a
     (select instance_name from V$instance),
     (select nvl(sum(undoblks),0) UNDO from v$undostat
         where begin_time >(select sysdate - UR/(3600*24) from
         (select value as UR from v$parameter where name='undo_retention'))),
     (select value as DBS from v$parameter where name='db_block_size'),
     (select sum(bytes) as UNDOB,tablespace_name from dba_data_files
        where tablespace_name=(select upper(value) as UNDO
        from v$parameter where name='undo_tablespace')
        group by tablespace_name);

select tablespace_name,status,sum(bytes)/1024/1024/1024 from dba_undo_extents group by tablespace_name,status;

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