■Changing Strorage Settings
■Resizing a Tablespace
①Changing the size of a data file:
-Automatically using AUTOEXTEND
-Manually using ALTER DATABASE
②Adding a data file using ALTER TABLESPACE (Recommend)
SQL>desc dba_free_
SQL>SELECT a.tablespace_name,a.bytes bytes_used,b.largest,round(((a.bytes-b.bytes)/a.bytes)*100,2)percent_used FROM
(SELECT tablespace_name,sum(bytes) bytes FROM dba_data_files GROUP BY tablespace_name)a,
(SELECT tablespace_name,sum(bytes) bytes,max(bytes) largest FROM dba_free_space GROUP BY tablespace_name)b
WHERE a.tablespace_name =b.tablespace_name
ORDER BY ((a.bytes-b.bytes)/a.bytes) DESC
□Enable Automatic Extension of data file
SQL>alter tablespace whenchuan add datafile '/u01/oradata/allan/wenchuan2.dbf'size 20M autoextend on next 10M maxsize 100M
SQL>col file_name a10;
SQL>select file_name,tablespace_name,autoextensible from dba_data_files;
SQL>alter database datafile '/u01/oradata/allen/wenchuan1.dbf' autoextend on next 10M maxsize 100M
□Manually Resizing data file
SQL>col file_name format a40
SQL>col tablespace_name format a15
SQL>select file_name,tablespace_name,bytes from dba_data_files
SQL>select file_name,tablespace_name,bytes from dba_temp_files
SQL>alter database datafile '/u01/oradata/allan/wenchuan1.dbf' resize 40M
SQL>alter database datafile 'u01/oradata/allan/example01.dbf' resize 1 M
□Adding Data Files to a Tablespace
SQL>alter tablespace whenchuan add datafile 'u01/oradata/allan/wenchuan01.dbf' size 100M
■Moving Data files
①SQL>alter tablespace wenchuan offline;
$cp 'u01/oradata/allan/example01.dbf' 'u01/oradata/example01.dbf'
SQL>alter tablespace wenchuan rename datafile ''u01/oradata/allan/example01.dbf' to 'u01/oradataexample01.dbf'
SQL>alter tablespace online;
②SQL>shutdown immediate;
$mv 'u01/oradata/allan/example01.dbf' 'u01/oradata/example01.dbf'
SQL>conn /as sysdba
SQL>startup mount;
SQL>alter database rename file 'u01/oradata/allan/example01.dbf' to 'u01/oradata/example01.dbf'
SQL>alter database startup;
■Dropping Data files
you cant drop a tablespace if it:
is the SYSTEM tablespace;
has active segments;
SQL>drop tablespace wenchuan including contents and datafiles;
■Get Tablespace Information
Tablespace information:
Data file information:
Temp file information:
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