Introducing initramfs, a new model for initial RAM disks
The problem. (Why "root=" doesn't scale.)
the Linux kernel boots the system, it must find and run the first user
program, generally called "init". User programs live in filesystems, so
the Linux kernel must find and mount the first (or "root") filesystem
in order to boot successfully.
Ordinarily, available filesystems
are listed in the file /etc/fstab so the mount program can find them.
But /etc/fstab is itself a file, stored in a filesystem. Finding the
very first filesystem is a chicken and egg problem, and to solve it the
kernel developers created the kernel command line option "root=", to
specify which device the root filesystem lives on.
Fifteen years
ago, "root=" was easy to interpret. It was either a floppy drive or a
partition on a hard drive. These days the root filesystem could be on
dozens of different types of hardware (SCSI, SATA, flash MTD), or even
spread across several of them in a RAID. Its location could move around
from boot to boot, such as hot pluggable USB devices on a system with
multiple USB ports -- when there are several USB devices, which one is
correct? The root filesystem might be compressed (how?), encrypted
(with what keys?), or loopback mounted (where?). It could even live out
on a network server, requiring the kernel to acquire a DHCP address,
perform a DNS lookup, and log in to a remote server (with username and
password), all before the kernel can find and run the first userspace
These days, "root=" just isn't enough information. Even
hard-wiring tons of special case behavior into the kernel doesn't help
with device enumeration, encryption keys, or network logins that vary
from system to system. Worse, programming the kernel to perform these
kind of complicated multipart tasks is like writing web software in
assembly language: it can be done, but it's considerably easier to
simply use the proper tools for the job. The kernel is designed to
follow orders, not give them.
With no end to this
ever-increasing complexity in sight, the kernel developers decided to
back up and find a better way to deal with the whole problem.
The solution
2.6 kernels bundle a small ram-based initial root filesystem into the
kernel, and if this filesystem contains a program called "/init" the
kernel runs that as its first program. At that point, finding some
other filesystem containing some other program to run is no longer the
kernel's problem, but is now the job of the new program.
contents of initramfs don't have to be general purpose. If a given
system's root filesystem lives on an encrypted network block device,
and the network address, login, and decryption key are all to be found
on a USB device named "larry" (which requires a password to access),
that system's initramfs can have a special-purpose program that knows
all about that, and makes it happen.
For systems that don't need a large root filesystem, there's no need to locate or switch to any other root filesystem.
How is this different from initrd?
linux kernel already had a way to provide a ram-based root filesystem,
the initrd mechanism. For 2.4 and earlier kernels, initrd is still the
only way to do this sort of thing. But the kernel developers chose to
implement a new mechanism in 2.6 for several reasons.
ramdisk vs ramfs
ramdisk (like initrd) is a ram based block device, which means it's a
fixed size chunk of memory that can be formatted and mounted like a
disk. This means the contents of the ramdisk have to be formatted and
prepared with special tools (such as mke2fs and losetup), and like all
block devices it requires a filesystem driver to interpret the data at
runtime. This also imposes an artificial size limit that either wastes
space (if the ramdisk isn't full, the extra memory it takes up still
can't be used for anything else) or limits capacity (if the ramdisk
fills up but other memory is still free, you can't expand it without
reformatting it).
But ramdisks actually waste even more memory
due to caching. Linux is designed to cache all files and directory
entries read from or written to block devices, so Linux copies data to
and from the ramdisk into the "page cache" (for file data), and the
"dentry cache" (for directory entries). The downside of the ramdisk
pretending to be a block device is it gets treated like a block device.
few years ago, Linus Torvalds had a neat idea: what if Linux's cache
could be mounted like a filesystem? Just keep the files in cache and
never get rid of them until they're deleted or the system reboots?
Linus wrote a tiny wrapper around the cache called "ramfs", and other
kernel developers created an improved version called "tmpfs" (which can
write the data to swap space, and limit the size of a given mount point
so it fills up before consuming all available memory). Initramfs is an
instance of tmpfs.
These ram based filesystems automatically
grow or shrink to fit the size of the data they contain. Adding files
to a ramfs (or extending existing files) automatically allocates more
memory, and deleting or truncating files frees that memory. There's no
duplication between block device and cache, because there's no block
device. The copy in the cache is the only copy of the data. Best of
all, this isn't new code but a new application for the existing Linux
caching code, which means it adds almost no size, is very simple, and
is based on extremely well tested infrastructure.
A system using
initramfs as its root filesystem doesn't even need a single filesystem
driver built into the kernel, because there are no block devices to
interpret as filesystems. Just files living in memory.
Initrd vs initramfs
change in underlying infrastructure was a reason for the kernel
developers to create a new implementation, but while they were at it
they cleaned up a lot of bad behavior and assumptions.
was designed as front-end to the old "root=" root device detection
code, not a replacement for it. It ran a program called "/linuxrc"
which was intended to perform setup functions (like logging on to the
network, determining which of several devices contained the root
partition, or associating a loopback device with a file), tell the
kernel which block device contained the real root device (by writing
the de_t number to /proc/sys/kernel/real-root-dev), and then return to
the kernel so the kernel could mount the real root device and execute
the real init program.
This assumed that the "real root device"
was a block device rather than a network share, and also assumed that
initrd wasn't itself going to be the real root filesystem. The kernel
didn't even execute "/linuxrc" as the special process ID 1, because
that process ID (and its special properties like being the only process
that can not be killed with "kill -9") was reserved for init, which the
kernel was waiting to run after it mounted the real root filesystem.
initramfs, the kernel developers removed all these assumptions. Once
the kernel launches "/init" out of initramfs, the kernel is done making
decisions and can go back to following orders. With initramfs, the
kernel doesn't care where the real root filesystem is (it's initramfs
until further notice), and the "/init" program from initramfs is run as
a real init, with PID 1. (If initramfs's init needs to hand that
special Process ID off to another program, it can use the exec()
syscall just like everybody else.)
traditional root= kernel command-line option is still supported and
usable, but new developments in the types of initial RAM disks
supported by the kernel provide many optimizations and much-needed
flexibility for the future of the Linux kernel. The next article in
this series, available in next month's issue of TimeSource, explains
how you can start making the transition to the new initramfs initial
RAM disk mechanism.
Copyright (c) 2006, TimeSys Corp. All
rights reserved. Reproduced by LinuxDevices.com with permission. This
article was initially published in the .
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