安装软件有两种方法,一是直接下载特定于某个系统的已编译好的二进制安装包(比如apt-get install, yum install),另一个则是从源码安装。源码安装的好处是可以跟踪最新版本的软件,因为有的软件库可能未及时更新所有的软件包。
安装Git需要依赖的库有curl, zlib, openssl, perl,expat, asciidoc, xmlto等,可以查看源码目录下的INSTALL文件,里面对于依赖库有详细的描述(以下列举了开头部分):
- - Git is reasonably self-sufficient, but does depend on a few external
programs and libraries. Git can be used without most of them by adding
the approriate "NO_=YesPlease" to the make command line or
config.mak file.
- "zlib", the compression library. 。。。。以下省略若干条目
- Because compiling from sources is considered “development” work, the normal binary versions of installed libraries are not sufficient. Instead, you need the -dev versions because the development variants also supply header files required during compilation.
- /×
* 将Git安装到 home directory
$> cd git-1.7.4
$> ./configure
$> make all doc
#> make install install-doc // use root
- /*
* 将Git安装到指定位置 /usr
$> cd git-1.7.4
$> ./configure --prefix=/usr
$> make all doc
#> make install install-doc // use root
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